Ch. 13: Their Pain

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Tuyo joins me and Sho-chan in the center of the arena.

"I don't expect any of you to believe us when we say... We've all been through something we don't want to remember... That we've all gone through similar things... But the pain for some of us is not the same... Some of us have suffered more than others but there's still pain in the past... Our pasts... Toga Himiko... Abused by both her parents... Me and my family... Abused by Enji Todoroki... Aka Endeavor... He abused me and my siblings because we weren't perfect enough to beat All Might... He abused me... Trained me nonstop... It was torture... My mother... Rei Todoroki... She was put in a mental hospital... She burned me and that's how I got my scar... But it wasn't her fault... It was his... Endeavor drove my mother insane. She was forced to marry him... She never had a choice... Toga and I... We are both products of quirk marriages. My mother... She was the only adult who cared and loved me... My sister... Fuyumi Todoroki... My brothers... Natsuo... Tuyo Todoroki... They were never good enough... They only had one of my parents quirks... And then... I was born... I had both my parents quirks... Endeavor thought of me as... 'worthy,' to beat All Might. Tuyo Todoroki... One of my brothers... He went missing after one fateful day... Endeavor burned most of his body... Most people think he's dead... But that's only because they don't know the truth... I'd like to introduce you to... Tuyo Todoroki... " Sho-chan says.

Tuyo takes off his cloak.

"This is Tuyo Todoroki... If you don't believe him... I can get the rest of the Todoroki family here in an instant... I'm not saying how... But I can... We've all suffered... Pain... Pain no one should ever have to go through... Every member of the Todoroki family knew that Tuyo had been a villain... The villain named... Dabi... He was going to be a hero... But Endeavor changed that... Endeavor showed Tuyo... That heroes are all fake. So... He turned to villains. When I was born... I had both of my parents quirks... When they found out... I had possessed 7 quirks... They trained me nonstop... They beat me up... I was always left with... Scars... Blood... Emptiness... More bad memories... I was always left in tears... I could've died... I was only 4... I fought through... I never wanted another soul to suffer because of me... No one's perfect... But... You don't always get what you want... But that doesn't mean... You have to beat a child to earn it... What we're trying to say is... You should never abuse your future children or the children you have just to get what you want... If you are... You need to stop... All you're giving your child or children... Are bad memories they never want to remember... But have no choice to... They're traumatized for life... No one wants that... No one should have to go through what we did... I lived with The League Of Villains for 5 years... And they were more supportive, loving, and caring more than my parents ever were. Sometimes... Villains aren't so bad... The League... They're like my true family... Unfortunately I can NEVER tell you where they are... But... All we're trying to say is... Thank you to those who helped us along the way... and go fuck yourself and go to hell to those who abused us... Who were never there for us... Until after we found our way out... That is all. Oh and don't arrest Tuyo... Let him go back... Or else... You'll die... And that is not a threat. " I say.

Everyone is scared about my last statements.

After school, Tuyo, me and Sho-chan go to the League.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Published: 10/4/19

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now