knock out, kick out

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Stiles' P.O.V

I woke up in fog there was covering my eyesight, everything was blurry and I couldn't make out my surroundings. when I tried to move I could feel a burning feeling in my arms making me wince in pain, making it hurt more. I could hear a muffled ruffling coming closer from what sounded like the distance, I could feel pressure on my shoulder like someone was touching me there. I could hear my name being yelled, almost screamed. I could feel the fog reduce as my blurry surroundings ones again became clear. I could see a familiar face take shape in front of me as the blurriness disappeared. it was my Dad.

" Stiles!!! oh thank god and heaven above you are ok," he said pulling me into a bone-crushing hug there made me wince, as the burning feeling in my arms came back again. he pulled back with the facial expression everybody gets when they accidentally kick a puppy. I looked at him shooting him a small, but real, smile to ensure him I'm fine, sort of. 

" Are you ok son, you need anything, I can call a nurse if you want?" he asked like he was going into a panic attack every second, and I know from experience that feels awful as hell. I tried to shock the fact that he used the word nurse which obviously meant I was at the hospital. 

" Nah dad I'm fine," I said hearing my voice for the first time since Jackson tried to choke me to death, it sounded so damaged, and raspy, but I still tried to smile it off, for my Dad to make him happy.

" what did he do to you, Stiles?" he asked nodding at my neck, making me cringe a little bit, reliving the moment where the person who hated me the most, tried to force all air out of lungs, thinking back at it, if he had killed me it would have been better, than I won't be there to live with peoples sympathy, or hate. I would have been free. but now I have to tell my dad the truth about what has happened in school. 

" It was Jackson, he has been bullying me for a while, and one day he just tried to choke me to death," I said feeling the venom in this truth, burning and scolding the inside of my throat, I cringed becurse the truth is out and it hurt like hell, worse than hell. I looked at my Dad to see him shocked and confused. 

" that was Jackson? then what about that other guy? " he asked making me even more confused, what other guy was he talking about. I just shook my head as I laid my head on my pillow. 

" I did get driven home by a man named Derek, he helped me from those bullies," I said remembering how worried Derek had looked at me, or how he even added his name as he did with his number, but why does he care about me, I'm a total spazz, I get in too much trouble and I ramble the ears of people all the time, maybe he is just pitying me? No, the look he gave me when he drove me home was pure concern for me. 

  " Stiles, you talked to Derek Hale?" he asked in a bitter voice, I was confused for why he was angry at Derek since he is the one who got me out of that mess with Jackson and the other jocks. I just nodded as I could see my dad was starting to lose his temper, he has always had a short temper which also has given him a lot of problems.

" well, I arrested Derek yesterday for violence and attempted homicide, he is sitting behind bars down at the station at the moment," he said with some kind of sick pride in his voice like he was proud of himself for imprisoning the man who saved me, Derek didn't do anything wrong besides caring for a spastic teen who self-harms his problems away.

" DAD WHAT THE FUCK, DEREK HELPED ME!!!" I practically yelled earning attention from the nurses there went into the room to check on me and look at my blood pressure there was rocking its way through the roof.  my Dad and I kept glaring at each other until the nurses left with what looked like uncomfortable facial expressions. When they closed the door my Dad got out of his and went to the bottom of my bed.

" The nurse at the reception said that it was his fault you were here!" he screamed as the vein on his forehead started to pop out meaning he was starting to get heated.

" he probably brought me here, nothing more nothing less, Derek didn't do anything wrong so LET HIM GO!!!" I screamed feeling my throat hurt since it hadn't truly recovered from the choking done by Jackson.

" YOU DON'T DECIDE ON THOSE THINGS STILES, I'M THE SHERRIF AND WHAT I DO IS WHAT COUNTS, YOU STILL HAVN'T SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THE REST YET, WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU?!?!" he roared out loud, and I was sure that the nurses, and not to oversell it, the whole hospital could hear him and our fight.

" YOU WANT THE TRUTH FINE, I hate myself, I'm all alone and everybody hates me, I barely speak with my farther becurse he works a shift, EVERY, FUCKING, DAY! I get harassed on a daily basis just becurse, I'M GAY!" I said immediately regretting it, I threw my hand over my mouth in a desperate attempt to catch the words I spoke, but in vain. 

" You... you are.... gay?" he asked with a quivering voice and a face that was hammered with shock. I just gave him a simple nod. His face returned to the ground as darkness covered his face. the doors slid open as a, completely terrified, nurse came in and faced me, still scared as hell. 

" Mr. Stilinski you are ready to go home, we advise you to stick to some normal pain killers but nothing else, ok?" she said just getting a nod in return as she, a little too rushed, left the papers at the table beside me and hurried out. I returned my focus at my dad who still was sitting in his own pit of darkness he has created. 

" Dad? please say something please," I said feeling my tears rise in my eyes. he still didn't move and the darkness on his face just intensified. 

" Don't call me that, I didn't raise a girl. I'm not your Dad, and you are NOT my son, " he said as he grabbed his police jacket and stormed out the room, smashing the door behind leaving a killing silence to follow. I could feel the tears stream up in my face, this is what it feels like to completely alone, abandoned, broken, neglected, disowned. I walked out to the hospital bathroom getting my clothes on even though I was bawling my eyes out.

I checked out of the hospital and drove home. he wasn't there so I assumed he was out on a bar getting drunk since its what he always do when life gets hard on him, all he ever did after mom died was to get wasted in some random bar just to get the thought of her out of his head. 

I started packing some of my valuables and clothes, and other belongings down, I knew that if I stayed there will only be more trouble, so I was gonna leave, but where? I could ask Scott, Nah I don't wanna burden him with my issues. guess I'm gonna live in my car for a while. 

I packed the last box into the trunk and looked back at what had used to be the home with happiness and joy, now all that had seemed to give it that familiar look was gone, what used be my home just didn't feel like my childhood home anymore. I got into my jeep and rolled out the driveway out on the road there was gonna be his 'home' for now. but something kept flipping and turning in my stomach.

" DEREK, " I screamed as I made a turn heading in the way for the police station. I couldn't just let the man who saved my life sit and spent time behinds bars as an innocent guy who just got too involved, plus it is my fault he is sitting in that jail cell right now if I hadn't done whatever the hell I did then he would still be free. 

" I'm so sorry Derek," I said as I sped through the city there was slowly beginning to get covered by the darkness. 

I parked my car outside the police station looking inside of the office knowing damn well this was gonna be tricky. 

" Now it's my turn to save you, Derek."

* hey everybody, chapter 5, and guess what, it's actually out in the best timing ever. anyways I hope you all are enjoying your day, I certainly did even though I have been really tired today becurse of the lack of sleep I have, but hey we are teens, we all lack sleep. anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter, don't worry 'when rules don't matter' will get a sequel after this one, and this will also get a sequel, so don't worry neither of these stories is over. I love you all so much and I see you all in the next chapter. 


Daily question: who is your favorite character from other than Teen Wolf?

mine is Jerome from Gotham that I'm currently seeing on Netflix, he is honestly the only reason that I started watching it.

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