Saved by the one in red pt.1

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Stiles' P.O.V

I was holding in front of the station, looking through the windows to check that my dad wasn't in there, he wasn't. I was still thinking my plan through, making sure it bulletproof so that I can free the man who has saved my life, twice. knowing that someone really cares about me, enough to sit in jail for me really made a warm and fuzzy feeling ignite in my stomach, spreading through my whole body, what even was this feeling? I pushed to the back of my mind as I focused on my main mission, to free Derek Hale from my father's claws. 

I slipped into my red hoodie smacking the door to my Jeep as I headed towards the police station, entering the building. The smell of coffee immediately hit my nose as I entered the office, and I could see a trashcan filled with empty doughnut boxes, there even was some at the side, like the trashcan couldn't hold any more boxes. I looked around the office, it didn't look like there was a lot of people there, just a few.

I caught the glimpse of a young officer there seemed to be looking at me, confused, of course, who wouldn't be when they see a teen just standing there at the police department. I decided to make a move since there was no turning back now. I can see that he was moving over to me in a kinda intimidating way, but still, there was something calming about the small smile there was playing on his light pink lips. 

" can I help you? it seems to me you look a bit lost," he said putting a hand on my shoulder. I tried to play it off, make it seem like no big deal, but the truth is, I hate being touched by people I don't know, it just feels wrong, but my plan was going so well now so there is no way in hell I'm gonna blow it just to be a bitch about my personal issues. 

" Yeah, there actually is something you can help me with, deputy... Parrish," I said reading the name on his ID tag, as I tried to use the power of my innocent appearance to trick him into freeing Derek, and by the looks of it, he seemed to be tricked enough to me to help with just that.

" Jordan Parrish at your service young man, and may ask for your name?" he said playing a sly smile on his lips, was He Seriously flirting with me? maybe I can use that to my advantage, by him finding me attractive, which is just weird, I can trick him even more into letting Derek out, I have heard about a hundred women do that, of course, they had to actually sleep with the police to get their man free, and to be honest I'm not gonna waste my virginity on that. I just hope flirting is enough.

" I'm Stiles, Stiles Stilinski," leaning against the wall, setting my foot behind the other making my butt pop just enough to distract him, and just as I thought he was just staring. not gonna lie it was giving me the craziest confidence boost I've felt in a long time. I could see that he tried to maintain focus.

" Stilinski, as the sheriff's son? what brings you to these parts?" he said still glancing from time to time at my bottom. it still gave me the confidence I needed but now it was starting to creep me out a bit, I still, somehow, maintained the mask.

" I was wondering if you could do me a Huge favor, can you?" I said, putting emphasis on huge,  leaning a bit forward, just a little bit to tease him, seemed to work, maybe too well. he started to move a bit closer to me, his hand still on my shoulder and his thumb rubbing circle like patterns. to be honest, now I'm really just creeped out. 

" sure, I mean of course, whatever you want, everything for you," he said coming on a little too strong. this dude was, clearly, new to the term 'flirting' since he just stated he would do anything for me. just plain creepy.

" you see my dad has arrested one of my friends, he thinks that my friend put me in the hospital and that is not true, so would you please get him out of that jail cell, pretty please," I said playing the innocent puppy eyes when all I really wanted was to throw up. I mean he is a good looking dude, but he's flirting weird, and the way he stares at me is like a lion looking at its prey.

  " of course, what is the name of your friend young Stiles," he said, still looking at me like a piece of meat. honestly, it gave me chills. I decided to pop a smile to be convincing that I was flattered.

" Derek Hale, a really good friend, he needs a drive since he has something important to do, so if you could do it quickly that would be great," I said clicking my tongue making him smile a bit.

" of course be right back," he said as he, with great enthusiasm walked towards the cells. not even five minutes he said I could pick Derek up in his cell but as a thank you, I had to give him a kiss, he got one on the cheek, nothing more nothing less. though I did lick one of the walls on my way to Derek to get the taste out of my mouth. 

I walked into the cell seeing him put his boots on, his leather jacket hangs on a hook there was in the wall since there wasn't any other place he could put it.

" hey," I said awkwardly, he immediately looked up poping a smile that I'm pretty sure knocked all the air in my lungs out, is it even legal to have those kinds of smiles?

" Hey, are you ok? you look beaten," he said as he slid his jacket over his shoulder making him look like a hardcore badass, kinda hot not gonna lie, what No he is not hot, it just suits him. 

" Yeah, just a lot of shit going on, my Dad went crazy, so now I have no home," I said cheerfully laced with layers of sarcasm, of course.

" what really? where are you gonna stay?" he asked as he walked out of the cell down the hall noticing the big wet spot where I had licked my tongue after kissing that Parrish guy.

" for now, in my car," I said noticing how sad that sounded, maybe that is a depression thing?

" you know you can stay at my place, I have plenty of space, and to be honest I do feel a bit alone there," he said smiling a bit awkwardly as we exited the police station, I could swear I could feel Parrish's glance in my back like a burning fire.

" really? that would be great, thank you, guess you saved me again," I said rubbing the back of my neck as we stopped at my Jeep, I looked down at the ground since I am a socially awkward teen there isn't the best to conversations.

" hey you just saved me, I should be thanking you instead," he said, and just by the sound of it I could hear he was smiling, and for some odd reason I smiled too a truly genuine smile, a smile I didn't force to make others happy, it was a smile from true happiness, a thing I haven't experienced for a long time.

" do you wanna drive, I'm a bit tired and I don't know where you live," I said giggling a bit.

" sure," he said. I threw him the keys that he caught with ease as he slid into the driver seat starting the Jeep there woke up with the engine roaring. he drove out of the parking lot leaving the police station, I'm never going there again thats for sure.

" so, why were you bleeding? If I didn't know better I would have thought you had been attacked by some animal," he said nodding in the direction of my arms there right now was covered in cuts.

" let's just say mental health is a bitch to take care of, I tell one day when I'm ready," I said as I let out a big yawn making him laugh, and damn that sounded like angels playing a freaking harpe, what the hell is happening to me, I think I'm falling for this mysterious savior of mine. 

" shit" I whispered before darkness pulled me into the land of sleep.

I'm in trouble big time. 

* what's up everybody, yes chapter six is a bit late but with good reasons, I'm studying for a test and let me tell you that it is a pain the ass. but anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter, and just to inform you all, I don't hate Parrish, he was just perfect for this little twist to make the chapter complete, no shade at Parrish at all. thank you all for following this story you all mean the world to me. I see you all in the next chapter.


Daily question: what subject in school do you hate?

mine is math, I just don't understand it, its like reading Latin, just that math is the biggest pain in the ass ever.

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