Ch. 11: Trouble/Interrogated

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I'm wrapped in Aizawa-Sensei's tape.

"What was in that note Toga!?" He asks.

"Something personal for only me to know about. The person who destroyed the gate knew I'd find it. The person who destroyed the gate knew what I'd do. That's all I'm saying and you can't get me to say anything else." I say.

" me and the other teachers will find out. Toga Kumiko. " Aizawa-Sensei says.

He still has me tied up.

"Can you let me go!?" I say.

" No. You're coming with me to the principal's office. Everyone else you have a free period until we solve this. " Aizawa-Sensei says.

I'm dragged into the principal's office by Aizawa-Sensei. I see every teacher as well as the principal.

"Toga found a note by the gate. It had something the do with her. I was going to read it but she burned it." Aizawa-Sensei explains.

"Toga... What was in the note?" Principal Nezu asks.

" I'm not saying anything besides what I've told Aizawa-Sensei. The person who destroyed the gate knew what I'd do and knew I'd find it. That's all. You're not getting anything else out of me. No matter what you do. I rather die than tell you! " I scream.

"Fine. We'll do it the hard way. Put your hero suit on... Meet in the area where you did the tests on the first day of school." Aizawa-Sensei says.

I go to the locker room and text the League.

T- Read your note. Shota Aizawa found out. He's also my teacher. About to fight or whatever. I'm not revealing who you guy's are or where you are. About to possibly die. If I live I'll text you guys or visit. If I get my phone taken away... Look for me but don't get caught. I miss you all. I need to go.

I decide to text Sho-chan, Katsu, and Izu-kun in a group chat.

T- About to possibly die to teachers. It was nice to meet you and get to know you guys better. If I live... I'll see you later.

I turn off my phone and silence it.

I put on my hero suit.

In case you forgot what it looks like

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In case you forgot what it looks like. It's black and red.

I walk towards the training area to find all of my classmates watching.

I see Katsu, Sho-chan, and Izu-kun.

"Ready?" They ask.

" too beat your asses or die than tell you. Yes. " I say.

They all charge at me and Aizawa-Sensei erases my quirk.

I see that he erased my fire quirk.

"Tch. Did you forget?" I say.

I create ice shards and cut the tape.

"I have more than 1 quirk." I say.

I see All Might.

He charges towards me.

I disintegrate his left arm.

"Oops. don't make me kill you all... You are my teachers. But don't kill me if I don't kill you. Also... I'd be very careful when you fight me..." I say.

Midnight tries to put me to sleep but I'm immune.

"What!" She yells.

" I'm immune. I've been through way worse than being knocked out by perfume. " i say.

After I while every one of the teachers are injured.

"Don't make me kill you." I say.

" use all the power you have. I know you're not using everything you got. " All Might says.


All Might punches me over and over.

My body is limp.

"Izu-kun... Katsu... Sho-chan... Be ready!" I yell.

They look confused.

I start laughing like a maniac.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Published: 10/2/19

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now