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[[A/N: As a new writer on wattpad. I feel really honored that I get votes on my story. So I really appreciate those who would vote for every chapter. ARIGATO!!!!!!! (g>o<)g

Italic = English]]

"Yo! Mizu, long time no see!" A girl with green braided hair walked up to her. "I see that you're late." Mizumi told her. "Tehe~ Modeling, you know how it is."

Mizumi face palmed when she heard her friend say this. "Where are they?" She asked getting impatient by every passing second. "Don't worry~ They'll be here in three... two.." just then three guys came with red, yellow and violet colored hair.

'They kind of resemble them huh?' Mizumi thought to herself. "How're you Mizu?" The violet haired guy asked. "I'm fine" She was bored at how they always greet whenever they meet. (Ehh, it rhymes. Hihi)

"By the way, what school do you go to?" The green haired girl asked. "Where else? To Teiko ofcourse" waving her hand she turned around. "Don't turn your back to us, Mizu" the yellow haired guy taller than her said. "Whatever, I'm hungry so let's go eat somewhere and talk" she walked away and the rest just followed. They were casually talking with each other, and mostly got stares cause they were speaking in English.

Mizumi led them to Maji burger. They ordered their food and sat where no one would bother listening to them. "Enough with the english. I know you can all speak japanese." sighing she bit on her burger.

"Sorry, we're just used to speaking in english." The girl said. "Now tell me. What do you plan on doing?" All four of them changed expressions. The yellow haired guy was the one to answer. "We plan on going to different schools. I suggested to make Inter high a bit interesting. But the other three would be delayed."  Mizumi raised her brow at him. "School?"

The yellow one answered, "Rakuzan High". The girl will go to Touou with her brother. The violet one will go to Shutoku and the Red one to Kaijo. "Hmm? I wonder if Teiko would lose?" Mizumi thought out loud. "I wonder if we'll win?" The others said, then they all laughed.

"Where are the other two going?" She asked, excited to know where her friends will attend. "They will each go to Yosen high and Seirin high." Seirin? Must be a new school. "Okay..... Do you guys have a place to stay, yet?" Looking at her friends she sweatdropped once they shook their heads. "Fine! Stay at my place!" "Arigato~ Mizumi/Fumi/Mizu-chan!" They all said in chorus while Mizumi face planted on the table.

[[A/N: here again.. just wanted to say sorry because its too short.. wait for the next one.. it'll be ready in a few]]

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