Introduction for The GoG's

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[[A/N: I got a bit lazy so I skipped the training part. hehe~ Gomen if you don't like skipping parts...]]

Mizumi's POV

Inter High will finally start tomorrow! I'm so excited that I would jump high, if only my body wasn't so sore from Momoi and Akashi's intense training! They made me run a thousand laps around the entire school just because I was late for 1 minute!!! JUST.1.MINUTE!! And more... our school is VERY HUGE!!

"I can't believe that you're still sore. That kind of training is just a bit of our regular training." I looked up at Akashi and grabbed his shirt. "Please tell me that your joking. Please!" I practically begged him to say if he was joking... "No I'm not" That's it. I'm dead.... Goodbye to my happy life.. I laid down and acted to slowly die...

"Stop acting like this is so tough for you. I'm sure the training you got when you were a player for nationals and the WNBA was even more intense." Aomine said sitting on a chair. We were at the gym and no one else was here except for me and the GoM. "Uh.. no, it wasn't. To tell you the truth.. this is the toughest training I received next to my uncle's. No one can beat his training menu" They nodded their heads in agreement and i'm sure they're thinking of how they were before my uncle left.

"Then tell us, what kind of training did you undergo during your middle school?" As usual, Akashi is really interested in my past. Considering that I did have an adventurous middle school experience. "Well........... I didn't get any training... at all." twirling a strand of hair in my hand. I look at them with a blank expression.

"I was known as one of the Generation of Gods." let me guess..... this time, Kise will ask in his happy tone.. "Is the Generation of Gods just like us, Mizumicchi? Are they? Are they?" I knew it!

"Well yeah... we were just a bunch of people who love basketball. But we became so strong that no one can beat our full team. In America, I was the first one to become one GoG... Then my school's team followed... We even created a rule which is the 5on1 match to be legal on a basketball league against us." They looked amazed at what I said...

I don't like talking about my middle school life 'cause sometimes. Someone tends to see that way as me bragging that I'm great and what not to say about me. I hate things like that happening. Kanata sometimes gets pulled into that kind of situation, too. That's another reason why I want to avoid it. Kanata's a straight A student. Her reputation is to die for... 

"Hey! When will you let me meet your model friend! I really want to see her! Oooh~ And her brother to!" Kanata suddenly yelled from the gym's door. "You have a model friend, Mizumicchi?? Tell me her name-ssu!!! I might know her!!!! Come on! Come on! Come on!!!" Kise whined while pulling my arm. "Alright! Just stop pulling my arm! Do you want me to lose an arm or what!" Sheesh! My body's still sore and he thinks about pulling my arm. How nice of him! Note the sarcasm.

"Her name is Nanase Luca. She's our manager back in America.. *sigh* maybe I should tell you about my old teammates and additional info... their hair color is definitely like yours..*smiles innocently* .. The first one is our captain, Minamoto Satomi, has yellow hair-" "Just like mine!!!" -Kise... I looked at him coldly. "Die, Ryouta." I mumbled before he walked to a corner and sulked about no one loving him. That's what he gets for interrupting me.

"Okay! What was I saying?... Oh yeah.. Sato-kun is very serious anytime on the court. And is practically crowned as the best point guard. But he's already a third year. Next is Yoshioka Kagari, he has red hair, his attitude is kind of a mix of Kise and Aomine. He is very childish, and a bit of a pervert sometimes. I hate that guy. He's a third year like Sato-kun." I stopped for a bit cause I received a message.

From: Unknown number

I changed my number!! Just wanted all you guys to know..........And also... I won't go easy on any of you. Not even you Fumi..

I already know who this is from.

"Kagari-kun calls me and Sato-kun differently..... I won't tell you what he calls me.. you'll know it.. eventually........... Next! let's see..Hmm, Kitsumo Shei. First year like us. Has Violet hair and is very skillful at shooting 3-pointers. but often lacks on academics.. Nanase Kamui, Luca-chan's brother. He has green hair like his sister, often sleeps in class but gets high grades and doesn't like to play in games.. He's the most stupi- I mean stubborn of us all... Yep, stubborn."

*looks over at Aomine*

"Why are you looking at me? ....... Are you saying I'm the most stubborndest of us here?!" he yelled. pfftt- stubborndest.

"I did not say anything, I just looked at you cause the next one i'm gonna mention has your hair color. That's all,... Pffftttt Stubborndest?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I couldn't help it anymore! I laughed so hard that I think I was even rolling on the ground! "Is there a word like Stubborndest?" I ask him. "Well... yea- I mean.. no." "Nice try though."  After a while I huffed and finally let my laughter subside. The others were doing their own thing.

Murasakibara was eating snacks. Akashi and Midorima were playing Shogi, which I know Midorima will lose...again. Kise was still sulking in the corner. Momoi was hugging Kuroko......Wait! She's killing him! "Momoi-san! Kuroko's already purple!!" She let him go in surprise and helped Kuroko lay down. "I swear. She will be the death of him. LITERALLY" I mumbled to myself.

"Mizumi, please continue. I want to know more about your so called 'Generation of Gods' " Akashi said not looking up from the board. "Sure. Down with the last two.. Tochiko Yusuke and Hirijikawa Makishima. Totally opposite people. Yusuke-kun has Dark blue hair while Maki-kun has light blue. Yusuke-kun is the fastest of us all and is practically the one with least common sense while Maki-kun is the second smartest. He calculates everything and knows when a shot will miss or not. He is the greatest when it comes to defending. Its his specialty..... That's all I can say. I'm sure that they all improved, too." just as I finished talking. Akashi defeated Midorima. "Checkmate" Midorima groaned and pushed his glasses.

"I doubt that there is someone that stands a chance against you." He mumbled. I'm sure Akashi heard that too. "Whatever. Move aside. I don't want to stay still when Inter High is already tomorrow. My brain needs to get worked up." I stated as I pushed Midorima aside. So now, i'm facing Akashi and we placed the pieces on its proper place and started.

10 minutes later

"Grrr....... How long is this gonna take??" -Kise. After a while of me and Akashi playing, each of them started watching us. Me and Akashi were both left with only two pieces each. "I think that this is the longest game of Shogi that I have witnessed, with Akashi-kun playing." Kuroko stated making everyone except me and Akashi, to jump. "Stop that Kuroko!" Aomine yelled. "But I was here the whole time." I'm sure he doesn't have a bit of expression on his face. *Sigh*

After another 5 minutes, we ended up with a draw. I don't know if that's possible. But it did happen. "Akashi-kun hasn't had a record of a draw in his entire life." Momoi said making me look at her. "He doesn't?" I looked at Akashi who had a shocked expression. "Sorry, I ruined your winning streak." I apologized which caught everyone in surprise. What is wrong with them? One small thing you do and/or say, they get surprised.

"What?" "You don't have to apologize.. It's no big deal." Akashi said making everyone look at him. Again, with a shocked expression. "You did not defeat me. Therefore, it means that you are only on par with me." He stated making us nod.

"Alright then. *looks over to see Kanata trying to shoot a basketball* Kanata! Watch our game tomorrow, 'kay?" She missed the shot and her face grew red. "S-Sure!" I laughed at her expression. Inter High is finally tomorrow. I want things to be fast so I can finally face one of them!!!

[[A/N: Sorry! I was supposed to update this last night but I forgot... Mehehe~ pls. Vote and comment if you liked it.]]

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