Ch. 20: Coming Back

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I go to the League since they were the only ones who knew... Fully knew what I've been through... They were the only ones who went through what I did... Sure Sho-chan knew but his pain wasn't as bad...

I enter the bar.

I sit at a stool and ask Kuro for some sake. (Saw-kay. How you pronounce it.)

I know I'm underage but I need something to make me feel better.

"Toga... You're underage. No." Kuro says.

Shiga and Tuyo enter the room just as I start yelling.

"No! I don't fucking care if I'm underage you fucking portal! I want sake!... I need it to drown out my pain..." I whisper the last part hoping no one heard.

"No." Kuro says.

"I will fucking murder you if I don't get my sake!" I yell.

I can tell Kuro doesn't believe me.

I pull out my knife and hold it to his neck where the portal doesn't cover.

He doesn't even flinch.

I put my knife back.

I hold all of my fingers except my pinky on his neck.

"I will fucking turn you to dust if I don't get my sake!" I yell.

He knows I'm not joking this time.

I let go and gets me some sake.

He gives it to me and I drink it.

He continues to give me 2 more shots.

I hop behind the counter.

I grab the bottle and drink out of it.

I continue to drown myself in sake to make the pain go away.

After a couple more gulps it's gone.

I try to find more.


"Oi! Fucking portal! Make more sake!" I order.

He gets right on it.

After 5 minutes he gives me the bottle.

"Oi! Make a shit ton more." I say.

He just nods.

I open the bottle and drink out of it.

I just finish my 3rd bottle when Sho-chan, Izu-kun, and Katsu burst through the door.

I'm pissed now and throw the bottle at them.

"The fuck are you pieces of shit doing here!?" I yell.

" Finding you. You left school and never came back.

We looked around and thought you might be here.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out!" I yell.

" No. " They all say.

"I will fucking murder you 3 if you don't fucking leave! I will not fucking hesitate to kill you." I say.

" She's not serious. " Izu-kun says.

"You wanna bet Deku!?" I yell.

" Yes. Also... You're different Toga. " Izu-kun says.

"No I'm fucking fine! Just leave me the fuck alone pieces of shit." I say.

I sit back down.

"Oi!" I yell.

Kuro gives me another bottle of sake.

Before I can drink it it's taken away.

"Hey! Give it back!" I say.

" No. Toga... You've already dank 3 bottles of sake. I think it's enough. You're underage anyway. " Tuyo says.

"The fuck you say to me! Heartbreaker!" I yell.

" Yeah... You've had too much. You're drunk. " Shiga says.

"Well I don't fucking care give it back Todoroki." I say.

"Never call me that. " Tuyo says.I

"I can call you whatever I want. To-do-ro-ki." I say.

He activates his quirk.

I grab his arm.

I start to disintegrate it.

He screams in pain.

I let go.

"Let this be a fucking lesson to all of you. I will call you whatever the fuck I want." I say.

"Oh really?" All for one says.

"Not you." I say.

" Then... Don't call them whatever you want. Call them what they want you to be called. " All for one says.

"Yes sir." I say.

" What happened to her? " All for one asks.

"She's drunk. Kurogiri's been giving her sake." Shiga says.

" i had no choice. She said she'd murder me and turn me to dust. " Kuro says.

All for one sighs.

"Todoroki... Bakugo... Midoriya... You should go." All for one says.

They all nod and leave.

"Give Toga some water and let her rest. " All for one says.

Everyone in the room nods.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Published: 10/10/19

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now