Feelings Is The Hearts Weapon

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Derek's P.O.V

" Bring it sourwolf, " he said with a sheepish smile there made the blood in my veins freeze to cold solid ice. There was no trace of the Stiles, there once had been in control of the body there were standing in front of me, now all there was left was the shallow shell there was being used as a puppet from the evil there were shining in the brown orbs, I could get lost in forever.

" Give me back Stiles, or I Will Kill you!" I growled once again as I bared my fangs and my claws, I will not allow anyone to hurt Stiles, not even if they are over a thousand years old.

" Awe sweetie see, you can try but you will just kill the kid, and I, I will still live on, but go ahead and try, be my guest," he said with that ice-cold chuckle. God Fucking Damn It, I can't hurt Stiles, even if it means it's for his own good. I was furious, furious becurse no matter how hard I try every one I love gets hurt, I couldn't even prevent a fucking teenager from getting possed by a thousand-year-old spirit. 

" Oh, the Sourwolf is hesitating, how cute," he said as the black in his eyes started to shoot lightning of sick satisfaction. I wish I could do something, anything, but all my plans ended with the same outcome, me hurting Stiles.

" Oh my god! you're boring me with your little love trip, for god's sake, please, anyone just do something," the ice-cold voice said as he fake yawned. There was nothing I can do, I don't want to hurt him but there is nothing else I can do unless I don't hurt him? I looked at the pack who all were terrified, scared of the new Stiles. We all got eye contact and they instantly knew what I had planned.

 I got into wolf form once again, feeling the power of the Alpha beneath my skin, it is still hard to keep that power under control, but Stiles was the one who made me feel comfortable with these newfound powers, now I'm gonna use them to save him. I got into a fighting position and I didn't even have to look to know that the rest of the pack was ready for this too. This drew his attention, making him amused. 

" Finally, something interesting," he said as another creepy smile formed on his pale unhealthy looking pink lips. I let out a breath before I made my move on him. not using all my power I started to fight him, trying to get that demon out of him, but every time my fists clashed with his my heart and wolf cried since we weren't meant to fight each other. 

It felt like we fought forever but in reality, it has only been ten minutes. I could feel I wanted to hit harder but I always slowed down the punch before it was reflected again. The Nogitsune has made Stiles' body react a lot better than before, but it was not Stiles I'm fighting, neither is it Stiles who is fighting me, its all the Nogitsune. 

" Oh, DerBear you bore me," he said as he took me under the arm and threw me into a nearby tree. I looked up, with a still sore spine after taking that hit from the tree. he was standing there looking into my eyes with the still lifeless and cold. 

" Why are you doing this?" I growled at his face, looking some part of Stiles there still were in there, but no, there was nothing back of the boy that I love to the stars. 

" Because he loves you too, and hurting you is hurting him, making me stronger, simple as that, mutt," he said with a cold laugh as his foot connected with my jaw knocking me out of it. 

When I regained my consciousness he was gone and the entire pack was around me, with Deaton. I quickly got up on my feet and relocated my jaw that The Nogitsune had chosen to knock out of its place. The others look concerned at me, and to be honest, I don't like it. It feels ok when Stiles does it when he does it, everything is warm, but this, this feels like pity. 

" I'm fine, our focus needs to stay on The Nogitsune and Stiles," I said flashing my eyes making their concerned looks fade away. I looked around to see that no one besides me was hurt bad, The Nogitsune really means that Stiles has a stronger feeling towards me than the others, and hurting me must hurt him even more. 

" Did someone see where he went?" I asked in a demanding voice, wanting to know where he was so I can bring him back, no matter the cause. 

" He went into the city, but Derek, we are not as strong as you, we need back-up, we can't do this alone. You can't do this alone," Alison said as she stood in front of me. Damn it that girl, if she was a werewolf, she would be a bomb ass Alpha. 

" And what do you suggest we do?" I said with a grunt, hating when my dominance over the pack was weakened, it's my job as an Alpha to make it clear that I'm in charge and that my order is not something to ignore, this girl playing with fire, just like her aunt. 

" I have talked to my father about it, I convinced him to let me lead the entire Argent army, we have people looking for him all over the city, with clear orders to just report. I may not know Stiles, as well as any other here, do but I will try to save him, no matter what." The fire in her eyes burned bright, reminding me of those flames from a long time ago, but these flames are different, they don't burn my skin but comforts me like a hug through the eyes. 

A branch snapped and out of the forest a man emerged, but not just any random man. This was Chris Argent. 

" She is right Derek, we do not wish to harm anyone. I know what Kate did was wrong, but from what I hear your uncle killed her, there is a hunt on your uncle but your pack will be under Argent protection." I could hear it hurt him to say these words, it pleased me a bit which I had to control. As for Peter, I'm sure he can avoid hunters, he may be a sociopathic psychopath but he is not dumb. 

" Fine, but if I find anything that indicates that you are trying to hurt me or my pack, I won't hesitate to rip all of your throats out got it?" I said flashing my eyes to clear my dominance. 

" Now does anyone have a trail on him?" I asked. I can't imagen how scared Stiles must be, I know he is in there behind that dark facade The Nogitsune has made. I'm gonna get him back, now that I know he feels the same for me I will not him go, never in my entire life. 

" We have some hunters reporting him from the city, they said he went into a layer, panting." Allison sounds genuinely worried for him, she talks about him like he is still Stiles, maybe she is not that bad after all. What I don't understand is why he should be panting when he barely broke a sweat when we fought. Something must be wrong, something must be working against The Nogitsune or someone?

"Let's go after him, Stiles must be working against it, The Nogitsune barely put any effort in when we fought so It must be Stiles, we may have a chance." I tried to ignore how desperate my voice sounded, right now I don't care about anything other than Stiles, he is out there thinking he is fighting alone like he always has, but not anymore. He has been alone for too long, way too long, he needs my help, he needs everyone's help, he needs to know that I will be there, every step of the way. I will do everything for him. 

They all gave a nod of agreement as we went in the direction of the city. 

In the direction of Stiles. 

* Hello guys, girls, and nonbinary pearls. I hope you all enjoyed this, right on time again, chapter, this chapter has been ready for a week now and I'm so proud of myself for having my chapters ready in good time. Right now the other chapter is in work too, I guess I have learned from my mistakes hahaha. But anyway I hope you all have an amazing day, you all really deserve it. 

And since I can't wait, this is gonna be an early release.

See you all in the next chapter, love you all byeee <3<3<3<3<3

Daily question: favorite game?

Mine is Pokemon white, the first one. I don't why but it is such an awesome game and I just fell in love with the characters.  

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