𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

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┕ The book is coming to an possibly in the next chapter! I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you think it is going to end ♡. Enjoy this chapter! 

Audrey woke the following morning to the sound of movement. She opened her eyes to see Arthur getting dressed. She smiled as she looked at his bare back as he pulled buttoned up his pants. 

"How did you sleep?" Audrey asked him, Arthur rolling his shoulders as he stretched his muscles before turning to face her. 

"Pretty good actually," Arthur answered. "Maybe because I had you by my side," he smirked. Audrey rolled her eyes at him before laughing. "We should be going though," Arthur reminded her about Dutch. He was right but she wanted this to last forever. The two of them being together, not worrying about anything. It was nice. 

"Can't we just stay here for a bit?" Audrey asked, propping her head in her hand as she watched him look around on the floor for his shirt. "We don't get to be alone with each other often," she pointed out. Arthur sighed, giving up on looking for his shirt before climbing back into the bed, wrapping an arm around Audrey's shoulders as she snuggled into him. 

"Just a bit," Arthur reinforced. Audrey nodded, resting her head on his chest. Arthur ran a hand through her auburn locks gently. "Dutch'll get worried," he reminded her. 

"We have all day, remember?" Audrey reminded him. 

"The ride will be long though, we don't want to be riding in the dark," Arthur explained realistically. Audrey sighed, saddened by the reality of this. Of them. Too many people rely on Arthur, too many people that he cares about. He has a family to return to whereas she doesn't have that anymore. That's something she misses lots, greeting her family after a day out. "I wish things could stay like this. Just me and you, without the worries of everything," Arthur sighed. 

"Well, come to New York with me," Audrey looked up at him with hopeful eyes. She knew however that it wouldn't happen, he couldn't leave Dutch. Dutch is like a father to him, and Hosea. It was all just a beautiful dream, a dream that Audrey wishes badly that it was reality.

"You know I can't, as much as I want to," Arthur muttered, his hand rubbing her shoulder. Her shoulder prickled at the touch of his hand. "I couldn't leave Dutch so sudden, it wouldn't be fair," he explained, Audrey understood though. "Maybe one day, just not now." Audrey could just imagine the reunion of her and Arthur, one morning the knock on her door and opening it to see him standing there. She smiled at the thought. 

"I understand," Audrey nodded before grabbing his hand that rested by his side and holding it in hers. Her thumb ran circles on the back of his hand, her eyes watching. "It saddens me that I will be leaving but we both know it is what is best," Audrey stated confidently, like she was trying to convince herself as well as Arthur.

"So you're going?" He asked. Audrey nodded, Arthur resting his chin on the top of her head as he pulled her closer to him. He was quiet for a few moments before finally speaking. "I will miss you," he mumbled. Audrey felt her heart break.

"I'll miss you too, Arthur," she softly whispered. "But I'll never forget the moments we had," Audrey smiled as memories of the two of them flooded her mind. Arthur nodded in agreement. 

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