Ch. 4: Confession

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I drag Katsuki Bakugo with me to the first waiting room.

"Um... This is kinda hard for me to say... Considering that it's my first day here... But... I... Promise you won't hate me?" I ask.

He nods.

"I um... I have 6-7 quirks?" I say.

He looks at me so I continue.

"My quirks are, Blood Minipulation, Transform, Fire, Water and Ice but I count it as one, Decay, and Creation... I... Please don't tell anyone... izu was the first one to know what my quirks are he's the only one who knows... Besides my family friends who take care of me because my actual parents are dead... My last name isn't Kumiko... It's Toga Himiko... I know my parents were villains but... I wanna change... I don't wanna be like them... I understand if you don't trust me since it's only the first day but... PLEASE don't  tell anyone what my quirks are or who I really am... Please." I beg.

He nods.

"What was going on when you were fighting half and half bastard?" He asks.

" Well... If I start shaking and laughing like a maniac... Like what you saw... It's only happened once before... I call it Psycho Mode. The first time it happened was when I killed my parents... But I had a reason... They both had anger issues... They abused me to calm themselves down... It was only physically and verbally but it hurt... They did it to settle fight that they got into that I was never apart of... The day I killed them... Was the day I snapped... Their names where Shoto and Momo Himiko... That's why I hate those two... Well not necessarily hate but... Hold a grudge... Even if they had nothing to do with my past. Every time I see them or hear them... I have memories... Memories no one should have to go through... Whether they're a villain or hero... Or born from a villain or hero... No one should have to suffer and go through what I did... Never trust any hero or villain that say that they're a perfect, happy family or have one or had one... If you don't believe me... I have proof. " I say.

I lift the side of my shirt and there's scars and bruises everywhere.

I turn him around and change into a crop top and short shorts.

I turn him around and change into a crop top and short shorts

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I turn him back around and he looks shocked.

I see tears in his eyes and I tell him that I'm fine.

"How long did they so this?" Hee asks.

"When I got my quirks at 4 until I was 10... I could've died... They didn't care... I'm lucky enough to be alive right now..." I say.

Hee hugs me.

I hug him back.

I feel memories flash through my head.

I feel tears fall nonstop.

"E-Every time I... I remember it... Them abusing me... I can't stop c-crying..." I say.

He wipes my tears with his thumb.

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now