Ch. 23: Moving/The Flirting Game/Drunk

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I get up and get up.

I wear my uniform.

After a long day I go with Katsuki to get my stuff.

After a while all of my stuff is in my dorm room.

After I while I call Tuyo and tell him that I'm staying at the dorms.

After a while  I go to the common room and find everyone else.

"Hey Toga we're all playing the flirting game even Katsuki. Do you wanna join?" Mina says.

I shrug.

After a while it's me up against Katsuki.

"Hey Toga... I was wondering if you know... We could... Get together..." Katsuki says nervously.

"Oh really? Well... I heard that there was this one place we could go to... To you know... Have fun." I say.

I feel sick to my stomach but continue.

"What are you suggesting?" Katsuki says.

" I... you know what I'm talking about... Babe" i say.

"I think I do... Maybe I could show you... Here and now..." Katsuki says.

He crawls over to me and starts sucking on my earlobe.

I jump up.

"No! No! I can't do this anymore!" I say.

" Why? Is it because of Bakugo? " Izuku asks.

"No... Ok yes... and another reason that I'm not telling you... I'm going to bed..." I say.

I try to go to my dorm room but I get stopped by Katsuki.

I'm about to ask him what he's doing but he kisses me.

I feel anger and sadness seep through me.

I push him off me.

"You idiot! Do you not understand! I don't like you ok! I never have and never will. You've already rejected me there's no going back! Don't ever touch me again! Don't even talk to me you pathetic weak extra!" I yell.

I push past him and change into regular clothes.

"I'm going out... I need some fresh air. No one follow me... Shoto, Katsuki, Izuku... Don't tell anyone... You already know where I'll be." I say.

I rush out the door and run to the League.

I bang the door open.

I lock it and fall to the floor.

I start to cry.

Tuyo hugs me.

"Babe... What's wring?" He asks.

" I... I'm a terrible girlfriend... The class and I were playing the... The flirting game... I didn't want to but I had nothing better to do. I was up against Katsuki... I... We flirted... I felt sick to my stomach... I knew I was cheating on you... I hated it... Before I could leave... Katsuki... He... He kissed me... " I say as I cry.

"Hey... It's ok... I forgive you... Never do it again... Please?" Tuyo asks.

I nod.

I go over to the counter and Kuro immediately gives me sake.

I drink a bottle and sneak some to my dorm.

I close the door and continue to drink.

After a while I get tired.

Villains Can Love Too (BakuToga, Katsuki Bakugo x Toga Himiko)Where stories live. Discover now