Tied Up Chaos

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Stiles' P.O.V

Everything is so cold, really cold. There is darkness everywhere, like a thick fog covering my eyes, intoxicating me, immobilizing me. I'm sitting in a pool of paralyzing terror, it was like a liquid nightmare, always sending a bigger wave of horror with it. Every time I get a vision of the outside world it's always me doing terrible things like hitting Derek or punching Scott. Last time I saw Jackson lying bloody on the floor, pleading me not to hurt him anymore. But I have no control, I want to, but I don't, I just feel so tired. 

" Oh Stiles, I thought we were gonna have some fun," a familiar voice said making goosebumps rise on my skin. In front of me, without a shirt on, was Derek. I have missed him so much, but I know this is another trick, another nightmare trying to trick me, trying to hurt me. In the next second Derek's abdomen was cut open making blood splatter all over the infinite room of darkness. Behind fake Derek was Him. The Nogitsune. 

" Oh come on, don't tell me that you are gonna act like this all the time, we are having so much fun," he said showing his sharp metal teeth. I tried to resist but I couldn't do anything, I'm just so tired. 

I had almost given up hope when I felt my body falling over, knocking me out of the paralyzing pool of Darkness I had been swimming in. I fluttered open my eyes trying to keep them open to make out who the silhouette I was seeing is. 

" Derek?" I questioned, feeling Fire burning in my cheek like I have been sucker-punched in the face. As my vision got clearer I could see Derek kneeling beside me looking at me with a very hard expression on his face.

" Which one of you are asking?" he asked, his voice almost sounding inhumane like it's been sucked dry of human emotions. I looked at him with teary eyes, happy tears, so happy to see him again. The tears were followed with small sobs that I personally think sounded like a hamster dying. 

His face immediately lit up and I was scooped up into his arm, feeling his body heat warm me up, feeling my skin prickle from the warmth there melting away the cold there was lingering in my blood. 

" I missed you so much, You were right, oh god I should have listened to you, this is all my fault," I said letting it all out, feeling a waterfall coming out of my eyes. I felt his strong hands on my cheek wiping the stream of hot salty tears away making me calm down. 

" Hey hey, don't say that we are gonna find out how to get rid of that monster, until then we need to keep you safe, from yourself, and others," he said with a sad smile. I could still feel tears stream down my face, no matter what we can't bring the dead back. I had killed Jackson. 

" I killed him didn't I ?" whispered out, loud enough for Derek to hear it. He looked down at me with a sad expression, but he shook his head.

" If its Jackson you are referring to then no he is not dead. I gave him The bite," He said as he opened the door to his car placing me in the passenger seat, he then reached under my seat, finding a blanket that he tugged close around me with very light hands. I could feel my face heat up from Derek's touch, and I just couldn't help but smile.

" What?" He asked curiously to why I was smiling, I just shook my head as I snuggled into the blankets he had surrounded me with. 

" What's that on your arm?" He asked looking at the black line The Nogitsune had cut. I was reminded with all horror and terror that it had put me through, about the dark place, the illusions and other horrific tricks it had played on me. 

" Derek, don't leave me alone, please stay with me, I don't wanna return to that place, he cut me, he knows my, weakness," I said with heavy breath and tears starting to form in my eyes, my entire vision became blurry and air didn't seem to come into my lungs. It felt like I was gonna suffocate. Then everything stopped, even time. Derek had his lips sealed with mine. Making air return to my lungs and kept me away from the edge of a panic attack. His lips were soft like a brush from a warm summer wind. He pulled away and I was still longing for breath, but for a different reason. 

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