The Dread Of Night Is a Terror

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Stiles' P.O.V

 I woke up Screaming, again, for the third night in a row. Every night I keep seeing a mummy with metal blades as teeth, always saying the same thing. 

" Chaos create and destroy." 

And in the end, I always have to get asked the same question.

" Only one color, but not one size. Stuck at the bottom, yet I easily fly. Present in sun, but not in rain. Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What Am I? " 

And then I wake up, screaming. I have already made Derek wake up the other times, I'm just glad he is out patrolling tonight. I don't want to bother him with this, he has already talked about going to Deaton about eight times.  

I walk out of the room that Derek so nicely had set up for me. Funny enough all of my stuff was placed like it was at my dad's place. I get down the cold steel stairs there makes chills rise up from my bare feet to my legs. I get to the kitchen where I found a glass full of water, there was a note attached to it.

" We are going to Deaton, this isn't normal, please let me help you." 

I crumpled the paper away with a grunt of distress. I grab the with shaking hands, spilling some of the water. I chug the whole thing down, slamming the glass so hard down it shatters. I look at my hand as the blood, streams out of the newly made cuts from glass traveling into my skin. 

" Let go, Stiles let go," a cold whisper says. It was not a male, nor female, but a whisper. 

I look around for the source of that unknown whisper. As soon as I tried a head-splitting headache grabs my brain and forces me down to the floor. I could feel the blood, stream out of my nose as the headache forced me down to the floor into Foetal-position. It felt like the headache was making its own gravity. Another pang of pain hit, breaking down all the willpower I had left to keep an ear-piercing scream in. 

As soon as the scream had taken all the oxygen in my body and stoped, the headache ended too. all I could do was sitting in the corner of the room, with blood still running down my nose. 

I looked out into the night knowing that no one had heard anything and that I had just screamed into what felt like a void of empty space. all I could feel was all sense of reality leave as the stars at the sky became blurs. 

 The last thing I remember was a cold wind brushing against my cheek as the dark consumed my vision.

I know this sleep won't last long, but something seems off.

Derek's P.O.V

I was done with my patrol about an hour ago, I had been home to look at him for a little bit before I decided to act. His skin was cold and pale, the bags under his eyes have gone even worse and he wakes up screaming every night. I know Stiles told me not to do anything but I couldn't stop, he is not ok, I just know it. 

As soon as I saw the familiar building I hit the speed and slung my car into the parking lot, there practically was empty and got out and around to the backdoor knocking on it. Deaton opened, clearly unamused but waving at me to come inside. 

" What is wrong now Derek?" he said as he took a sip of his coffee there clearly had been made for this. 

" Something is off, with Stiles," I said like it was a struggle to just even form the words to just even make a full sentence. it broke me inside to even hear the screams from him and see the fear, clearly, on his face, there is always is bathed in sweat, I want what is best for him but he doesn't want the help, it's like he shutting people out. Not even two days ago he completely ignored Scott and when I asked what was wrong he said he was tired. 

" Can you give examples?" he asked as he took a note pad to write down.

" His skin is cold like ice all the time, and when I ask him if he is cold he says he is fine. He wakes up screaming every night but won't say anything, and he has started to get even paler than he was before. I don't know more becurse he won't talk to me!" I say almost frustrated, irritated that the boy I love doesn't wanna let me in, yes I love him, I found out the first time when he woke up from screaming. I wanted to comfort him, hold him close and give him warmth and love that he needs. 

Deaton looked at me with wide eyes as he walked to a bookshelf where he grabbed a big thick old book. He opened up on a page and dust almost poured out of it. He started to read as if his life depended on it. 

" I knew it," he mumbled closing the book, " this is not good, not good at all," he said as he frantic walked around the room making the fear inside me grow even more. What is wrong? What is wrong with Stiles? I need answers.

" What is wrong with him?" I asked ignoring how scared and desperate my voice sounds, even with the voice crack. the vet looks back at me, sweat dripping down his head in big beads, the look in his eyes could be compared with the look someone has when they get the news that they are going to die. 

" Derek? is someone with Stiles right now?" It sounded like what was wrong with him didn't matter, but the fact that if he was alone is more important.

" No, he is home alone, he is sleeping right now. Tell me what's wrong with him, why does it matter if he is home alone?" I asked, feeling my wolf scratching the surface of my control, I took a couple of calming breaths to keep the wolf inside. 

" Derek, it is hard to explain what is wrong with him, " he said, still frantic and nervous. I looked at him and flashed my eyes their deep red at him to prove how serious I am. 

" Then try!" I growled out. I could feel that my wolf was unsettled like it knows that we need to be at home with Stiles and not here, but the answers are too important, I can't help him if I don't know what is wrong with him.

" From what you are describing, he has been possed... by the Nogitsune," he said like he was just telling someone that they were going to die in just two hours. I stood shocked, with more questions than when I came here. what the hell is a Nogitsune? how did it posses Stiles? and how the fuck do we get rid of it? Seems that my mind is pretty readable, cause he is answering.

" The Nogitsune is a thousand-year-old spirit, it's kinda like a Kitsune, but a Nogitsune feeds on dark energy, how it possed Stiles I don't know nor how we get it out but I do what I can to find a way," he said trying to stay as calm as he could, but for me, it felt like a bomb was just dropped on me, nothing of this makes sense, everything just seems surreal. 

I turn around, not saying another word to the vet, walking out to the parking lot. I stop up for a second and look up to the moon, and I just howl, I howl my pain out as I jam my fist into the asphalt making a giant hole in it. Anger and sadness rush through my veins to my eyes turning my sight red. My Stiles is possed and the one person, who should know how to get rid of it, doesn't know how to do it. 

I breathe again, but my wolf won't listen, everything is red and my instincts are screaming at me, telling me to go home to the person who needs me now, more than ever. 

I jump into my car, not even bothering to put my seatbelt on, and hit the gas immediately, rushing through the town with only one thing on my mind. 


 * Hello children, another chapter is out, again sorry for the plans on that the sequel didn't work, but hey, at least it's started, anyways, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and an even better new year, and 2020 can just bring it on. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, all I pray to at night is for you to enjoy, soo I hope you enjoy this and I see you guys next chapter, Byeee<3<3<3<3<3

Daily question: best Christmas present?

I got a Harry Potter hoodie there has marauder's map on it, it is super cool, super soft and I wear it all the time. 

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