𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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Audrey sat on the steps of her home the following morning, the only part that hadn't been burnt. All around her was the smell of smoke, the fire had come to a stop but the smoke drifting hadn't. Audrey's head was buried in her hands, contemplating over everything that had happened. Colm had made her parents disappear from her for good. She finally got back to them just for them to be brutally murdered. Burned alive. They didn't deserve a death so unbearable and painful. 

In front of her near the gate surrounding the house was Dutch and Arthur, talking most likely about her. The others had all left after staying for a while, shocked about the situation. Dutch had got them to search the city to make sure Colm and his boys were gone. They have nothing more to come back to, however now that Colm knows Audrey is with Dutch he'll be on the search for the camp location. This isn't the end of Colm.

"We should head back," Arthur's voice rung out above her. Audrey wiped her face with a hand as she removed her head from her hands and looked up at the man. Arthur looked sorrowful, his eyes wandered to the burnt house to stop himself from looking at the broken woman before him.

"I can't," Audrey mumbled. Arthur sighed before looking over at Dutch. He waved at Dutch to go without them and Dutch nodded, walking away to his horse. Arthur moved beside her, sitting down beside her. The two of them shared the silence, the only sound heard was the hooves of passing horses on the paved roads. 

"It'll be okay," Arthur comforted her finally. They both knew nothing he said would fix anything. Nothing anyone could say would fix any of this. Audrey doubted Arthur but she appreciated him trying to comfort her. "I'm sorry this happened." Audrey finally allowed herself to look at him, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands hanging freely.

"Me too," Audrey sniffed with a nod. "They didn't deserve this. None of this," Audrey mumbled, hatred stinging her voice.

"Neither did you, don't start blaming yourself," Arthur encouraged her. "It weren't you who made this mess," Arthur reminded. He was right, it was her parents who started this. They should have never got involved with the O'Driscolls, for whatever reason they thought. But she couldn't help but blame herself. What would've happened if she got here before Colm? Maybe if she never returned they would still be alive. Arthur placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly with reassurance. 

"I have no family. I have no home," Audrey began, her voice cracking as she was on the verge of tears once again. "I lost everything at once. I have nowhere to go now, Colm ruined my life," Audrey felt tears springing to her eyes. She sighed while attempting to blink away her tears that threatened to flood out. "All my belonging are gone. I might as well be dead too."

"Don't say that," Arthur grunted. Audrey knew her words were hitting Arthur hard, she knew he hated seeing her like this. He promised her nothing would happen to her parents but they both knew Colm was unpredictable. She didn't blame Arthur though, it weren't his fault or anyone's fault. It was all Colm. 

"Maybe I should become a bad outlaw to feel like I have something to live for, throw away my dignity and trade it for violence," Audrey scoffed, hatred seeping through her. She wiped away a tear that rolled out, Arthur letting out a low sigh. "Then maybe you'll give me a chance."

"Audrey," Arthur groaned, shaking his head. Audrey stared at him, waiting for him to continue. "I can't let myself have you. You'd be better with a lawyer or something, not someone like me. I ain't going to say it again," Arthur explained. Audrey rolled her eyes, resting her chin in a hand. "Look. You don't have to plan on leaving yet. Colm will probably still be out for you. You can stay with us for longer if you need," Arthur informed, changing the topic. 

"How many times do I have to say it, Arthur?" Audrey began, growing frustrated. She needed him more than ever, she just lost everything. She needs to know she has him. "I want you. Your words won't change that, no matter how hard you try to push me away!" She hissed. She felt tears of frustration and grief building up again, her chest growing tight. "What more do I have to do? What do I have to do to show you that you're right for me? Tell me, I want to know what I have to-" She was stopped by Arthur's hands grabbing the sides of her face, pulling her towards his lips. She was silenced by Arthur's lips colliding with hers. The chemistry between the two of them was undeniably strong, from the way Arthur acted so boldly and passionately, Audrey could tell he had been trying so hard not to give in to his heart. Audrey moved her hands to Arthur's back, pulling him closer to her as the two of them continued to kiss, power surging between them. Eventually, they stopped. Audrey was amazed and stunned. Arthur kept a hold of her face, not letting her go as he stared deep into her eyes. Audrey rested her forehead against his, a hand gently brushing the side of his face. Her fingers grazed over his rough beard. With her other hand, she placed it over his heart. "You need to let your heart speak more, Arthur," Audrey mumbled. Arthur's hands moved down to her neck, his thumbs running along her jawline on both sides. 

