Ch. 7: The Truth

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Katsu and I are standing in front of Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo getting ready to tell them about the real me.

"Um... We... I have something to tell you both... Katsu already knows... I should've told you as soon as I got here but..." I start.


" What! No! I... I lied about who I really am and what my past was... I... I just needed to trust you both to not say anything... I I'm not who you think I am... " I say.

I start to shake and Katsu whispers to me.

"Hey... It'll be ok. you can trust them..." He says.

" I... My real name is Toga Himiko... Yes my parents were villains but... I want to be a hero. I don't want to be like them. My past isn't one of the best. They're names were... S-Shoto and M-Momo Himiko... They were the villains known as Blood and Transformer. My quirks are what I've told you... But I also have both of their quirks... I mostly refuse to use them unless I absolutely have to. My parents... Since I was four... They both physically and verbally abused me... They abused me to settle they're petty little fights... When they were angry at the world... Or just when they felt like it... I was their living punching bag they could just hit. They always left me with blood, scars, bruises and tears. They did it one week after I received my quirks. I could've died... I was always on the verge of dying from them. They didn't care if I did... They told me... If I died... They would just have another child and abuse them. I didn't want that. I never asked to be a villain kid. I never asked for abusive parents... No one should have to go through what I did... I know thing about others that I know I shouldn't... I want to be a hero. I want no one to ever feel the pain I did... Where you're abused by your own parents... Left to die... Where your own parents don't care about you and force you to do their bidding no matter what you say... Where you don't have a choice... I was forced to be a villain... I never wanted that... But they gave me no choice. I know some people who are going through the exact same thing as me... Who did and who are... When I was ten... I snapped. I killed them both... After that I had blood and tears all over me. I was laughing like a maniac. I ran from the scene. Then... They found me... The League Of Villains... I knew who they were... I told them what I did... I was never forced to do their bidding... Their leader... All for one... He was like a father I wish I had... That cares for you and your safety... Someone who will protect you no matter what... Who will always be there no matter where you are... When we first met... I had just left the League... I wanted to be a hero... I can't tell you where they are... Katsu followed me but wasn't paying attention to where we were or how we got there... I explained everything... If I was leaving... I could never see them again... It was too risky and dangerous... I said goodbye to them all and moved here... No matter how hard I try... Try to forget what happened to me... To forget them... My parents... I couldn't... They were apart of me... I... I'll always have those bad memories... No one should have those... But people do... That's why I want to be a hero... To prevent abuse to children... Ro people... to help others... To protect people and the ones I care and or love. " I say.

At this point I'm crying.

I hug Katsu.

After I calm down I face Mitsuki and Masaru.

"I'm sorry... It's just that... I... I cry whenever I tell someone..." I say.

They both nod.

They hug me.

Soon I feel better but there's still one thing on my mind.

I need to tell Shoto that I know. That Tuyo... Dabi told me... That he doesn't have to follow what Endeavor tells him.

I snap out of my thoughts.

Soon I feel tired and decide to go to bed.

Hey guys.I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next . Plus Ultra!

Published: 9/28/19

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now