the morning calls

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3rd P.O.V  flashback 

It was a dark night in a quiet city named Beacon Hills, well this night is an exception. A hyperactive boy with moles spread across his neck and a military buzzcut and a curly-haired boy was out in the dead of night looking for a body that was supposed to be found out here. the sound of leaves breaking beneath their feet made echoes travel through the forest, disturbing the peace and silence that the creatures of the night had when the moon had risen from it ever cycles of living and dying. 

the adventures boy with moles and the noticeable buzzcut was the son of the town's sheriff and a handful to handle when it comes to him rambling. unfortunately, people couldn't pronounce his name without making some sort of mistake so he would always say ' just call me Stiles.' 

the curly-haired boy was made from by a whole other mindset, he was quite relaxed and not hyper like his friend. this relaxed guy who follows the hyperactive around, making sure that there won't be too many troubles for his friend, is known as Scott Mccall. 

" Stiles I really don't think we shall be doing this, what if your father finds out? "  Scott asked his best friend who just shrugged it off and turned around to look at his friend still walking.

" he won't find out If you keep ever flapping talker shut, besides my dad Don't care about what I'm doing anyway," Stiles said, regretting that he had let out of his feelings, showing that everything may not be as perfect as it seems at home.

" What is that supposed to mean?" Scott asked, genuinely concerned for his friend, but was met by another shrug as his friend turned around only showing his back. for the past year and a half, he has been putting up a brave showing that his mother's death or the homophobia didn't affect him when all it did was affecting him, making him feel worse than the day before, making him want to die, want to cut more.

the two boys thoughts were interrupted when they heard a loud bang, like the sound of a gun or a riffle. the two boys shared a look before they ran over to where the sound was supposed to have come from but under the way, the two boys were separated and were lost in the darkness. 

Stiles looked around in fear, trying to pinpoint where his best friend was, but there was nothing but loud noises there had escalated after him and Scott got torn apart looking for the source there are causing the commotion. 

in the other part of the forest, Scott was standing looking for his hyperactive friend there was nowhere to be found. his search for his friend came to an end when he heard the howl of a wolf in the horizon and could hear that it was getting closer and closer. he started to run, trying to flee from the incoming creature there was hunting him, but he could feel the air in his lungs was starting to fail him and he was starting to hyperventilate. he fell down on his knees trying to get the air into his lungs, but in vain. he could hear the wolf getting closer and felt his body getting ready for impact. he felt sharp teeth sink into his skin and left him with tremendous pain there started to dull in nothing but a few seconds. he opened his eyes and saw his friend looking at him with a confused look on his mole covered face.

" what are you laying here for?" Stiles asked as he helped his friend to get up on his feet. Scott felt his side and felt stream from his side. He looked at Stiles who looked like he was about to faint at the sight of the red liquid. 

* the next day* end of flashback

Stiles' P.O.V

I walked into the school with my headphones in my ears trying to block out the sound of everybody in the entire hallway. I got to my locker without making any eye contact with anyone, that is what I do daily, with Scott I'm wild, funny and loud, on my own I'm quiet and closed. 

"Stiles!" Scott exclaimed loudly that it broke through the sound barrier the music produced and actually scared the shit out of me. 

" what!" I asked as I stuffed my bag full of notebooks and other random shit I'm probably not gonna need. I looked at my best friend who was pale as a ghost, which means still a few tones tanner than me, he pulled up shirt showing that the bite there was there yesterday was completely gone. 

" what happened?" I asked surprised to see that his wound was all healed up.

" I don't know but I think it was a wolf who bit me cause I heard a wolf howl," he said with a deadly serious, but all I could do was laughing. 

" sorry Scotty but there haven't been wolves in Beacon Hills for like hundred years," I said ending the conversation as the bell rang and Scott walked away with an even more pale face there now had a mix of confusion in it.

I was walking towards math class but got cut off by the school's lacrosse team and of course their leader Jackson Whittemore, he is the king of the School and everyone does what he says, well everyone, except me.

" Hey, fag, why aren't you in class, where you on your way to take a sneak peek in the dude's locker room, huh faggot," he mocked me, trying to make me crack, but that's not gonna happen, I only break when no one is around me, now I just let my mind do the talking.

" no Jackson course I have standards, and I will explain what that is and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon." I could see he was confused by the words that just flew out of my mouth, but when he caught onto the fact that it was an insult he got boiling red in the face, I started to run away as soon as I could, running for my life which I slowly started to care less and less for. 

I ran out of the school and out into the forest where the branches began to break beneath me. I could hear that Jackson and the other jocks weren't following me anymore, yet I still kept running, running until I fell over a root there was peeking up from the forest floor. I hit the ground face down, feeling something scratch me, breaking through making me bleed. 

I got up on my knees where I started to cry, but not becurse of the fall but becurse of the pain inside of me. One year ago I came out to Scott as gay and the word just spread, it turns out that the jerk Greenberg had listened and outed me to the entire Lacrosse team there had told the whole school, and before I knew what had hit me, I was 'the school's fag.'

I stopped crying when I heard leaves cracking and a person clearing their voice. I looked up to see a handsome black-haired man with a hint of stubbles. he was wearing a black leather jacket with a black T-shirt underneath there matched his dark-blue jeans. I could feel his eyes were on me and that concern was in them, so I looked away as I got up and ran away from another person showing me concern that I knew I didn't deserve. 

I kept running but this man's eyes kept burning in my back like fire, and I couldn't help but feel so dumb for running away, but that's what I do, I run from people who care about me to save me from embarrassment and heartache. 

I was at the school parking lot where I jumped into my jeep and started it up. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw the man from before. I hit the gas driving home, hyperventilating from panic and fear. as soon as I got home I ran into the house into my room locked the door and collapsed on the floor gasping for air to get into my lungs, but I could feel my eyes getting heavy and soon I found myself in Darkness. 

when I woke up it was night time and I were in my bed, covers thrown over me and my window open. 'I didn't open my window, did I?' I thought to myself as I tried to recall what happened but there was nothing coming me to mind. 

all I could remember was a voice, but whos? 

I really don't know. 

* HEY EVERYBODY, chapter to the new fic done. I hope you all like it, This story is gonna be an emotional ride so get ready, in this fic, I will focus on all the imperfect things about love, mostly becurse all my other fics are fluff and I wanted to bring attention to the hurt/comfort a bit more. I have big plans for this fic so yall better get ready cause SS,sterek Is about to set sail :)

daily question: do you have any siblings? 

I have one brother and he can be kinda annoying but I still love him even when he is a complete jackass.  

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