Ch. 21: Questions/Answers/Back/Together Again

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I wake up and sit in the living room.

I see the others sitting there. Even All for one.

"You needed me?" I ask.

they all nod.

"Toga... Why did you come back here? I mean I know you wanted to visit but you instantly came in here, threatening Kurigiri and drank like 5 bottles of sake." All for one says.

"I wanted to join you guys again... I have no more hope... I missed seeing blood spatter everywhere... Killing people... Torturing them to get them to talk... I missed it all. I need you guys... You guys are the only ones who understood me... Fully understood me... No one else did... I was left heartbroken... I thought... That after Tuyo rejected me that day... That I'd never love anyone else... I ended up falling for Katsuki Bakugo... He rejected me... All of my bad memories... Even the ones he wasn't even in... I remembered the pain... I never wanted to feel pain... Not again... Never. I... I wanted to come back... I felt so much pain yesterday... That's why I drowned out my feeling with sake... It made the pain... The pain I've had... Since I was 4... Sake made the pain go away... It felt... Relieving... To not feel pain. When Shoto... Katsuki... And Izuku came in... The pain... It all came back... I felt like crying... But I turned the pain into anger.... Kuro... I'm sorry for trying to kill you... I just needed something to drown out my pain... To drown out my feelings..." I say.

They all nod.

"I can help you." All for one says.

I look at him.

"I have taken a quirk that makes you to be able to never feel pain unless you want to." He says.

" Ok... I'll do it... Give it to me... I'm ready... " I say.

He nods.

He gets up and I follow him.

He go to the back room.

I put my hands out.

He holds them for a brief moment.

Soon I can feel no pain.

He lets go and my hands fall to my side.I

We go into the living room again.

"I'll only allow pain... When I'm around you guys.

They nod.

I deactivate the quirk.

" Does this mean I can join again? " i ask.

They nod.

"You can come and go as much as you like." All for one says.

All for one leaves the room and leaves me, Tuyo Shiga, and Kuro.

"Toga... I know it's illegal but I honestly don't care... Whenever you want sake... Tell me." Kuro says.

"Ok." I say.

" hey Shiga... If we were both in a battle and we both used our disintegration quirks... Who would win? " I ask.

"It'd be a tie? I don't know. I never want to find out though." Shiga says.

I hum in response.I

Soon Kuro and Shiga leave.

"Tuyo... I'm sorry for hurting you." I say.

" it's ok. " he says.

After a while he speaks up again.

"Um... Toga... Can we possibly get together again?" He asks.

I nod.

"Everyone deserves a second chance... Well... Most." I say.

He laughs.

We both kiss and soon I go to bed.

Hey guys.I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Published: 10/11/19

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now