Defense of a stranger

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Stiles' P.O.V

I was getting ready for a day of misery or as it is called School. I still couldn't get that voice out of my head or make out what it had said to me. I walked down into the kitchen in a Longsleaved flannel in a red-black square pattern, I saw a note from my dad I didn't bother to read cause I already knew what it said, Dear Stiles had a call from the station had to go, Bla Bla Bla love Dad. I took some pop tarts that I stuffed in my mouth as I took my shoes on and slung my backpack over my shoulders. 

I headed out to my beloved baby blue jeep that my mom had gotten ready for me a short time before she died, it seems like a long time ago, the happiness, the love, but most importantly it's a long time since I had a real family. I could feel some tears slip out at the corner of my eyes that I quickly wiped away. 

on my way to school, I couldn't help but feel watched, like someone had their eyes on me, but the road that I was driving on was empty, only I was driving here so I tried to shook the feeling of as I began to focus on the more important things, How can I avoid captain jackass and his Dick squad? I wish everything was different, that I wasn't living a total hell every day, that people just could accept me, but that is just a distant dream.

I parked my jeep at my usual spot, perfect of course, and opened the door as I took my backpack in my hands and walked into the building of living hell. I was at my locker when I saw a note attached to it.

" after school your dead Stilinski,"     

I gulped down a lump of fear as I stuffed the note in my pocket as I took and stuffed my books into my backpack. I walked to class almost like a robot unable to make a move on my own. I sat down in my seat trying to get my consciousness back. I look up to see that Mr. Harris already was giving out last weeks test results, I, of course, got an A+. The rest of the lesson I just sat in my seat beginning to think about that voice again, who was it? It couldn't have been my dad I would have known if it was his voice, It wasn't Scott's either, the question who's voice it was really started to tick me off, I hate being left in the unknown.

The day seems to have gone by so fast even tho I haven't seen Scott all day, maybe that biting thing of his has given him an infection or a virus, who knows. I started to walk out to my jeep when I felt my weight being knocked over, causing me to land on my face. I could feel my skin being ripped up making blood leak out. I looked up to see the person I have forgotten about all day. Jackson.

" did you really think you could insult me and get away with it you piece of shit, " he yelled as he took me by the throat. Shivers were traveling down my spine and fear had settled in the pit of my stomach. is this the end of me? am I going to die by the hand of a dimwitted sport fixated jock like that? no never. 

" well with your IQ the answer would be, Yes," I said trying to show that I wasn't scared. yet what I wanted to do the most was to just run home and abandon my life here. I could see that his face got fiery red and the grasp around my throat tightened.

" don't fuck with me Stilinski, maybe you should learn a little respect," he said in a dangerous tone there made my tense.

" and, that, should, come, from, you?" I said in between breaths there was getting harder to get into my lungs. I could see that Jackson was past the point of angry, he was furious, the redness in his face has gotten a few tones darker and I could feel that my neck was starting to bruise making less and less air get into my already air starving lungs.

" don't be so cocky Stilinski I will make you pay," he said with the spark anger in his eyes getting bigger and bigger, I could see that his comrades were getting unsure whether or not to do this and some of them were even leaving, but he didn't care he was going to kill me, and his face was already starting to get blurry. Jackson Whittemore was going to be the death of me.

" Hey Jackass, why don't you play with people your own size," A familiar voice spoke, and the grip around my throat disappeared. my body hit the ground and air was getting into my almost empty lungs. I looked up and saw that Jackson was running away with a black eye. 

" are you ok?" the familiar voice spoke, I turned my head and saw the guy from yesterday, all came back to me, the Forrest, this man, the panic attack. I just nodded as I felt my throat ache in pain. the man let out a sigh and looked around. 

" Is this your car?" he asked and received another nod. In one swoop I was in his arms, bridal style, I could feel my cheeks burn red, as I tried to hide it I could hear him chuckle a bit. He sat me in the passenger seat and fastened my seat belt and started the car. 

he drove the car on the road only I knew and didn't even ask for directions for where my house was, but still, he found it, but funny enough it didn't bother me. I felt tired like all my energy has been sucked of me by Jackson's hands, I still had my fingers going over the bruises there had turned a violent purple, I couldn't help but notice that he took a few short glimpses of the bruises.

" Why did that guy try to kill you?" he asked trying to understand what had happened. I just let my head sink just trying to forget that whole episode and just move past it, he just gave an understandable nod as he parked the car giving me the keys. 

He carried me back to the house and I locked the door open so we could get inside. He placed me on the couch and got me a glass of water and some pain killers, I swallowed them and shot him an awkward smile. 

" here is my number If you need any help, I have to go but I see you later," he said as he gave me a smile there looked like it could be a million-dollar worth. I just waved and tried to say thank you but it just came out as a weird sound followed by a pang of pain.  

" also see a doctor about that becurse it looks really bad," he said with genuine concern laced in his voice, I shrug under the feeling of him caring about me. 

when I heard the door close I went up to my room and watched him run into the forest like he couldn't get out fast enough, I could feel the tears rise up in my eyes. I quickly grabbed the blade I kept hidden under my pillow and rushed the bathroom looking in the mirror, seeing the bruises on my throat and the tears there was staining my face. I took the blade and pulled up my sleeve revealing a bunch of cuts from a day when my dad came home drunk, swearing and yelling, screaming my mom's name. I let the blade glide over my skin drawing out blood, tears kept streaming as I repeated again and again.

3rd person P.O.V

while young Stiles Stilinski was crying as he sliced up his skin, the man who has helped this young boy, this man was Derek Hale. just as Stiles Stilinski he had some problems he was dealing with. since his first meeting with young Stilinski, he had been out of control to keep himself away from the pale teen. 

" what are you doing Hale, you can't do this, you will only hurt him," he kept bashing himself in the head with trying to convince himself to stay away, but the longing in his stomach didn't disappear but rather grew even bigger.

in just a few minutes he was at the Stilinski house jumping with unnatural powers up to the young boys' window where he picked up the smell of tears and blood. a few seconds the boy walked out the bathroom with freshly made cuts on his arms and dried up tears on his face. he collapsed on his bed where the blood started to sink into the sheets.

Derek Hale couldn't leave the boy alone like that. he opened the window and crawled into the room and went straight to the bathroom where he found the first aid kit and started to clean up the teen's cuts and wrapped them up with some bandage. 

he threw the comforter over the young boy, looking at him with fascination and fear.

" what have you done to me, and why do you do this to yourself?" he asked as he jumped out the window landing perfectly on both his feet.

this visit has left Derek Hale even more confused than he already was.

* here it is Chapter two, hope you all enjoy it, and it is actually on time I'm actually surprised that I finished this in time. anyways I hope you all have an amazing day, love you all and see you all next chapter bye <3<3<3<3

Daily question?: cartoon or anime? 

personally I love both, but I will say there are a lot of plot twist in anime.

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