𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨.

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Audrey was relieved to feel the horse beginning to slow down however she dared not to open her eyes, she knew if she did she would vomit. Laying on your stomach and being put on a horse isn't ideal, now she understands why bounties run when bounty hunters arrive. 

"Hey, Arthur!" A young, american voice called out as they rode up a path at an easy trot. It wasn't easy for Audrey however as she was bouncing around and it was really uncomfortable. She knew Arthur was doing this purposely to annoy her, she could tell from his muffled chuckle as he tried to keep to himself. "Who's that?" The man asked.

"Ain't sure yet, Lenny. You just keep occupied, alright?" Arthur called out to the voice. This Lenny person didn't say another word as the horse continued to trot. Audrey groaned as he ribs began to hurt from the uncomfortable position she was in. Audrey never felt more relieved to feel the horse come to a halt, the ride was unbearable and torturous. Arthur didn't say a damn word, didn't ask anything about her not even her name. He really kept his word when he said he was going to leave this to Dutch. She had heard his name before, Dutch Van Der Linde. Colm only complained about him almost everyday, to her Colm seemed jealous of this cunning man. She felt herself being pulled roughly off of the horse, managing to land on her feet Arthur grabbed her arm roughly once more. 

"Ah, son. John informed me of our friend," The dark haired, tall and much older looking man stood by his tent, smoking a pipe as he called across to Arthur. This must be the great Dutch. Arthur shoved her over to him, pushing her through the camp towards Dutch. "Not here, not in front of Jack," Dutch muttered, looking over to a child who was being supervised by a dark haired woman whose hair was piled on the top of her head. A small smile was on her face as she watched the boy play. That must be his mother or someone who cares about him dearly. 

"Then where?" Arthur asked, confused. Audrey began to feel her heart race, was she going to get killed? She had only just gotten away from the O'Driscolls. Dutch waved Arthur to follow him back to the horses. Arthur sighed, irritated that he had to ride again. He pushed Audrey forward which she grunted at him this time, growing sick of him shoving her around. Dutch chuckled at the woman. 

"There's a cabin not too far from here. Shepherd's rise I believe it's called," Dutch informed before letting out a whistle, turning his head towards a group of men. Audrey looked over to see a nicely dressed Mexican, a blonde haired man with a leather jacket and Bill. "You boys, ride with us." He more told than asked them. Without a word the three men followed.

"Dutch!" An older voice called out. Audrey looked in the direction to see an older man hurrying over with gray hair, he looked kind unlike Colm. Dutch sighed at the hearing of the man's voice.

"Yes, Hosea?" Dutch asked unpleasantly. Hosea joined Dutch, following him to the horses. 

"Be kind to her, she's only a girl," Hosea began. Audrey could tell that this Hosea person had a kind heart. "We don't know who she is."

"She's a goddamn O'Driscoll," The blonde man cut off Hosea, his voice hissing out with venom. She knew just from the blonde man's vibe that he wasn't a nice person. 

"I am not-" Audrey finally found the courage to speak up before Dutch stared at her with a cold look. 

"You will not speak until I say so, understand?" Dutch silenced her. Audrey knew that if Dutch was Colm she would've been on the floor for speaking. Colm had a lust for her, it wasn't love at all. Dutch pointed to Arthur's horse. "Put her on, Arthur," Dutch instructed as he walked towards a beautiful, slender cremello arabian. "Hosea, I need you to stay here," Dutch turned his attention back to his older friend. Arthur picked her up with ease and tossed her back onto the horse, Audrey sighing in annoyance. 

𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐔𝐩 ✧ 𝐑𝐃𝐑𝟐Where stories live. Discover now