Ch. 10: Seats/Texting/Disintegrated/Trouble

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We see that the desks are rearranged.

We sit in our assigned seats.

Me, Katsu, Sho-chan, and Izu-kun are in a group.

Momo, Mina, Ochaco, and Jiro are in a group.

Aoyama, Ojiro, Shoji and Sero are in a group.

Sato, Toru, Kaminari, and Koda are in a group.

Kiri, Iida, Tsu, and Tokoyami are in a group.

Mineta is by himself thankfully.

"Hey! Why am I by myself!?" Mineta cries.

" Because you're a fucking perverted freak. I know for a fact no one wants to be with someone like you. Sure Kaminari is a bit of a perverted freak too but he at least has boundaries and he's trying not to. He's trying to change. Unlike you. " I say.

Before anyone can respond, Aizawa-Sensei walks in.

After a while I start to get bored.

I go on my phone and text the League.

T- Toga
Shiga- Tomura
D- Dabi
Kuro- Kurigiri

T- Hey. How are you guys doing? and yes I am in class but its super boring and I already know this stuff.

Shiga- We miss you... We understand that you want to change. I just wish you could visit.

T- Me too. What have you guys been doing recently?

Kuro- Not much... We can't really think of a plan yet since you left.

T- Oh... How has All for one been?

D- Not good. He's actually crying. He might change his mind about letting you not visit.

T- Wait... The most powerful villain ever is... Crying because of me leaving?

Shiga- Yeah... We all really miss you.

T- I miss you guys too... So any new recruits?

Kuro- No... We want to keep it the way it is. How have you been?

T- Well... I've only told Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, and Shoto Todoroki about my past. They all know that I was with you guys for 5 years. They all promised to not say anything. The only one who's seen the bar is Katsuki. Other than that everything's good. I hope All for one changes his mind about me not being able to visit. I want to visit you guys so badly. I don't want to disobey All for one though. He isn't my boss anymore but I still gotta respect him... Villain or not... Text me when you leave for a mission and when you come back so I don't text you guys. I don't want me to be the reason you all are caught by the police or heroes. I should go before I'm caught. I miss you all. I'll text you guys later. Bye. 😊

I put my phone away and look up at Aizawa-Sensei.

He runs out of the classroom.

"Uh... What happened?" I ask.

" Didn't you pat attention? Someone destroyed the UA gate. Aizawa-Sensei went to go check it out. They think it might be a villain. " Iida says.

My eyes go wide and I try to run out of the room.

Before I can leave Katsu grabs onto my arm.

"Let me go Katsuki Bakugo..." I say.

" you need to stay here. " he says.

I activate my ice quirk and freeze him to the ground.

He lets go and Sho-chan works on thawing him.

I run out of the room.

I run out of the school and run to the rate.

"Toga! You need to be in the classroom! What are you-" Aizawa-Sensei starts.

I interrupt him and say.

"Shush! I'm looking at the damage. " I say.

I crouch down and puck up pieces of the destroyed gate.


"Shiga...." I whisper to myself.

I find a note in the ashes.

I pick it up.

We miss you. Got your text. We all wanted to try and take you back with us. All for one hasn't chosen on what he wants yet. I disintegrated the gate. We looked around for you. Decided you were in class so we left. - Shiga.

I crumble up the note and put it in my pocket.

I sigh and go inside.

T- Did you have to disintegrate the gate? You could've just told me. Plus I'd be going against All for one's wishes. You all know that I can't do that. I need to go. Bye.

Shiga- Sorry. We're going on a mission. Text you when we get back. Bye.

I turn off my phone.

I head inside and sit in my seat.

Aizawa-Sensei enters soon after.

"Toga... I know there was a note. Let me see it." He says.

I get out of my seat.

I'm about to gove it to him when I set it on fire.

"Too bad. It's gone now." I say.

I turn around and try to go to my seat.

Before I can I'm wrapped in Aizawa-Sensei's tape.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Published: 10/1/19

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now