Screams At Night Are Silent

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Derek's P.O.V

I slammed the door, not caring at all, as I ran up to the loft to get to the possed boy who was all alone with no one to be with him. I slammed the door open and immediately caught the scent of blood. Drawn by the coppery smell I recognized quickly that it belongs to Stiles. I moved to the kitchen seeing shattered glass and the note I had left crumpled up, it really hurt, but I know it's not him but that Nogitsune thing, and even if it is the real him I won't blame him, his entire life he has suppressed his problems because of fear of losing people. 

There was blood on most of the kitchen floor and some by the window in the living room, I could smell that most of it came from a nosebleed. I started to search the whole loft for him, but no one is here. I sat at the corner of his bed there were bathed in sweat, it didn't come as a surprise that another nightmare had found Place, the thing there made me feel bad was that it had occurred while I had been gone.

As soon as I had searched the whole loft, even the basement, I decided to fish my phone out of my pocket, I dialed the number there belonged to Stiles, it only rang two times before it got cut off, he hung up on me? I decided to call Scott there took it after the third ring. 

" Derek what the fuck! I'm with Allison,"

He was clearly unamused by the sudden phone call but I let a growl and the cocky tone disappeared.  

"Stiles is gone meet me at the loft to a pack meeting, bring Lydia," 

I heard an approving noise as I hung up getting ready for them to arrive. I walked through the loft again and again slowly losing myself in my thoughts and In a moment of weakness, my instincts took over. Without control, I was lead to the kitchen where there was a little note with questions on. 

'who am I? can I wake up? where am I?'and when I flipped it there was written in his own blood. 


" Derek we are here!" Scott yelled cutting me out of paralysis. I turned around to see a black-haired girl, something about her scent were a bit familiar. 

" Who is this!?" I asked, growling for an answer. I could feel my eyes bleed into their Alpha red. The girl placed her hand on his shoulder and pushed me away from my own Beta. I looked in her eyes and I realized who she was. 

" You brought an ARGENT!" I yelled as I saw they both looked at me within their eyes. But in a minute the girl's mood shifted and a mini crossbow was in her hand and in the next moment it was pointed straight at my head. 

" I know what my family does, but I'm not my family. My father doesn't know anything while I know the true meaning of the Argent name," she said with a slow and steady voice with a brave undertone.

"And what is the true meaning of the Argent name," I said still with blood-red eyes. I have to hear the truth in her heart before I trust her. 

" We protect the innocent," she said without a heartbeat skipping. A staring contest had begun as I tried to look for doubt in her eyes, there was none. 

" Try not to get in the way," I said with a low growl as she put away the mini crossbow.  

We gathered around the kitchen isle, trying to come up with a plan to find Stiles. It took half an hour before a knock interrupted our heated argument. At the speed of light, I was at the door, tearing it open seeing the vet instead of what I had hoped would have been Stiles.

" Derek, Stiles isn't here is he?" Deaton asked as looked inside at the pack. 

" No, he is not! or else we wouldn't be here wondering where the fuck he is!" I growled out as I marched back angrily to the kitchen isle. A few moments later he joined us at the kitchen isle and looked at me with that understanding look, the look there made me feel guilty for yelling at him.

" Stiles has been possed by the Nogitsune, Deaton can explain it all, but right now we need to focus on where he is," I said as the whole pack and Deaton nodded in a shared agreement, finally we started to work as a team. We decided to split up into two teams and when the other found him we will howl to inform the other team, we also have one of his flannels each to track his scent down. 

 As the Search went on I couldn't stop my mind from wandering off into a field of thoughts. I want to help, I want to be there for him, every day, every minute, every second. Maybe after all this mess is over I can grow the balls to tell him, I have noticed he has an interest in me too, but I never thought that he might feel the same things I feel for him. 

" Derek?" Lydia called, bringing me back to the world of reality that I had desperately tried to escape from. I looked at her as she adapted her steps to mine, I shot her a confused look and a little suspicious if me spacing out had caught her attention. 

" Yes?" I said, granting her permission to proceed with her question. She looked at the ground as we walked deeper into the forest, I could see that the question that was nagging her really was serious since she was not looking into the eyes of the one she was asking, I might not know her as well as Stiles but that doesn't mean I don't pay attention to the qualities and trades my pack have. 

" I know there is something between you and Stiles, he likes you too you know,

" She said, shooting a little Smile, but me, I was completely shocked, was I too obvious? Or had Stiles told her or something? She laughed a little at the sight of my mortified facial expression there were carved into my face?

" Please, Derek, everybody knows Stiles is as gay as a unicorn riding a rainbow, he would be an idiot not being attracted to you, and yes you are not the most subtle one when it comes to hiding your attraction," she said shooting me a wink before she walked in front of me, you know like she didn't just read my mind. Damn that girl is smart! 

We walked for another half an hour before we heard a howl very close by. I took a whiff of his flannel before I looked at Lydia nodding, confirming that he was near. We wasted no time as we started to sprint through the woods closing in on the scent of what seemed to smell like Stiles, but something was different. This scent had trails of his scent, but at the same time not. we arrived at the same time as Scott and Allison and there he was, Stiles. 

" Stiles?" I asked trying to move closer, he was wearing a black hoodie and some random black jeans with his normal converse shoes, but I just couldn't ignore the overwhelming smell of blood there was radiating from him. I could see there was dried blood at his nose and his hand had small cuts with small pieces of glass in some of the cuts. 

" I'm sorry Stiles is not at the phone right now can I take a message?" He said in cold voice. The bags under his eyes are pure black now and his eyes have shifted from their normal whiskey brown color to a cooler brown like life and hope have been sucked straight out them. 

" you let him go! Or else I won't take responsibility for my actions!" I growled out as I felt my eyes shift and my claws and fangs grow. A creepy smile sneaked up on his perfectly shaped lips there, like the rest of him were drained from color. 

" Bring it on sourwolf," he said with a wink. 

That right there was no longer Stiles.

It's the Nogitsune. 

*Hello boys and girls and nonbinary pearls. This chapter was written, over a week before it is supposed to be released, yes I'm serious. I have been trying really hard to make everything I did wrong right. I hope you all will enjoy this chapter, I have said it before but I enjoy making content for all of you guys, the views and votes don't matter when I read all your comments it simply reminds me why I'm doing this, becurse I enjoy it. Do what you enjoy and don't let anything stop you. 

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and see you all in the next one.


Daily question: What is your most savage comeback?

Mine was when I told all my other cousins that my youngest ( and most annoying) cousin was the reason condoms were invented. 

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