𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲𝐒𝐢𝐱.

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Audrey and Arthur booked into a luxurious hotel that was well-kept and stunning. Arthur, new to this sort of luxury was speechless, Audrey however had seen this all plenty of times. Her family had been wealthy, she was use to this sort of treatment. As they walked into the room they were staying in, Audrey turned to face Arthur.

"Wait here, I just need to use the bathroom quickly," Audrey forced a smile. Arthur didn't notice her forced smile as he was gazing the room in amazement, giving her a single nod. Audrey popped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and released a sigh. She hadn't told Arthur what had happened yet. Well, she did but very briefly. She didn't mention the part where she would have to move to New York to make things easier. She felt tears spring to her eyes at the thought of leaving him. She couldn't possibly leave, she might never get to see him again. Sure, Arthur had mentioned plenty of times that she needs to leave but he probably didn't expect for her to leave to a far away place. Now they had become so close, leaving wasn't an option for her anymore but now this is an opportunity. Audrey quickly blinked her eyes, pushing back the tears as she took a deep breath. She was going to have to tell him but for now it was their date night. Opening the door to the bedroom, Audrey appeared in the door frame, Arthur turning to her with a grin on his face.

"This is... well, different," Arthur started followed with a chuckle. Audrey grinned, walking over to him. "And this is normal to you?"

"Pretty much," Audrey nodded at him honestly. "Well, my home was never this luxurious but a lot of the manors and mansions I've been to have been," Audrey recalled. A wave of grief washed over her at the thought of being a part of a happy family once. It seemed so long ago now. 

"What a step down you took," Arthur remarked.

"Oh you all aren't that bad," Audrey argued. "Everyone but Micah that is. If Micah wasn't with you lot, you all wouldn't be so bad. Micah just ruins it for you all," Audrey joked, a scoff breaking from Arthur.

"Harsh," Arthur joked. Audrey grinned at him before her eyes flickered to the window. It was becoming sunset already. 

"I was thinking we could go to Bastille Saloon for dinner. Take a trolley there and then after go for a walk in the park across the street," Audrey explained her plan. "Then we can catch a trolley back to the hotel."

"Sounds good," Arthur nodded which caused Audrey to pout in bitterness.

"Good? That's all?" Audrey questioned which caused Arthur to laugh before throwing his hands up in defence.

"I haven't been on many dates so I ain't too experienced in the activities," Arthur defended himself. Audrey rolled her eyes.

"Right," she scoffed before looking at him again. Taking his hand in hers, she tugged him. "Come on, let's go catch the trolley." She explained. Arthur closed the door behind them as they left before Audrey dragged him down the stairs. 

"How do you know we won't miss it?" He asked. Audrey chuckled, shaking her head at him. 

"If you have forgotten, Arthur, I have lived in Saint Denis all my life. The times are stuck in my head," she reminded him. "Walking from one end of the city to the other would kill your feet! It would be silly to not take the trolley," Audrey pointed out, her feet meeting the solid ground at the bottom of the stairs. She kindly waved to the man at the front desk who had booked them in before pushing open the double doors. Her eyes scanned the tram rails before spotting the Trolley approaching them. She raised a hand in the air, waving at the trolley driver to stop. Arthur watched as the trolley stopped for them. Audrey hurried over to the trolley, leaving Arthur behind. Just as she was about to board, she looked behind her at Arthur. "Come on," she called out to him. Arthur quickly followed after her.

"Evening, Ma'am. Sir," the driver greeted them as they boarded. 

"Could you take us to Bastille Saloon please?" Audrey asked which he nodded before smiling at the both of them.

"Of course, just take a seat," he informed the couple. Audrey thanked him politely, Arthur simply just nodding at him before following Audrey to a seat. The couple sat together on the same seat, Audrey sitting next to the window and Arthur sitting on the other side of her.

The two of them thanked the waiter as she placed two plates of lobster before them. Under the night sky, the couple dined with the dim lights from inside the Saloon and the twinkling lights that overhung them.

"This looks great!" Arthur stated, his eyes large as he stared at the food before them. He took the fork and knife in his hands, digging in straight away.

"You have never had lobster?" Audrey asked. Arthur shook his head in response. "Well, tonight's your lucky night then," Audrey beamed at him as she picked up her fork and knife. "It will be quite different to what you're use to but I bet you'll like it," Audrey informed as she cut a bit of her lobster. She watched as Arthur chewed on a bit of the lobster, his eyes lighting up in delight. Audrey laughed at him.

"Woah," he stated, almost in shock that it tasted amazing. He immediately continued to eat, enjoying his meal. After having a few more bites he paused, looking at the woman sitting across from him. "You know, why don't you tell me more about your meeting?" He asked. Audrey frowned as she began to panic. Arthur waved over a man who was standing by the door that led back inside, ordering him to pour them both some wine.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her eyes watching the wine being poured into their glasses. "I've told you what happened," she paused as she signalled the man to stop pouring in her glass when she was happy with the amount of wine. Accidentally spilling some wine after finishing, he quickly cleaned up the small mess on the table with a green cloth before stuffing it back into his breast pocket. The man hurried off, leaving the two of them to be alone again. "I didn't get a job in the newspaper but instead I've been given the opportunity to sell my books in a bookstore," Audrey explained.

"Well for starters, what bookstore?" Arthur asked. Audrey shrugged awkwardly. "Surely you know what bookstore? There's a few in Saint Denis ain't there?"

"Well... yes, but this one isn't in Saint Denis," She explained. Arthur frowned as he lifted his glass to his lips. "It's in New York."

Just as she expected, Arthur reacted by almost spitting his wine in shock. 

"New York?" He repeated, startled. Audrey nodded.

"I'm afraid so. I would have to move to New York," Audrey explained, hating every second of the conversation. Arthur frowned at her in confusion.

"You seem upset about that, why?" He asked. Audrey became confused, returning the look to him. 

"And you're not?" She pursed.

"Well, of course I will be when you leave! But this is what you want, isn't it?" He asked her which she responded with a nod. "Well then, you shouldn't worry about how I feel. Remember when I told you that there's a big world out there waiting? This is it. New York is your future," Arthur lent back in his seat, his eyes on Audrey. "It's pretty clear you're a lady of the city. You and I, we are completely different people. I prefer living outside and you... well, you prefer different things," he motioned around them, causing Audrey to grin. "We were just lucky enough to cross paths."

"You saved my life, Arthur," Audrey reminded him. Arthur shook his head in denial. "You did and you know it. You also made me realise that becoming an author is what I want. You made this all happen Arthur and I'll be forever grateful," Audrey smiled at him. "It was fate for us to meet and we helped build each other." Arthur nodded in agreement, surprised she had helped Arthur somehow. 

"You made me see good in a world that I didn't know had any good left in it," Arthur spoke up. Audrey's heart fluttered at the compliment. She leaned over the table to him, placing a kiss on his cheek. 

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