𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞.

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Audrey woke the following morning to loud snoring coming from outside the bedroom Bill kindly let her use. She groaned as her stomach grumbled, sitting up and rubbed her eyes as she forced herself up. This was one of the best sleeps she has had in a long time besides being hungry. She didn't sleep much with the O'Driscolls she was too afraid. She dragged herself out of bed, sunlight meeting her eyes from the window. It was a beautiful day. She headed for the door, opening it slowly and looking around. She spotted Bill fast asleep against a wall, his hat dipped down over his face. She looked over towards the front door, she could possibly sneak out. But did she want to risk it? If they don't find her the O'Driscolls will. After what Arthur, Bill, John and Kieran did yesterday Colm would be raging like an out of control fire, he's probably harassing her parents thinking that she went home. She can't go home, she knows that. She looked at the sleeping Bill, his snores only growing louder. Maybe she could run, take his horse and hide somewhere away from the O'Driscolls and the Van Der Linde gang. She could hide in Blackwater maybe, leave this state altogether. It was decided, this was her chance. Audrey carefully walked across the floor boards, placing her feet lightly down in hope Bill wouldn't stir. This may have been one of the most intense moments of her life, her eyes stuck to the door as she steadied her breathing to keep herself calm. Bill was nice to her but that doesn't change anything, she wants to not be involved in any of this. She reached the door, about to reach her hand to the handle when the door opened from the outside. Her face immediately fell pale, just her luck. 

"And where do you think you're going?" Dutch asked with a questioning look. He placed his hands on her shoulders and spun her back around, walking her back to the chair from yesterday. "I knew this would happen, goddamn Bill," Dutch grumbled as they passed Bill who was still asleep.

"Bill, get up!" Arthur hissed at him, kicking Bill hard in the foot. Bill woke up with a jolt, looking around wildly as he gathered himself. His eyes widened when he realised Dutch was here.

"Dutch!" He greeted. Dutch however gave Bill a scornful look as he sat Audrey down in her seat. She crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance. 

"Remind me not to leave you to watch over her," Dutch muttered. Bill looked disappointed with himself before the door opened again, Javier and Micah entering. Audrey rolled her eyes at the sight of Micah, she hated that man and had hardly said a word to him. "Now I hope you had a think about our conversation yesterday, Miss Davis," Dutch began, picking up the chair he had kicked over yesterday before sitting down in it. Arthur rested his shoulder against the wall as he lent on the wall, watching along with Javier who stood by Arthur. Micah was annoying Bill, she couldn't hear what they were saying but Bill was growing agitated. "Because miss, bad things will happen to you if you ain't honest," Dutch warned, his tone serious. Audrey frowned, pouting slightly. 

"I'm telling you, I don't know anything," She said truthfully. Dutch sighed, leaning back in his chair as he scratched his chin, his eyes not leaving her. "If I could I'd try and prove it to you," she muttered, looking down at her hands that rested in her lap. She just wanted this whole situation to be over, for her parents to fix this mess they made so she could go home. 

"She's just a girl, Dutch. Maybe Colm never told her anything," Javier spoke up. Audrey was surprised he had come back today, he seemed very uncomfortable with Micah and Dutch yesterday. Dutch looked over at Javier, an annoyed expression on the leader's face.

"She was the only woman there and as far as I know the only woman in the gang. She has to know shit," Dutch grunted, turning his head back to her. Arthur muttered something to Javier as Javier tensed up after Dutch's comment. "If you don't talk soon great harm will meet you," Dutch warned her once again. Audrey's throat burned as she tried her best not to cry.

𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐔𝐩 ✧ 𝐑𝐃𝐑𝟐Where stories live. Discover now