Secrets unveiled

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Stiles' P.O.V 

I woke up to the sound of things scraping the ground on a floor above me. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a huge room, laying on a couch with a nice cozy blanket carefully tucked around my slim figure. I sat up rubbing my head as I remembered that I had said yes to live with Derek. Yesterday pretty much seemed like a blur where clear bits and pieces where floating around.

I looked over to a steel staircase where the boxes, there had been the host of my things, were laying empty at the end of the stairs. I looked around me seeing that the living room was huge and that it was even connected to a beautiful modern kitchen, Who the hell is this guy? I thought before I walked over to the kitchen downing a glass of water, or two, maybe thirty glasses. 

I paused when I heard a chuckle behind me as I downed number thirty-one glass of water, I turned around to see Derek Standing behind the kitchen isle in a light gray sleeveless T-shirt, sweat dripping off him as if he had just been showering with his clothing on. I choked on my glass of water at just the sight of his sweaty chest, there was heaving for breath. 

" You ok?" he asked gently as he patted my back as I continued to cough on the water that I was stupid enough to choke on. I gave him a small nod as I felt I had the coughing under control. I put the glass in the sink as I kept looking everywhere but the sweaty hot male in front of me.

" Wow you weren't kidding when you said you had space enough, this place is huge," I said as I went over what kind of things he had in his kitchen. all the newest supplies there would cost very well over five hundred dollars. I looked at the stove there was so advanced that it even had wi-fi.

He let out a chuckle as he moved over into the kitchen taking a mug from one of the cupboards putting it in a hole in the fridge there even had a coffee machine in it. I could feel my jaw drop to the ground in pure shock and fascination. is this dude some kind of billionaire? 

About an hour later after a very late breakfast or early brunch, I looked at him asking what I have been thinking about the last hour.

" Are you a drug dealer?" I asked making him spit his coffee out in laughter, ok not a drug dealer, then where the freaking hell did he get money to afford all of these fancy things, he don't look that much older than me, maybe five or six years max.

" No Stiles I'm not a drug dealer, tell me is that what you have spent the last hour thinking about?" he asked still laughing like he would die tomorrow, I just sat in my chair frowning since I basically tried to calculate and shut the opportunities for him being a criminal.

" Well, I assumed by all these fancy, and expensive things that you either were the real-life Christian Grey or a drug dealer, " I said looking at my empty plate. 

" I like the Christian Grey option better, but in all seriousness, I inherited all this money when my family died in a house fire some years ago," I could hear the sorrow behind his voice and I could see the sadness behind his eyes.

" I'm sorry, I lost my mom too, I wasn't that old but I do miss her a lot," I said, feeling my shoulders get lighter, guess talking about problems does work.

" I'm sorry to hear that, how did she die?" he asked, I could see that he kinda regretted it, so I took a deep breath before I spoke. 

" she died of a disease called frontotemporal dementia, it's a disease there is a shrinkage of the brain that leads to dementia and death. I was with her when she died," I said feeling a tear fall down my face, I quickly wiped it away as I looked up to see Derek spill tears, to me he didn't seem like the type to cry over my sad backstory.

"It seems like you cared a lot for her, It is really moving," he said as he too wiped the small tear there had formed at the corner of his eyes. 

" It's just life, shit happens," I said as I rubbed my sleeves feeling the itch crawling beneath my skin, I could see he had a worried look in his eyes, there were completely locked on me. all I could think was the hope that he won't care for me, I don't want to make my trouble his trouble.

" Stiles, I know you are hiding something, for Scott and for everybody you know," he said making my eyes almost pop out off my head onto the table, how does he know that I'm hiding things? how does he know Scott?   

" Oh, and before you start to freak out, I know Scott from meeting him in the woods, I do believe he told you he was bitten by a wolf, I'm helping him control that wolf inside him, what I'm trying to say is, he is a werewolf, like me," he ended making his eyes shift forest green, with a hint of gold flecks, to an icy, electric, blue there knocked me off the chair. 

" Stiles! are you ok?" he asked as kneeled beside me. I rubbed my head there had an aching pain from hitting the floor. I could see Derek had noticed and in a second he had snaked a hand up the back of my head where the pain slipped away. I felt a bit embarrassed when I accidentally let out a small moan, but I can't lie that felt good. 

Ten to fifteen minutes later he stopped and I could see black veins on his arm disappear. I looked at the floor a bit scared sitting with a real werewolf, what do you do in that situation? give them a treat? Nah that is probably not a good idea. 

" I gotta admit, you take this much better than other people," he said smiling a bit, I send him a smile back, I mean him being a werewolf can turn out to be a good thing right? and I'm sure that Scott is a little too chill about it, but what the hell he has always been like that.

The doorbell rang as I got up on my feet, unsure and wobbly to say the least. Derek opened the door and in bursted Scott giving me a literal bone-crushing hug.

" Ok, Scotty you can put me down now," I said gasping for air as I got free with what felt like two ribs hanging lose and the others already crushed to dust.

" What are you doing here Sti?" he asked me with the brown puppy dog eyes, I hate when he pull them out, I hate I have been lying him right in the face while he was using those innocent eyes.

" That has to be later, Scott you have training to do, you can chit chat and have a catch-up later, right now our top priority training you up before the next full moon or else the alpha will slaughter us all," he said dead serious, so serious that it actually sent chills down my spine, I know I haven't known Derek for a long time but he is an ok sweet dude, so hearing him talk in that tone is kinda scary. 

They trained all day, and I have to say that is some hardcore training, I think I saw Derek break Scott's arm four times, IN A ROW! werewolves are kinda weird but I decided that even if their hardcore training could cause a fragile human like me, to crumble into nothing the have to get some food. so I am in Derek's 2030 kitchen trying to cook a proper meal for them, since they probably are hungry like a wolf, get it? pun intended. 

It was about 10 pm when they stopped training, They were dripping sweat everywhere and the were covered in dirt from head to toe.

" That was good Scott, now that we can move past the light training we can finally move on to the basics." I hope he was kidding, becurse if that was light, I don't wanna know what hardcore training is for werewolves. 

They went up and showered in a shower there probably had a Spotify playlist installed into the showerhead. when they came down in only sweatpants I decided to look at my phone to distract me from the two bulging six-packs, I really don't wanna look at Scott's mostly becurse he is my friend, but if I look at Derek's I know I won't stop looking', also they may have some freaky supernatural powers to detect attraction.

  " The food is delicious Stiles, where did you learn to cook like this," Derek asked as he downed another plate, I smiled as I took a 'regular' bite of my food. 

" My mom taught me," I said sending a smile, not a sad one, a real smile, I can't be sad about her death forever, plus I like to brag how good a chef my mom is. 

" Now Stiles why are you here," Scott said, dead serious. I let out a sigh as put down my fork and knife down.

" It's complicated," 

" Just tell me Sti,"

* Chapter 8 out, and yes it is really late, and yes there is a stupid excuse behind it. so I have decided I'm gonna upload every second Saturday, just to fit my schedule. but I hope you enjoy this chapter, I always work on to put out the best quality fanfiction and I'm so happy you guys enjoy it.

See you guys later, byee<3<3<3<3

Daily question: what is the weirdest thing you can do?

I can go in a split, and people always wow becurse I'm a boy. they always ask if it doesn't hurt down there, but it's kinda funny to see their reaction. 

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