Ch. 3: The Fight

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I hear a horn and begin.

No one knows what my quirks arw except Izu-chan.

I'm glad I never told anyone else. Now I get the element of surprise.

I go down a floor but find nothing.

I go down a floor again and spot him.

I stay at the corner.

He comes up and I pur an ice wall.

He melts it and I smirk.

He uses his ice against me and all I go is melt it.

He looks really surprised.

He tries to attack me but I create fireproof and waterproof rope and tie it around his arms and legs. He kneels on the ground.

"It's sad that this has to end so soon." I say.

I go close and crouch down to Shoto's eye level.

"But... Who said it has to?" I say.

I smirk as I put every finger on Shoto except my pinky.

"Make any wrong move... And you'll turn to dust." I say.

" prove it. " he says.

I create a cup and touch it with all 5 of my fingers on my right hand. It denigrates.

He looks very shocked.

"I know you're scared... On the inside maybe... But you try to look tough on the outside..." I say.

When I say that I remember to when I felt like that right before I killed my parents.

I look over and see the same scared expression on Shoto's face that was on my parents when I snapped.

All of the sudden I hear them both yelling.

The ropes disappear and I start shaking.

"No... No! You can't be alive! I saw you both die! Get out of my head! Shoto! Momo! Stop! I saw you both die right in front of me! You're both dead! Get out of my fucking head!" I say.

I keep yelling.

"You're both dead! Get out of my head!"

Over and over.

All of the sudden I them Izu-chan.

"Toga! Calm down! It's not real! Calm down!" He yells.

I feel them both behind me.

I turn around and just see Shoto.

I take out the knife in my shoe and cut my arm.

I make another knife.

I slowly start to walk to Shoto.

Soon I can hear myself giggling.

Soon it turns into full out laughter.

"Toga! Calm down!" Izu-chan yells again.

" Its... Too... Late... "I say.

I lunge at Shoto.

I run so fast that all I do is cut his cheek.

I tie him up and go over to him.

" Oops. Let me clean that. " I say.

I crouch down and lick his cheek.

I smile creepily.

I get up and laugh.

I transform into Shoto.

I untie him.

"How many quirks do you have!?" Shoto asks.

" that's for me to know and for you to find out. " I say.

I transform back.

I lunge at him again.

I tackle him and I sit on his stomach and he's laying on the ground.

"It would be a real pain to kill you Shoto Todoroki... But yet again... I love the scent and taste of blood." I say.

I cut him multiple times as I lick up the wounds on his face.

"Well... Since I've had my fun now... It's time for you to die." I say.

Before I can kill him I feel my quirk go away.

"Ha! I have more than that!" I tell.

I tie up Shoto and see Aizawa-Sensei and Midnight.

I create a smoke mask.

As soon as I put it on Midnight releases her pink gas.

Shoto and Aizawa-Sensei fall asleep.

I go up to Midnight.

Before I can cut her I feel arms restrain me.

I struggle free.

I look up and see Kacchan.

We both look at each other.

Something in his eyes make me snap out of Psycho Mode.

I look around and start shaking.

"Oh no... Not again." I say.

I start hyperventilating and I back up.

"I'm sorry... I... It can't be controlled... She can't be controlled..." I say.

I back up and see Izu-chan.

"It... It happened again... Oh god! Izuku Midoriya.... What do I do... " I say.

He tries to talk when I see Aizawa-Sensei and Shoto on the ground.

I run over to Shoto.

"No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No! Shoto! Don't die! Don't die Damn it! No... Not again! Shoto get up!" I say.

I create bandages and cover up his wounds.

I see Recovery Girl enter the room.

She kisses Shoto on the forehead.

"D-Did... Did I do this... Did I kill him?" I ask.

Kacchan shakes his head.

"You stabbed him and then Midnight and Aizawa-Sensei fell asleep because of her quirk." Kacchan explains.

I sigh of relief.

"Katsuki Bakugo... I need to talk to you..." I say.

Before he can respond I drag him with me to the 1st waiting room.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Published: 9/24/14

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now