𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲𝐓𝐰𝐨.

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"You be careful okay?" Audrey called out after Arthur as he was following the group Dutch had gathered to the horses. He looked over his shoulder at her with a reassuring smile.

"I can handle some O'Driscolls," Arthur insisted. Audrey nodded, she didn't doubt that, she just couldn't help but worry when she heard word of them. She knew what they were all capable of. 

"Hosea, you make sure things here stay well," Dutch called out to his friend. Hosea nodded at him. "And make sure there is a gun on everyone, they might know where we are," Dutch assumed as he mounted The Count. Hosea nodded again before waving the group of Arthur, Bill, Charles, Dutch and Micah off. Javier stands beside Hosea, Hosea turning to the younger man.

"You make sure everyone has a gun, even Molly. I don't care if she doesn't use it just make sure she is armed," Hosea ordered him. Javier nodded before separating from Hosea before being stopped by John to talk to him. Audrey hurried over to her tent and grabbed her revolver ready. 

"Swanson! Stop it you fool!" Susan bellowed. Audrey looked over in the direction of her yell to see her snatching a bottle of whiskey out of his hands, the man waving around like a baby looking for food. Javier immediately rushed over to them and handed Swanson a carbine repeater, the drunk idiot looking at it uselessly. "We might as well begin digging our own graves since you and Uncle are drunk off your minds!" The woman hissed. 

"Hey, we'll be okay," Javier chirped in, trying to cheer up the woman. Susan looked at him for a moment before nodding. Javier gave her a small smile before heading off again. Audrey decided to stop prying and opened the chamber of her revolver, checking to make sure she had plenty of bullets. She closed it to see Sean running back into the camp. 

"O'Driscoll, kick some dirt over that fire," he ordered Kieran who was at the scout fire. Kieran nodded, quickly smothering the flames with dirt. Sean ran over to the main camp fire and did the same. Audrey hurried over to Sean.

"What's going on?" Audrey asked, Sean looking up at her from putting the flames out. 

"They're damn everywhere! Figured we should hide the smoke before they investigate," Sean informed. Audrey's heart sank.

"How many of them?" She asked, her hand gripping her revolver tight.

"Too many. Karen, Lenny and I have seen so many already, I just hope-"

"No!" Mary-Beth's shriek was heard from across the camp. Audrey and Sean's conversation was cut short to see Karen with a gun to her head from an O'Driscoll, a group of O'Driscolls following. No Colm thankfully. 

"Shit! Where's Lenny?" Sean hissed under his breath as him and Audrey began to make their way over. Audrey quickly hurried over to Mary-Beth, Tilly, Abigail and Jack, Abigail hiding Jack behind her as the boy clung to her shirt nervously. 

"So this is where ya'll are hiding, eh?" The voice of the O'Driscoll holding onto Karen hissed. Karen's face was screwed with anger, her hands up in the air. 

"Let her go," John ordered him. The O'Driscoll looked at John before chuckling.

"Nice to meet you to, I'm Robert," He introduced jokingly. Hosea placed a hand on John's shoulder, calming him from reacting.

"She's just a girl, let her go," Hosea stated. Mary-Beth was sobbing quietly, terrified to see her friend held at gunpoint. Tilly held Mary-Beth's hand supportively, a repeated in her other. 

"She'll be okay," Sadie muttered as she joined the group. Audrey looked at her, nodding in agreement to stay positive. "They won't do anything stupid to her, they just want you," Sadie looked at Audrey. Again, Audrey nodded. She knew that was true. 

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