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how it all began

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how it all began...

Everything was still, everything was silent. Nothing stirred or chirped. The birds that played during the day were asleep as well as the children that played in the parks of Saint Denis. Audrey Davis, a young 26 year old female was happily sitting in her room that night, enjoying the quiet. Her quill moved with ease over the paper she wrote on, her hand writing was quite something. Audrey had always dreamt of becoming an author, she found stories so beautiful and breathtaking, mostly romance novels were her thing. Her Father and Mother however didn't see eye to eye with her dream. They owned a business and her parents were constantly working. They never sold a word to her about the business they wanted to be passed down throughout their family. Her parents have high expectations of her such as getting married and having children of her own just so their business can continue for generations ahead.

Everything was at peace until she saw a shadow move amongst the light in her room. She froze, staring at the shadow, it was a human figure. She was about to scream out when another shadow climbed through the window but a gloved hand covered her mouth. She began to wail into the hand before thinking quickly and thrashing all her belongings on the desk she had sat at onto the ground, a loud noise followed. She managed to also kick her chair over.

"Your Dad couldn't keep his word so we'll keep his daughter until he gives us what we want," The man who held he hissed in her ear, his irish accent with harsh words sent multiple shivers down her spine. She looked around her room to see multiple men had managed to climb through her window now, all wearing an item of green on them whether it was around their necks, on their hats or their vests. An older looking man emerged from a dark spot in her room, bringing a finger up to his lips as he attempted to hush the scared girl. Audrey had never experienced any sort of rivalry, she had no clue what this was all about. His gray hair cascaded from his dark hat, his dark eyes burning into her.

"Be quiet, princess," He hissed, his breath hot and lingered with the smell of cigarettes and whiskey, the outlaw essentials. He turned to some of his men, pointing them towards the door. "We'll run through the house, we can't climb her out of her window," he muttered to them. One of them nodded as they headed to her bedroom door, slowly opening it which the door creaked, the man opening the door winced at the noise as he hoped it wouldn't be loud. Audrey was shoved out the door, the hand now moved away from her mouth. She didn't fight, she knew better than to fight. If she fought she knew harm would befall her. She was pushed down the stairs, her eyes widening to see her parents on their knees with their hands on the back of their heads, guns being pointed at them. Audrey sobbed loudly at the sight, there was nothing they could do to prevent this.

"If any of you pigs touch her I swear-" Audrey's father began as he looked at his daughter who was trembling with fear. The grey haired man chuckled, walking over to her mother and father.

"We'll have fun with her, she'll never want to leave," the stranger hissed at her father. The room filled with laughter from all the men including the gray haired man. "You couldn't keep a deal so I'll be taking a possession of yours."

Audrey's father went to lunge at the man before the man acted fast, drawing his revolver and whacking him across the head. Audrey screamed at the sight of her father collapsing to the ground, her mother sobbing loudly. The hand moved back over her mouth, muffling her screams again.

"We will find you, sweetheart," Her mother looked at her daughter who looked awfully alike to her. They shared the same hair and nose, she had her Father's eyes though. The man who had made it clear he was the leader waved them all towards the door, Audrey tried to dig her heels into the ground but the man shoving her along was a lot stronger than her. As they walked out the front door they began to pick up the pace, becoming award that Audrey's screams may have brought unwanted attention. The man with the gray hair was by her side once again, walking with her as she was pushed along.

"Colm O'Driscoll, nice to meet you Audrey Davis," The man smirked. He knew her name and everything, she felt sick to think this may have been planned for a long time. She was completely delirious to what her family was involved in and now she had to suffer it.

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