𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞.

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A few months later.

Audrey has never been this scared ever. She never thought the same amount of fear she faced that night of her abduction would still be here but it is and it has never left. The O'Driscolls were terrible to her, they made her life hell but they still fed her. They didn't want to kill her, they made that clear. 
Colm had made sure that Audrey never heard a word about her family, she didn't know if they were even still alive. How was she to know if the O'Driscolls ever went back for them and finished them while she wasn't there? She prayed everyday that her family is safe, one day she would return to them. Sure, they weren't the most understanding or supportive parents but they loved her in their own way just like she loved them. She had never been apart from her family for such a long time. Audrey shuddered when she heard the cabin door open, she didn't dare to look over. Instead she sat in the same corner she had always sat in, hoping that one day the law would end all of this. 

"Look at me," Colm's raspy voice hissed from above her. Audrey obeyed, looking up at him from burying her face in her knees. He grabbed her chin forcefully, his eyes glistening as they looked over her. "Still as perfect as ever," he muttered. Audrey felt chills erupt down her spine as he crouched in front of her, his face close to hers. She tried to sink into the wall behind her, trying to get herself away from him. He snickered as he noticed her obvious reaction. "There's no point in trying to hide, princess. You can't go anywhere," he reminded her. The same reminded daunted her brain since she was taken. She knew she would never escape, not when she was who she was. She was weak, raised in a proper home where all she had to do was house work and shopping. She got an education unlike most unfortunate children. She was not meant from a world of violence and outlaws. He moved his head towards her neck, she cringed as she heard him sniff. He paused, lingering by her neck before pulling back with a grin on his face. "You smell like me. I'm glad my boys haven't gotten to you again," he joked. Audrey wanted to erase all the things they had done to her from her mind but the sick man that Colm was had to remind her everyday. He chuckled as he rose back to his feet, Audrey feeling relieved that he wasn't going to do anything to her this time. "I'm heading out with a few of my men to check on some of my other boys," Colm informed her. He pointed a finger at her cruely, his eyes narrowing. "If I come back to find that anyone has had fun with you you'll regret it," he hissed. Colm knew Audrey couldn't fight his men, he just wanted her to face a world of pain. He laughed as her face fell in horror before turning away and heading out the cabin, closing the door behind him. She heard the door lock and Colm's voice outside calling for some of his men to ride with him. 

Not even ten minutes had passed and one of the O'Driscoll bastards entered the cabin. Audrey managed to get to her feet, sinking into the corner, her back pressed firmly against the wall. The sick smile of the man met her as he closed the door behind them, locking it from the inside. He had somehow managed to unlock the door from the outside. She had met this one before, not only was he the one who had muffled her screams during her kidnapping he was also one of Colm's favourites. 

"Should we continue where I left off?" He snickered, his voice booming in the quiet cabin. Audrey froze as he approached her, one of his hands grabbing her waist forcefully. She held her breath, looking away from the man before he gripped her face, squishing her cheeks as he ripped her head to him. "Look at me this time, bitch," he spat. Audrey felt tears well in her eyes and he noticed her beginning to cry so he let go of her face. Audrey thought he was going to leave it at that before his hand collided with her face, a loud slap echoing around the wooden walls of the cabin. She gasped in shock and pain, strands of her red locks falling across her face. His grip on her waist tightened as he pushed her against the wall, his free hand grabbing her neck forcefully. "You know what will happen if Colm hears you didn't do as you were told," The man hissed. Audrey pursed her lips together as he chin trembled, she was holding back her cries. She looked away from him once again, unable to look at his hideous face. His hand dropped from her waist and to his belt, his grip tightening around her neck warning her not to do anything as he continued to speak. "A world of pain will happen, that's what," he hissed. He laughed sickly before they were interrupted by a shout outside. The shout followed the ringing of gunshots, the windows of the cabin exploding from stray bullets. Audrey gasped in horror, the entire time she had been with the O'Driscoll's she had never seen something like this happen. "Shit!" The man shouted with a tinge of disappointment. He looked at Audrey before punching her hard in the gut, causing her to crumple over onto the floor. He grabbed her arm forcefully, dragging her towards the bed and bounding her wrists together with his belt, attaching her to the bed. "You ain't goin' nowhere!" He spat before grabbing his shotgun from the table and then flipping it. Audrey felt safe where she was positioned, low and away from the windows. She knew she wouldn't get hit by a bullet. The bullets seemed to go on forever before they all fell silent. Audrey watched as he peeked his head over the table. He looked back at her before heading towards a window to look out of. His jaw dropped in shock, Audrey assumed it wasn't good news for him but maybe it was for her. He hurried towards the door, holding his breath before a loud noise was heard against the door, signalling someone was trying to push in. He pushed the door open, knocking down whoever was trying to get in. He stood over the man, Audrey watching his shadow before hearing the same sick laughter as before before a gun rung out and he fell sideways. Her eyes widened in horror and her breath hitched in her throat. 

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