Peek a howl

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Derek's P.O.V
I tried to get him out of my head, the guy I felt drawn to, and tried to focus on my mission, to find the person the alpha bit. I have been looking for 3 days and I still haven't found anything, hell I don't even know who the fucking Alpha is.

I walked around the Forrest trying to make a plan to what my next move should be, the alpha could have picked a high school kid since they are easy to manipulate, but still, it would be a risky move to take a hormone loaded teenager as a servant to do his dirty work. I could feel myself getting frustrated with every second I thought about who the beta is or who is the alpha.

I took in a deep breath trying to calm my inner wolf down when I caught a scent there was rather new in this area, I immediately went into werewolf form and followed this smell. When I got there it was a curly-haired boy, whose eyes were glowing a dark amber yellow, guess I found the beta.

"Who are you?" He asked as he looked down trying to hide his amber eyes there was still glowing, I guess he hasn't been trained which is weird since the alpha probably needed a strong beta to kill whoever the alpha set his eyes on.

" I'm Derek Hale, It looks like you have some problems there, " I said flashing my eyes their electric blue. He looked up surprised with a hint of fear imprinted into his facial expression.

" what are you?" He asked in a trembling voice, with a confused look on his face like he was trying to make the most sense out of this situation.

" I'm a werewolf, just like you, I can train you how to control the shift if you want?" I said leaving the offer to be his choice. He looked at the ground like there actually was something to think about. He stood up revealing his purple striped zip hoodie.

" I'm in, but I just have one question, what do you get out of this, how does that benefit you?" He asked confused about whether or not he should go into this deal.

" well I want you to help me, you see the werewolf who bit you is an alpha who is killing people here in the city, he also killed my sister so I need to revenge on her, but I'm just a Beta means I can't fight the alpha alone, " I said trying not to reveal too much about my own personal life to this teen who clearly does not want to be a part of this crazy world.

" so I just have to train with you, and help you kill the alpha thing?" He said still confused but a little bit more in knowledge.

" well just and just, I still have to find out who the alpha is, and taking him down is not like a walk in the park, we have to be careful not to die, " I said as I saw his face scrunch up in fear, " well I mean werewolves can heal twice as fast as humans so if you break your arm it will take like some seconds to heal,"

He still looked a bit unsure if this was a good idea or not.

" ok but first you show me how to make my eyes normal again because I was supposed to be home doing homework when this happened to me, " he exclaimed as he pointed out the still yellow eyes there hadn't faded even one bit. I let out a little sigh since I'm not the greatest werewolf 'teacher' but tried to draw in my own experience.

" ok close your eyes and focus on your surroundings, the birds, the trees, the sound of the River flowing, take in a deep breath and let the energy out, " I looked at him as he did it, trying to see if he was focusing enough. Seconds later he opened his eyes showing a pair of shiny walnut-colored eyes.

" better?" I asked knowing well he felt much better.

" a whole lot better, but you smell kinda weird, kinda familiar, " he said taking a whiff of the air trying to put a finger on it.

" well, what does it remind you of? It's good you already learn how to pick up scents since it is kinda difficult to learn in the first few months after the transformation." He closed his eyes as he smelled the air once again trying to connect it to what he felt familiar with.

" do know one named Stiles? Because you smell like him, a lot actually, " he said sniffing again to see if it was correct.

" what's a Stiles?" I asked curiously since I have never heard the word 'Stiles'before and it confused me. 

" well he is a friend of mine, I have a picture of him actually," he said as he opened up his phone to reveal the exact same boy I drove home today. 

" yeah I do know him but I think not as good as you, I just helped him after someone ganged up, on him, " I said trying not to sound like a total creep, but still I know if I mentioned that I have followed him after school one day and put him to bed after he fainted from what looked like a full-blown panic attack, I would indeed sound like a creep.

" wait, what! ganged up on, oh fuck not again! " he cursed under his breath as he hit a tree making it snap in half. I could smell the anger rolling off him in waves there hit me so hard that I almost fell backward. 

" again? what do you mean by again?" I asked surprised to hear that an episode like that has happened before.

" yeah he is being bullied a lot and he and his no brain to mouth filter gets him in trouble with those asses every time, becurse he has to prove himself every fucking time instead of dropping it like he should and just ignore those assholes," he said with eyes glowing in rage and fangs already poking out of his gums. I put a hand on his shoulder which seemed to snap him back from his own world of pure undying hatred. 

" It sounds like you really care for him," I said understanding his anger since I regretted not ripping that asshole's head off when he was choking that Stiles kid, who I still couldn't help stop thinking about.  

" We have been best friends since we wore diapers, and when his mom died he was in need of me even more, and I know that he is hiding something from me, there is something that is not right," he said with pure concern in his voice that it really touched my,  what I thought was a heart made of stone, and gave me hope that there was just a small chance to defeat this alpha. 

" he is lucky to have a friend like you, " I said patting his shoulder. he sent a smile as he shrugs his shoulders.

" kinda the only one he has, I'm Scott McCall by the way," he said as he reached his hand out to agree on the deal that I seemed to have forgotten about.

" Nice to meet you, Scott," I said as we shook hands in the middle of the Forrest. 

" oh shoot I have to go when is the first training day?" he asked as he looked at his phone looking at the time. 

" here that's the phone number I text which day it is," I said as I typed in my number on his cellphone. he thanked me as he ran home, probably to finish the rest of that homework he was doing before he was close to wolf out. I looked after him until he wasn't around anymore, as soon as that was I ran in the direction of the house, where the young boy whose name is Stiles lived.

I got there to see that he was still passed out on his bed and still had the bandages I gave him on. I looked at his face seeing that the red puffiness under his eyes still wasn't gone. I opened the unlocked window to go in there to try and take some of his pain away, but as soon as my hand hit his skin it felt like it was burning like these wounds had emotional pain attached to them. 

I looked at his tear-stained face there was sleeping somewhat peacefully and I still couldn't help but wonder why the connection to this little kid was so, intense. 

" what is that you are hiding, what is it you are keeping a secret from your best friend, Stiles" 

I let a finger stroke his soft pale skin as I moved to the window and jumped out heading for the Forrest.

I knew there was only one person who can help me with this. 


* hey everybody, as promised chapter 3 is out, just in time again. I wanna keep trying to update every Saturday to set myself that goal so it doesn't get too clumsy if that makes any sense my updates aren't that uncoordinated, but more scheduled away. but anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all in the next one.

bye love you all <3<3<3<3

daily question: favorite sterek fanfic?

mine is burning slowly by LarryStylinsonx28, it just made my soft sterek heart burst.

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