life-changing little trauma

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Stiles' P.O.V

I stood inside looking outside on the field where the two of them were going at it. Since the meeting with Peter, Derek has trained Scott even harder, he has somedays pushed Scott beyond his limits, somedays I was tempted to look away. It was brutal. 

Meanwhile, those two were out there, training like mad dogs, I wanted to make myself useful. I went on to my dear friend, the internet, and started looking for alpha weaknesses. Turns out an Alpha doesn't have that many weaknesses, but I did find out that an Alpha without a pack was not so strong without the backup of his or her's betas. I kept on researching ways to take Peter down. There was, of course, wolfsbane bullets, which I don't have. There was silver, which come-on that is just a myth. 

Finally, I found something useful, Kanima venom. It is said to paralyze the person who gets it in their system. that would be an amazing strategy. Derek can without a doubt get Peter to swallow the venom, and when Peter is out of order, Derek can go in for the kill. God, I'm a genius. 

" What you reading?" a voice said behind me, scaring the absolute shit out of me. It was from Derek. I could see that he was smiling from a near heart attack. I, obviously, didn't look very amused.

" I'm trying to learn more about your kind, both Beta, and Alpha," I said as he looked at me even more amused than he was before, to be honest, it kinda liked when he looks at me that way.

" I'm glad you are showing so much interest in us, not gonna lie I was afraid that you would have run out the door screaming, " he said with a nervous chuckle at the end. I was really scared, to begin with, but then when I realized that my brother was apart of this weird and scary world. I was afraid, but now I'm ready to fight.

" Where is Scott?" I asked as I looked around the loft for traces of the other wolf.

" He went home for about half an hour ago. I was thinking that we could get take out today, you know to give you a little break from singing with the stove, " he said laughing from the day he had walked into the kitchen and seen me dance to Rhianna, but you can't blame me, I had just found out that his stove could stream Spotify.

" Sure, what kind of take out?" I asked as the blush from the embarrassing memory.

"I don't know, Chinese?" He asked as I immediately shook my head, it is a Friday, which means that dad is also out to get Chinese.

" Maybe Mexican?" He asked. That I could agree on. There is nothing better than a spicy enchilada and some nachos.

" Ok then get dressed and let's roll, " he said with that smile that could make a dead person gasp for air. I can't help but fall into whatever this was, the only thing I know is that it is dangerous to play with.

I jumped out of the couch and ran up the stairs to get my clothes on, nothing wild just my red hoodie and skinny jeans combined with my normal converse shoes.

Derek's P.O.V

We were sitting in the restaurant laughing as Stiles told me how he 'accidentally' broke Scott's arm. 

" And it just said snap, just like that," he said laughing as he snapped his fingers. for the past half an hour we have been laughing making people look at us, but I don't care, this feels natural. I think what Deaton said that time was partly true, yes maybe my wolf is drawn to him but my human side is too. He has personality there is pure and clean, not stained and tainted like mine. 

I felt like it was on a cloud of forever bliss until my phone started ringing of course. I picked it up to hear a frantic Scott. 

" Ok Scott calm the fuck down, I can't make out anything you are saying," I said into the phone drawing Stiles' attention that before the call had been attached to the nachos. 

" Derek, Peter has attacked a highschooler, Lydia Martin!" 

" Ok, we'll be there in five," I said hanging up on the phone as I took my leather jacket receiving a confused look from Stiles there had his mouth stuffed with nachos, It would have been gross but he looked kinda cute like that.

" We have to go to the hospital, a highschooler named Lydia Martin has been attacked by Peter," I said seeing all color draining from his face, he started to hyperventilate as he took his jacket on going out into the car. 

" Stiles you know her?" I asked since his response was more than just out of the normal. I could see his head sink down as he sat down into the car. 

" Everyone knows Lydia Martin, she is the queen of high school, but I have known her since 3rd grade, I used to have a crush on her, but I realized it was never gonna be more than a one-sided thing," he said, sadness greatly buried in the undertone. It is sad to know that he has experienced so much heartbreak and his life has barely begun.  

" You and Scott can stay with her, I will go out looking for Peter," I said as I hit the speed driving off to the hospital, there still brings bad memories up. I could feel that Stiles was staring at me. 

" Derek no fucking way, you can't take him down alone, we need to stick to the plan YOU made, remember?" he said his voice breaking at least five times along the sentence. Why the hell does care so much for me, it won't be the biggest tragedy if I die, but the care in Stiles' voice made me want to stay with him. 

" Fine," I growled out as I swung the car onto the parking lot. We stormed in and found Scott in the reception, funny enough was the same receptionist there, looking terrified. 

" Where is she?" we asked as he showed us to the room a strawberry-blonde girl was lying in a hospital bed with a huge scar across her the left side of her throat, with stings in and everything. 

" How is she?" Stiles asked concerned. I couldn't help feeling like that he still some feelings left for her, I know he said he is gay, but it still felt like there is something between them. It is First now that I'm realizing, I am falling for this boy. 

" I'm going to get some coffee," I said without waiting for a response. I walked down the hallway to get myself something to make me think clearly. As I sipped a bit of the horrible hospital coffee I was already starting to think in the direction I knew Stiles didn't want me to go. But I know this is the only option left to play. 

I ran outside, discarding me of the disgusting coffee and let the wolf inside run wild. I could feel my nails turn to claws, my teeth extend into fangs. I couldn't stop feeling bad, bad becurse I broke a promise to Stiles, bad cause I put myself in danger knowing that Stiles actually care about me, but I'm doing it for him, so he at least can get a happy ever after. 

I ran through the forest, hearing every branch I stepped on snap and feeling the wind blow in my face. I actually enjoy running in the woods, it calms me down even when I feel like I could kill someone, I just wish I was running here for a different reason. 

I stopped in front of a burnt house, my house. The top of the house was so burnt there was nothing left except a wall with a couple of broken windows in it. The bottom of the house was still hanging in there even though some of the walls were tilting. Every memory from that night rushed through my head, the screams, the flames, her. 

" You still thinking about that too I see," his voice crept out of the dark. 

" Peter," 

* hey, ladies and gents, and people in between. Yes, this chapter has been a work in progress for the whole week and there will be a double update. To tell the truth, I have screwed up! I thought to make two fanfics at one time would be a good idea for you guys, but no, it was stupid and I see that now, I'm sorry for making that mistake, it will never happen again and I promise that the sequel to when rules don't matter will start when this is over. I just really love writing you guys content and yes sometimes I get too caught up, and for that, I'm sorry. But anyways I hope you enjoy these two chapters and I see you guys next chapter, byeee <3<3<3<3

Daily question: who are you gonna celebrate Christmas with, or do you celebrate Christmas?

I'm gonna celebrate Christmas with my grandma, my aunt, and uncle, my other aunt, and my cousins, plus my mom and brother of course. 

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