why give up?

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Derek's P.O.V

I was holding at the parking lot of the only vet in the entire city. I still wasn't sure if I should do this since I haven't talked with the vet for years, but the question there lingered on the tip of my tongue needed answers, I'm still confused what draws me to that kid I basically know absolutely zero about, but it's like something in the pit of my stomach always want to be near him, it feels crazy, why do I feel like this, I'm Derek Hale, I'm made of stone, I think. 

I hit the car wheel as I opened the door and slammed hard as I walked over to the backdoor at the vet. I opened up the door going into the quiet and cold backroom where a big metal table was in the middle of the room as a bright light tried to brighten up the room. if a normal person would have seen this they would think its a place where people get illegal operations done, but this the supernatural part of the 'vet.'

" Deaton!" I yelled out in the empty and silent room, making the vet appear in seconds with a shocked expression on his face like he had seen a dead man start to walk, I mean he probably has, the supernatural world is crazy. 

" Derek... what a surprise to see you here, what can I be at your service at?" he asked as polite as he always did when I was a kid and early teen. I took a deep breath trying to make out the words to construct my explanation for why I have shown up after all these years.

" I have some problems I need answers to if you would be so kind as to answer, please," I said surprised that I still had the capacity to say the word, please. The vet honestly looked shocked that I just asked nicely for something.

" of course Derek, everything for the son of my best friend, what kinda questions?" he asked but looking like he already knew the answer, that it was gonna have to do with the supernatural.

" First of I'm trying to find the alpha, there is terrorizing the city, I found his Beta and he is on my side, but we have to find this psychotic Alpha." I could see the vet's eyes shoot wide open as he heard the word Alpha. he went over to a bookshelf where he took out a really dusty book out there almost was on the brink of disintegrating. He went through the pages until he stopped in the middle of the book, I could see he was reading since his eyes were gliding from the corner of his eyes back to the other corner, and then repeat.

"Well, Derek if I have to give you advice it will be training that Beta before next full moon, it will be there the alpha would most likely attack, " he said with still an uneasy expression on his face.

" shit, " I mumbled, I had hoped I had at least a couple of months to train Scott, guess it's gonna be some rough weeks for him.

" what was the other question, Derek?" He asked, remembering that I had another question there was bothering the shit out of me and I was afraid were starting to show on me.

" yes, you see, three days ago I found a boy in the Forrest, after that, there has been a connection to him I just don't understand, it's like my whole being wanted to be right by his side, It doesn't make sense I don't know him. " I was partly yelling, but when I looked at the vet he was smiling, legit smiling.

" oh, Derek, sounds like you have found a spark, " he said, voice full of enthusiasm, while was there looking like a big question mark.

" a what?" I asked still dumbfounded over what the hell a spark was.

" a spark is some kind of supernatural being, I honestly don't know much about them and to be fair there isn't actually a lot of them to exist to write down what their abilities are, but it is shown that werewolves are mainly drawn to mate with sparks, " he said as my jaw hit the ground bursting through the floor, dropping an extra few miles.

" but I don't even know him, I mean I'm not even gay," I said sounding like a child throwing a tantrum. it felt like my head was about to explode, I don't want to like him that way, but still, something deep inside said 'shut the fuck up he is drop-dead gorgeous,' which I strongly wanted to disagree on, but I just couldn't get his whiskey brown eyes out of my head, nor the moles on his cheeks there seemed to continue down his neck. I shook my head as left the vet trying to focus on my main project, the defeat of the alpha. 

I drove up to my burnt house and parked my black Camero in the driveway. when I was a kid all I ever talked about was how much I wanted a Camero, now I have one, but it doesn't feel as good as I had hoped since I had hoped my family would have been there for me when I bought it. 

I went out of my car, immediately catching the scent of blood in the air. I sniffed again as I caught what direction the coppery scent was coming from. I ran up to my front door to see him, Stiles. he was bleeding through his clothes and his hair was a mess, his skin was even paler than it was when I drove him home. I could still hear the faint sound of his heartbeat, fighting for life even though this was clearly non-other than the teen himself there had done this.

I took his long-sleeved flannel off and I was right, a bunch of cuts was bleeding making the sight even more macabre. I took the pale teen in my arms as I rushed back to my car to get him to the nearest hospital. I fasten his seatbelt, trying not to hurt him the slightest bit, but he still let out a hiss through his unconsciousness, I could feel My inner wolf scolding me for hurting him, it made me cringe how attached my wolf already was to him.

I ran into the driver's seat and started to drive as fast as I could, breaking at least fifty traffic laws. I found the nearest parking place at the almost empty hospital. I stormed up to the counter with a teen in my arms who were bleeding on the floor and the assistance was Just staring at me as she started to push the emergency button.

A group of doctors came with a hospital bed as they took him out of my arms leaving me feeling a little empty inside. I sat down in the waiting room as I gave the assistant his information, which wasn't much, but still, she found out that his dad was the sheriff.

Twenty-five minutes later he was there running up to the counter, demanding, and I quote, ' where the fucking hell is my son,' the lady looked frightened as she told him to wait beside me as she said I was the one who brought him here. 

I have never watched someone spin on their heal so fast as he did when he faced me his face was scrunched up in a face of pure anger, I would even say the scent of rage overpowered the horrible hospital smell that I hated.

" you did that to my son," he said more as a statement than a question. was completely frozen, unable to move, but I knew I just had to deny it. 

" no, sir I didn't do anything to him I..." but he interrupted me mid-sentence as he raised his hand still drunk on rage.

" save your excuses for the judge, what's your name," he said again a demand, not a question, I was terrified, he is going to arrest me for saving his son, who I still didn't understand the connection I have with. but I knew that fighting it was useless, he was so furious that reasoning with him will trigger another anger eruption.

 " Derek, Derek Hale," I said as I let out a sad sigh, why is that I always get bashed down when I try to do good things?

" Derek Hale, the clock is 17:42 and you are under arrest, all you say will be used against you. " he took out his handcuffs moving over to me and taking my hands behind my back cuffing them really tight, meant to cause me pain.

as he drove away from the hospital my thoughts wondered out to the young boy.

" I'm sorry Stiles, I failed," 

* hey everybody chapter 4 out, A little late I'll admit it but was out with family but hey better late than never right. anyways I hope you all enjoy your day I have actually had a good day hanging out with my cousins and grand cousins, so that's why this chapter is a little late. 

anyways love you all and I see you all next chapter bye <3<3<3<3

Daily question: what is your favorite movie?

mine is the new joker movie with Joaquin Phoenix, he played it so freaking good, and the laughs honestly gave me the joker vibes.

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