"Whenever I do it always gets hurt," Arthur spoke honestly. Audrey's heart broke at the words. The poor man didn't know what it meant to be so deeply in love, and if he did it had been broken. "I just hope I haven't made a mistake." He managed to pull himself away, forcing himself off of the step. He stood before Audrey, extending a hand out to her to take. "We should go now. It's not good for you to just sit here," Arthur informed. Finally, Audrey gave in. She took his hand, his big hand wrapping around her small hand gently and pulling her to her feet. Audrey looked over her shoulder at the shambles of the house. 

"Do you think we would be able to bury them?" Audrey asked. She saw the corners of Arthur's lips tug down as he shook his head. Audrey looked down sadly.

"There'd be nothing left," Arthur explained. Audrey knew Arthur was right but she just hoped maybe they would've still be there. The fact she couldn't even give them a funeral broke her heart. Maybe she could get tombstones made for her parents, they just wouldn't be buried. Arthur pulled Audrey into his side, placing a hand on her lower back as he guided her away from the house. Audrey dared to not look back again as she knew she wouldn't leave if she did. She had to leave, Arthur was right. The two of them walked to their horses before leaving Saint Denis together. Audrey didn't know when she would return to her hometown, she didn't know if she would ever be able to bring herself to return after the horrible events. 

When she had returned to camp with Arthur, everyone gave her space. Dutch had informed everyone of what had happened so that everyone was aware. Maybe it would make Mrs. Adler trust her. Audrey hadn't left her shelter since she returned to the camp. She got visited occasionally by Karen, Mary-Beth and Tilly. Jack even, he gave her a drawing to try and cheer her up.

The next morning Audrey's stomach growled with hunger. She was starving but she didn't want to face anyone. Arthur and her hadn't spoken again, Arthur giving her time to grieve unless he was avoiding her. Right now, Audrey didn't care. She had lost her parents, the only people she had loved so strongly. All she had hoped for was for her parents to be well, even if it meant she was never to see them again. But now they were dead and she is here. Funny how the world works. Audrey managed to force herself to get out of her cot and change into some clean clothes and brush her hair. Her eyes were heavy with grief and exhaustion, her limbs ached from exhaustion also. She was torturing herself. However, she needed water. Her throat was dry as a desert and she couldn't bare it any longer. She managed to finally leave her small tent, not having to go far to get a cup as Pearson's Wagon was in front of her. She grabbed a steel cup, looking around for some water. She frowned when the jug wasn't beside the fire where the stew normally was. She scanned around before spotting it on the round table where a person was sitting. She approached the table to realise it was young Lenny sitting at the table, reading a newspaper. She muttered a good morning to him, not wanting to be rude. As she reached for the water, her eyes caught the front cover of the news paper. 

Mister Benjamin Davis and Miss Mary Davis found dead with their home burnt down.

Audrey found herself staring at the paper, Lenny catching on to what was happening. He began to talk, not knowing what to say.

"Oh...I-" he began, awkwardly placing the paper on the table so she no longer had to look at the cover. Audrey forced a smile.

"It's okay," Audrey chirped weakly. Her fake attitude didn't convince Lenny very much as he sat there, still trying to say something but the words were unable to flow out of his mouth. Audrey quickly poured herself water before hurrying back to her tent without another word. Her chest heaved with heartbreak. Her parents were well known in Saint Denis, their murder would've shocked everyone. Audrey wondered if there was any mentioning of her. She found herself drinking from the water, her throat quenching the ever so delightful water. However, the water didn't do the trick. It didn't make her feel any better or make the pain go away. It did nothing, just like everything else. She found herself leaving her tent again, heading towards the nearest crate of alcohol and grabbing multiple bottles before returning back to her tent to drown her sorrows. 

𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐔𝐩 ✧ 𝐑𝐃𝐑𝟐Where stories live. Discover now