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[[A/N: I'm reeeeeally really sorry it took long to update!!! I had a little writer's block and our internet connection wasn't working!!! I hope you would like this part..]]

3rd person's POV

On the way back to the court. Akashi bumped into someone. The guy didn't say anything and just continued walking and Akashi could only remember his purple hair and a Shutoku jacket. He shrugged and hurriedly went to the court.

Meanwhile, Momoi was trying her best to not fall asleep but was failing. Her eyes shut closed.... Then the door was harshly opened. She shot up and looked at the person who came in. He had purple hair and had a worried look on his face. "Ano...... Who are you?" Momoi asked but the guy didn't seem to hear her. He went beside Mizumi and held her hand. "You didn't need to do that. I wish you weren't so stubborn." the guy muttered. 'He knows her?' Momoi thought.

"But it's still their fault. They didn't need to wait that long. They could've entered during the second quarter...... I'm sorry but I won't go easy on them..." he stopped for a bit and looked at Momoi. "Tell them to be careful.... They'll pay." Afterwards he left. Momoi didn't know what just happened. 'A guy who probably knows Mizumi came in and just left, saying things that I don't understand..... What's going on???' Momoi kept on asking this questions and repeating the scenario that happened in her head..

Meanwhile... the guys were having a hard time against Seiho since they were still thinking about what happened.

"Teiko Time-out"

Because of that Akashi called for a time out. He looked at his team and snapped his fingers. Each of them shivered with fright when they saw a glaring Akashi. "All of you need to focus on winning the game. That is our main goal. Unnecessary thoughts are not allowed on the court." he said sternly.

"Demo, Akashi-kun. What happened was just unexpected. And also everyone cares for Mizumi-san." Kuroko stated with a blank expression. "I am very well aware of that Tetsuya. I care for her too. But that doesn't count as an excuse." Midorima pushed up his glasses and let out a breath after hearing what Akashi said. "Akashi is right. For now, we should focus on the game. We can think about her once were done." Then all of them wore a very serious face. "Seiho needs to be prepared." Akashi muttered before going onto the court again.










The game was completely destroyed with a score of 162-51... Seiho didn't manage to score after that time-out.

After the game, Akashi along with everyone else went to see Mizumi.

When they arrived, a doctor was checking her. This wasn't the same doctor from before, and Akashi realized it.

Akashi's POV

After realizing that this was a different doctor. I asked Momoi what's going on. "She said she's Mi-chan's doctor. She even showed some of Mi-chan's health records and talked to Mi-chan's parents about it, too. Her name is Yuuki Mashiro." Momoi explained. I looked over at the doctor and saw that she was writing something down. "Excuse me, Yuuki-sensei?" I called out and she looked up. "I'm Akashi Seijuro, a friend of Mizumi. I wanted to ask how she's doing." I calmly stated. She frowned a bit but then smiled. "Mizumi is going to be fine. She just needs to rest for atleast three days. And that means NO BASKETBALL."

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