Saved by the one in red Pt.2

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Derek's P.O.V 

I was in my cell, sitting on a, very uncomfortable, bed letting my thoughts get the best part of me, like how I could have done more for Stiles, but in the end, it didn't even matter. I still played with the thought about him being a spark and this unnatural attraction there still bugged me, I didn't want to like him becurse he was some kind of supernatural battery but becurse of his personality. what the hell was I thinking, I'm a werewolf, he is just a kid, how did my life ever come to this? I let out a sigh as I looked up at the ceiling getting ready to be in this claustrophobic room since I'm gonna be here for a while.

I had just closed my eyes when a smell there had seemed to grow into my register hit my nose making me jolt up from the bed, there had an imprint of my body left into the mattress. I could feel my body tensing up as I heard the well familiar voice travel in my ears. it was him. it's Stiles.

I moved closer to the wall trying to hear him, I could hear his heartbeat thumping like crazy, and in his smell, I'm so focused on was carrying bits of distress with him. what is he even doing here? he should be at the hospital or at home resting, still, I couldn't keep myself from blushing a little bit, the tiniest little bit since I am Derek Hale, thinking that he came here for me, but threw the thought on the ground as quick as possible, breaking it to shatters, I'm not supposed to like this kid so much. I let out a sigh as I slammed my head into the wall making it crack. 

I could hear his heartbeat steadying as he started to talk to one of the people out there, a Jordan Parrish, I guess it's the guy who locked me up in my cell, not a weird guy but he did smell oddly much like burnt coal. I could hear that he was talking with Stiles, or should I say flirting. I could feel anger rush through my body. he has the audacity to flirt with Stiles, MY STILES! I could feel that from my nails there were claws emerging and fangs replacing my normal teeth. 

I let my claws scrape at the wall leaving marks deeper than I had intended, but I couldn't care less, a guy was flirting with my human, and for that, he has to pay. 

but what I heard next hit me in the stomach, knocking all the air out of me. he was flirting back! I could hear on his voice that he was enjoying all the attention and love. I could smell the lust from the deputy and it was making me want to claw my way out of this cell and out to him clawing his throat out setting it on fire. to distract my anger I dug my claws into my hands drawing out blood and pain filling my entire body up.

I pulled them out when I found my human side again and saw the bloody holes in the palm of my hands heal right in front of me. when I got my surroundings in check I could smell an overpowering lust fighting what smelled like an equal as powerful disgust. It was Stiles the smell of disgust was coming from, and he was asking about me. 

I felt like I could howl out in happiness. But Stiles was still talking with deputy creep out there, and to be honest, I don't like it. but I guess he has to becurse a few minutes later he locked my cell door open saying that my friend, with an emphasis on the friend, was here to pick me up. as he walked away I started to put my boots getting ready to leave this shithole of a cell. 

I looked up to see Stiles standing there, clearly wanting to get out of the station just as much as I wanted to. 

" hey," he said clearly uncomfortable from the whole 'flirting to get my, friend, out' and to be honest he looked like he was tired as hell. 

" Hey, are you ok? you look Beaten," I said trying not to be mean in any way, I put on my leather jacket. I could smell he was sad but he still smiled, how the hell does he do that? Smiling even though for what smells like oceans of pain. 

" Yeah, just a lot of shit going on, my Dad went crazy, so now I have no home," he said encluding sarcasm which seems like a defense mechanism. 

" what really? Where are you gonna stay," I asked, scared for this young kid who is kicked out by his own father, his own flesh and blood, I was in shock that any parent would do that to their own child. we started to walk out and I noticed a big wet spot on the wall, It smells like Stiles but I chose not to question it.

" for now, in my car," he said like it was a normal thing to say when you just been kicked out. a car is no safe place for him, deputy creep could go after him easily and a car is super uncomfy to sleep in, I know I been there. then a brilliant idea struck my brain like a thunderstorm.

" you know you can stay at my place, I have plenty of space, and to be honest I do feel a bit alone there," I said hoping that he would take the offer, I mean he has to, he has nowhere else to go and a car can simply not be a home for a young teen under education. we started to exit the police station that still had deputy creep in it glaring holes into our backs. 

" really? that would be great, thank you, guess you saved me again," he said referring to the time with that bully that tried to choke him and for me bringing him to the hospital, I just looked at him and smiled.

" Hey you just saved me, I should be thanking you instead," I smiled as he smiled, what seems like a true smile there is not forced by pain or what else he is hiding in that mind of his.

" do you wanna drive, I'm tired and I don't know where you live," he said letting out a cute giggle there honestly sounded like a little child of angels.

" sure," I said cathing the keys that he threw me and slid into the driver's seat, starting up the jeep there actually, roared, as its motor came to life. I drove away from the station, mentally saying goodbye to deputy Creep. I looked over at Stiles who was starting to get sleepy, and to be honest, that was one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

" so why were you bleeding? If I didn't know better I would have thought you had been attacked by some animal," I looked at his arm to show him what I meant, He looked at his arm as he let his head fall back to the window, growing even more drowsy.

" let's just say mental health is a bitch to take care of, I tell one day when I'm ready," he said as he drifted off to sleep muttering a small 'shit' as his breath began to move in a pattern, indicating that he is sleeping.

what is that kid hiding, what does he mean about mental health is a bitch to take care of, and how did he get so injured that he had to go to the hospital for treatment. questions kept entering my brian as I reached my loft. I noticed all his stuff in his trunk, and I think I'm taking care of all that when he is safe inside under some covers to keep him warm.

As I walked up the stairs with that tiny pale, skinny human in my arms, I realized how hard I had fallen for this kid even though I had been bashing myself in the head to stay away from him to keep him safe. I'm actually in love.

" oh fuck," I said as I placed him on my couch, pulling a cover over him, watching him automatically put his hood on as he tucked into the covers like they were some kind of barrier. 

I'm in for some shit ton of problems.

* hey everybody, yes a little late, again, but this time no shitty excuses, just enjoy the chapter. no, but on a serious note I hope you all enjoy this chapter, saved by the one in red, was not planned as a two-part chapter but now you guys know that not everything goes according to plan when it comes to fanfiction, but I do have a base sketch for how it goes, so I know what is going to happen, but there can happen some changes under the way.

thank you so much for reading, and I see you in the next chapter.


Daily question: DC or marvel?

to be honest I like both but DC has joker which is just my kryptonite. or are you not into those kinda genres?

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