It Always Ends With Death

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Derek's P.O.V

We were all back at the loft trying to lay a plan out. I have been staying in Stiles' room most of the time, trying to make sense of all the papers on his desk, but also just feeling him. Feel his personality throughout the room. He knows I love him, and I know that he loves me, it gives me a reason to breathe, a reason to fight.

" Derek, can I talk to you and Scott?" The vet asked as he motioned over a corner of the loft for some more privacy. I called Scott over to us, and of course, Lydia noticed and joined in on the conversation, I didn't care, I just need to know what the vet wanted to talk about so I can save Stiles as quick as I can, it's bad enough that I have to bite him, but I also have to know which Stiles I'm biting.

" I want to talk about what we are gonna do about the whole double Stiles situation, " he said making grunt in anger. He talked about it like I haven't been thinking my mind to pieces with the very same question. He looked at me with the look telling me to keep patience a little longer.

" I have talked with Allison, and we developed a plan," he said as he looked at me with a nervous facial expression. I let out a sigh to signal that I didn't care what the plan was, as long as we get Stiles back. 

" Allison is gonna distract them, by shooting an arrow into the leg of the both of them, and we are gonna lure the fake Stiles away, so Derek can get to the real one," he said as he shot me a nervous glance, I let out a grunt but still nodded in agreement. Scott and Lydia, who clearly was just waiting for me to agree, noded too. I left them to go put my jacket on. The memories of the kiss with Stiles awoke in my brain, it made my stomach jump, and my cheeks flutter a light shade of pink. I shook my head trying to concentrate on the mission.

As I was putting on my leather jacket I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see that it was Scott standing there looking at me with a look there said, I want to talk to you. I let out a sigh as I followed him upstairs right outside of Stiles' room, I let out a warning growl, a sign to say that his room is a restricted area. Scott let out a sigh, but yet stopped in his tracks. 

" What do you want Scott, you know we are kinda in a hurry," I said, with an underlying tone there said 'if you waste my Time I'll kill you,' he looked at Stiles' room and then back at me. I could smell he was kind of nervous, but the smell was also mixed with overpowering, confidence. 

" Derek, answer me honestly. How do you feel about Stiles," he said as he kept looking at me with the same stern look there was almost forcing half of my soul out. 

" What are you talking about Scott?" I asked, trying to play it off but in the blink of an eye, I was pinned against the wall and his eyes were glowing their amber yellow and his fangs were showing. 

" I'm serious Derek, I respect you but when it comes to Stiles I really don't give a shit if you're an alpha, I won't give a flying rats ass if you can beat me. My brother means more than the world to me, and I will not let him go out with a person who won't give a flying fuck about him the next day! So tell me, what are your intentions with Stiles," he said almost sounding like an animal. His yellow-amber eyes were shining with dominance and care for the person he considers his brother.  I nodded as he put my down and his eyes faded back to normal.

" I don't want everyone to know, but he means everything to me. My past has been absolute shit but he makes it feel like a distant memory, I know I may not be the best guy for him, but I love him to the stars and beyond. I do anything for him," I said, feeling myself open up and feel vulnerable. 

" That is all I needed to hear," he said as he patted me on my shoulder as he sent me a smile. I could feel the brotherly love between him and Stiles and it made me feel a lot better, that I at least had his blessing to date Stiles. With one last smile, I went downstairs and put my boots on and went outside with all the others to get Stiles back. 

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