Pshycho running Alpha

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Stiles' P.O.V

" That's the whole story," I finished explaining everything, from the self-harm to Jackson trying to kill me, Derek saving me, twice. the hospital and my dad kicking me out and me saving Derek from the police station. Scott was left with a jaw hanging through the expensive mahogany floor and is just staring at me. About ten minutes later he finally closed his mouth.

" Why didn't you say anything, I would gladly have helped you," Scott says as a tear silently made its way down his cheek, staining the tan skin. I felt horrible not telling my best friend, damn it tears are contagious.

" B-Becurse, I-I didn't want to B-Bother you with M-My problems," I said literally starting to sob, and it was true, I never wanted to make my problems his, I didn't wanna ruin his day just becurse my life sucks absolute ass.

" Oh my god, Stiles, I would have thought you are smarter than believing that bullshit," he said smacking his hand down the table, I could see that Derek was still numbed from my whole ramble about my personal life and it sucks shit.

" I just didn't wanna bother you, making you worried just to disappoint you in the end, I don't wanna disappoint any of you," I said falling off the chair on the floor, sobbing hysterically. two arms wrapped around me, I looked up to see Scott there was hugging me, not like the rough wolf hug like before, he had tears in the corner of his eyes and a soft smile playing on his lips.

" You can never disappoint me, you are my brother, there is no my problems, or your problems, we deal with them together," he said in a soft tone, no anger laced in his voice. I buried my head into his shoulder sobbing even louder.

" Thank you for being the best brother ever," I said, voice cracking in the middle of a sob there made him chuckle a bit. I got back up at my chair to see Derek also drop a few tears, I walked over to him giving him a hug, becurse Damn the man looked like he needed one.

" Well Scott you'better get ready for tomorrow, we are gonna train a lot more if we are going to just stand a chance against the Alpha," Derek said in a serious voice making us all nod in unison. Derek than looked around the room and his face got even more serious.

"This means we are a pack, we need to protect each other from the threats we are facing, werewolf or not," he said shooting me a small smile indicating that I was a part of this newly founded pack.

The moment was interrupted when Derek's phone started to ring as Scott was about to rise from his chair. Derek's face looked weird and confused like something unnatural had happened. he went into another room and chatted with the person on the phone.

" Stiles?" Scott said gaining my attention. His face was in a tight expression and there were shadows playing in the creases on his face.

" Yeah?" I said confused for why he was so serious, or what he was going to ask me about, I have told him anything he needed to know.

" Let me see your scars," he said. Not even a question it was a clear demand, an order. At first, I was frozen to the spot, but when I thought about it, maybe it was Scott's way to move on or understand the whole mess. I slowly rolled my sleeves up revealing a bunch of half-healed cuts there were on their way to becoming scars. Some of them had texture to them and some of them were scars the only lived in between the layers of the skin.

I looked at Scott's face to see him cringe at the scars. I was about to roll my sleeves down when he grabbed my hand in mid-action, I looked up at his face to see that newly formed tears were in the corners of his eyes.

" Promise me that you never will do this again. and by never I mean never!" he said as the last tear fell down on the floor forming a little blob. all I could respond to that was a simple nod. He looked me deep in my eyes, trying to find traces of doubt or uncertainty.

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