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My name is Toga Himiko. I'm currently 5 years old. I'm an only child. My parents are the villains known as Blood and Transformer. Their real names are Shoto Himiko (father) and Momo Himiko (mother) (not actually Momo Yaoyorozu and Shoto Todoroki. I put these names for a reason... You'll see... 😏😏😏)

My mother's quirk was transform and my dad's quirk was blood manipulation. The reason I said was is because they're dead now... Here's what happened...

I was 5 years old. I was going out on a walk. I snuck out actually because my parents don't let me go out because they're villains. Anyway... I was headed to the park when I saw a green haired boy getting bullied by a blonde haired guy.

I wanted to ignore it but something inside me told me to do something and not just stand there.

I ran over and listened to what was happening.

"Deku! Stop protecting this little wimp! Fight me you quirkless Deku!" The blonde said.

" K-Kacchan... Don't hurt him! " The green boy said.

Before I knew it the blonde was exploding the green boy.

I ran over.

I hear the blonde say.

"Who are you?" He yells angrily.

" Stop whatever this is... Now! "I say.

" oh I'm so scared. " He says sarcastically.

He tries to blast explosions at me but I dodge them.I

I turn around and kick him in the stomach.

"Leave them alone!" I yell.

He gets back up and I go into a fighting stance.

He charges at me and I side step.

He lands on his face.

"Stop whatever this is NOW!" I yell.

He gets up and I punch his face.

His nose starts to bleed and I see him run off.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask.

" Y-Yeah... Thanks by the way. I'm Izuku Midoriya. " he says.

"Hi, I'm Toga Kimiko." I say.

" Really!? You're last name reminds me of those villains... Um... Blood and Transformer. The Himikos. " he says.

I feel myself sweating.

"Let's go and chat somewhere private." I say.

He nods.

We go to an abandoned beach with trash everywhere.

"Promise you won't say anything to anyone... Please?" I beg.

He nods. Then we pinky promise.

"My real name is Toga Himiko... Yes my parents are villains... I have multiple quirks but you can trust me... My parents want me to be a villain like them... But... When I saw you... I needed to do something... So yeah... My quirks are, Transform, Blood Minipulation, Fire, Water and Ice, Decay, and Creation... I know its a lot but I've learned how to use all of them correctly.

My drawbacks are burning, frostbite, I could accidentally decay my own skin, I could faint if I use Blood Minipulation too much, and yeah... To transform all I need a a small drop of blood. If I like it and concentrate I transform into the person the blood came from. when I use Blood Minipulation, I cut myself and my blood turns into anything I want it to... But when I'm done using Blood Minipulation, I have to use blood bags with the same blood type as mine so I don't pass out. Fire and Water are self-explainable. For Decay, I have to have all five of my fingers on anything and it decays. As long as one of my fingers aren't touching the item it's fine. For Creation I think of the item I want to make. It comes out of any part of my body buy it can't be covered by clothing. " I say.

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now