Darkness Has A Darker Side

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Derek's P.O.V

I was walking at the loft, restless, hating not knowing where Stiles is, knowing that he right now is possessed and scared. I walked into the kitchen where he either would cook the most amazing meals or dance while he was making something random to eat, but, seeing the kitchen empty was just abnormal, it didn't feel right. Something inside me was crying, crying in agony, wanting the tiny skinny defenseless human to return, and to be honest I miss him too. It may have taken its time but I have fallen in love with the sarcastic human. I just wish I had said it when I had the chance. But now, it might be too late.

We had searched that lair through and he had been there but was gone, Scott and Allison are out searching for him while Lydia is working with Deaton and the hunters to find a way to turn him back to normal while I walk around getting sentimental by the kitchen. I stormed through the living room and up the stairs and straight into Stiles' bedroom. I have spoken to everybody that if they enter his room they will feel pain even worse than death.

Everything looks the same in his room, messy like any other teenagers' room but neat and well done at the same time, as there was a system in the mess, that is just the many unique abilities Stiles has. I let a finger lightly grace over his pillow. Everything right now seems so hopeless, and everybody trying to cheer me up only makes worse. I sat down at his really messy desk where paper was spread across it in one pile. They were all different but they all had one thing in common, there was written 'wake up' on all of them, some were small and rather elegant looking while others were big and chunky looking. 

While I was looking at the horrifying papers on his desk I heard talking downstairs, people asking for me. I didn't want them to come up here and disturb the privacy of Stiles' room, or my privacy, I can't let them see me like this, let them see me this vulnerable. I put on a brave face on as I walk down the stairs in my usual 'I'm The Alpha' walk to intimidate the people in the room to show my dominance. It always works except on one person, Stiles. 

I arrived at the metal table, feeling everyone tense up, but all I could think about is Stiles and getting him back here. When I get him back I will spoil him hard and take care of him, I will treat him the way he treats everyone else, with love and respect, I will be the best I can be for him. Lydia caught my attention by clearing her throat, I sent her the glare that told her to speak before I leave again.

" Stiles has kidnapped my ex-boyfriend, Jackson Whittemore," she said shoving a picture over the counter. It was a picture of the guy that tried to choke Stiles to death. A growl came out my throat making everybody walk away from me, except Lydia, she is a brave one I'll give her that.

" I know what he has done Derek, it was one of the main reasons I broke up with him, but if it's true that The Nogitsune feeds on dark energy than it will use Jackson to gain more control over Stiles," she said. Using Stiles and Logic convinced me that the Jackson jerk didn't necessarily have to die, so I agreed to save him.

" Ok, everybody suit up," I yelled across the loft, making some of the hunters scramble around finding their gear. I let out a sigh as I got on my leather jacket on. I could smell that Deaton was right behind me, so I spun around, facing him with the same hard expression I have had on since the day Stiles went missing. 

" What?" I said in a dark tone, barely recognizing my own voice. Deaton sighed with a sad tone as he avoided looking directly into my eyes, everyone does that. 

" We may have found a cure, but it is in an ancient language, it may take some time before I know how to help him, but until then, you have to prevent him from killing someone he has a close connection with," The vet said, igniting some hope in my once dead soul. 

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