A Broken Boy Tends To Hide

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Derek's P.O.V

We had all settled back into the loft, tired from the fight against The Nogitsune, but most importantly, drained from the death of the young Allison Argent. Scott hasn't said a thing since we returned. It has been a few days since we fought off The Nogitsune. Stiles hasn't been awake since the day we brought him home, we can get some fluid into him but other than that he sleeps. I'm often up there with him, just looking after him, making sure that I haven't hurt him or anything. It's not often, but sometimes, he says my name in his sleep, it makes my heart flutter that even when he is in a coma-like state he thinks about me. 

I went down to the others, after looking after Stiles for a couple of hours. Most of The Hunters have gone home, the ones that are left are just looking after us to see if everything is ok, it obviously isn't. I went into the kitchen to make myself something to eat, I haven't been eating since I went up to check on Stiles. I felt a light tap on my shoulder as I just had taken out the things to make myself, what Stiles will call a Stiles Special, sandwich. I turned around to see Deaton standing with a small smile on his face, but the trace of melancholy in his eyes after the loss of the young hunter still lingered. 

"He is awake Derek," He said, trying to sound happy, but was still pulled down to earth by the still heavy sorrow. I nodded and left the room feeling conflicted. Conflicted between being happy that the person I love is finally awake, and being sad that I lost a valued member of my pack. I put my feelings away and tried to remain as calm as I could as I made my way to the young teens' room. I carefully knocked on his door, trying as hard as I can, not to startle him. I paused as I heard a tired and exasperated noise, giving me access to his room. Slowly I made it into the dark and gloomy room, only illuminated by the nightstand lamp. A slim, boy-formed silhouette moved in the bed and the face of the young boy was enlightened by the sight of me. I quickly moved over to the bed, and I saw that he was trying to get out of bed. He threw himself at me in a clumsy way.

 I caught him feeling his body heat, feeling the joy that he was showing signs of being human again. As I tugged him tighter I started to feel soft tears starting to pool on my t-shirt, I could feel that he was starting to sob. I started to rub small circles on his back, trying to comfort him as he was letting it all out. 

"It's ok Stiles, I'm here," I said as more salty tears left his eyes as he wrapped his legs around my waist, hugging me tighter with, what seems to be all the strength he has in his body. I could smell so many raw emotions, raging from his body that it gave me nausea. There was fear, happiness, confusion, and sadness. 

"I was so scared that I'd never got to see you again," He said with his voice breaking in the end as it was followed by a sob, that summoned more tears and louder sobs. I could feel my heart, break at the sound of him crying. I softly pulled away, hearing a heart-wrenching screech as I did. I quickly grabbed him by his chin and effortlessly sealed our lips into a heart-filled and emotional kiss. I could hear an approving sound as I let my tongue glide over his top lip.

Our emotions danced like crazy, playing through the connection of the kiss. His fingers left my neck and found their way into my hair holding me closer as his legs tightened their grip around my waist. The kiss was everything I'd ever dreamed of, it was beautiful, it was sweet, tender, and raw, and it was the perfect kiss. The kiss ended as I could feel he was in need of air.

" I will never leave you, Stiles, never," I said as I planted a kiss on his forehead, there had a thin coat of sweat on it. The pain and relief in his eyes were battling, sending sparks and glows in the brown orbs. I took him into my arms as I moved into his bed, his legs never let go of my waist, and to be real I didn't want him to let go. we sat in his bed as buried his head in my shoulder, obviously getting used to things being real.

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