𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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"Get up," Arthur's stern tone greeted her the next morning. Audrey groaned loudly, rolling onto her back as she stared up at the canvas that was covering her. She had hoped all of this had been some dream, but it weren't. 

"Why?" Audrey grunted, not wanting to leave her cot. She never wanted to. The only time she did was last night and that was a mistake that she was not going to make again. 

"We're taking a ride," Arthur informed. Audrey frowned, why? She was ready to question him again but he turned his back to her. "Get dressed, we'll leave soon," he informed before walking away. Audrey pouted in annoyance as she watched the man walk away. But being the good person she was, she got out of her cot and got changed into a fresh set of clothes. 
After getting changed into a pale cream blouse and a navy skirt, Audrey left her tent. 

"Morning," Abigail greeted the woman. Audrey looked at the woman to see her holding Jack on her lap, bouncing him on her leg. She could see the woman had a concerned look in her eyes, she was worried about Audrey. 

"Good morning, Abigail," Audrey responded, giving her a forced smile. Abigail smiled at the woman before looking down at her son. Audrey figured that was her cue to leave them. She found Arthur standing by the scout fire in the distance. Audrey hurried over to him, not wanting to keep him waiting any longer. Arthur didn't need to look at her to know it was her approaching him. 

"You ready?" He asked, turning around to face Audrey. Audrey's eyes didn't leave his face, still amazed by him. It was like the first time seeing him all over, just like how it was everyday. She was truly in love with him. Perhaps that made her a fool for falling head over heels with a man she had only just met but a fool she would be. She nodded. "Good. Now come on," Arthur waved her after him. She frowned as he began walking, leaving her behind. Her feet found their way as she hurried behind him. 

"Where are we going?" Audrey asked curiously. 

"Ain't sure," Arthur answered as he lifted a foot in his stirrup, before pausing and looking at her. He quickly removed his foot and rushed over to Audrey who was going to climb up onto her horse. "Here," he offered. Audrey laughed at his generosity. 

"I can get on a horse, Mister Morgan," Audrey reminded him while he lifted her up. Arthur nodded, taking a step back as he looked up at her sitting on her horse. 

"I know," he answered before heading back to his horse.

"So why do you insist on helping me?" Audrey chuckled. She thought it was very kind of him. Arthur swung up into his saddle, sitting down with a grunt.

"Because it wouldn't be polite of me if I didn't," Arthur looked at her with a smirk. He clicked down at his horse, his horse turning away from the hitching post. "Come on, let's get," he announced. Audrey followed close behind him, the two of them cantering down the path away from camp. 

The ride was peaceful. They didn't stop for a second, only to slow down while passing through Valentine. The birds had sung to them, the two riders riding side by side with each other. Audrey observed the world around them as they rode, realising the beauty of nature. Nature wasn't something seen often in Saint Denis. The only beauty of mother nature seen was the backyards of houses. Audrey was realising why Arthur despised the city so much. That city was called the city of beauty by so many because of the luxury the city holds, yet they ignored the people starving on the streets. Yet they ignored the continuing growing town demolishing the nature in its path. Maybe her home wasn't really her home. She grew up in that house, yes but the world around Saint Denis grabbed her heart in some way her home never did. Saint Denis even couldn't accomplish that, even when the city lit up beautifully at night with the over hanging lights draped above the roads and the city lamps glistening. Living in the wilderness opened her eyes to the world around her and if it weren't for Arthur giving his opinion on Saint Denis perhaps her eyes would've never opened up. Audrey was so taken in by the beauty of the world that she had become startled when Arthur halted. Audrey blinked a few times, being so lost in the world and her mind that she didn't acknowledge where they were. She looked around to see flowers of red and orange amongst luscious green grass, the sky a beautiful blue with the warmth of the sun welcoming the skin of every person. The view was stunning, Audrey felt like she was at the top of the world. Arthur dismounted, Audrey following him. 

"Where are we?" Audrey asked as she stood by Desert Rose, stroking the horse's neck as Arthur wandered away from his horse before sitting down on the ground. Audrey left her horse, heading over to join him. 

"Ambarino," Arthur answered, looking up at her and watching as she sat down beside him. "One of the most beautiful places in this country."

"Why are we here?" Audrey asked, curious still. Audrey was still confused to why Arthur would take her away from camp. Arthur looked ahead of them, looking at the view. 

"To show you that there is a world out there for you," Arthur nodded towards the view before them. Audrey frowned, confused to what he meant. "There is a world waiting for you, Audrey. It will wait for you but the longer you wait, the less time you'll have." He sighed, hesitating to continue. "You need to stop hiding from the world. Hiding from Colm, that isn't going to get you anywhere." Audrey smiled at him, her smile growing.

"What are you saying, Arthur?" She asked, smiling at the man.

"I'm saying that you should pursue your dreams," Arthur stated confidently. He turned to look at Audrey. "You want to be an author, right? You should do it," Arthur encouraged. Audrey felt herself blinking in shock. She didn't think Arthur would say something like that. Sure he always wanted what was best for her which is why he thought that he wasn't great for her. "Don't let anyone or anything stop that. You have a future ahead of you and you'll go far. Don't let that go to waste," Arthur grabbed her hand, squeezing it in his. Audrey found herself still smiling at him, her eyes welling with tears of joy. "One thing Colm can't take is your passion for writing. So don't let him," Arthur encouraged. Audrey laughed, launching herself into Arthur's arms, hugging the man tightly. Arthur rubbed her back with a hand as she hugged him joyfully.

"I didn't know you cared," Audrey chuckled before pulling out of the hug, her hands resting on his shoulders as she looked at him.

"I do, I care about you," Arthur informed, his eyes staring deep into hers. Audrey felt her hands moving to his chest before gripping his shirt tightly and pulling him close to her. Holding an arm around her and one holding him up over her, Arthur kissed her. She felt his body move on top of her, Audrey laying down as Arthur hovered over her, his arms on either side of her as the two of them continued, Audrey's hands resting on the sides of Arthur's face.

Audrey and Arthur walked into the camp the following afternoon, Dutch watching the two of them walking in together, a smirk on his face before taking a drag from his cigar.

"So you two finally came back!" Dutch called out to them. Arthur nodded, the two of them approaching Dutch. "Where did you lovebirds go exactly?" Dutch asked, curious about their journey. Audrey frowned, was it really that obvious the two of them had a thing going on?

"Dutch..." Arthur trailed off awkwardly. Dutch raised an eyebrow at him, waving his cigar around as he spoke.

"You got the glow, son! Seems like you two had a good time," Dutch smirked, Arthur grunting in annoyance at his father figure. Audrey felt her cheeks blushing before Arthur dragged her away from Dutch. Dutch's laugh was heard as the two of them left the man. 

"We don't need to tell him anything," Arthur informed, irritated with Dutch. Audrey laughed, nodding at Arthur.

"Well, I think he already knows," Audrey explained, looking over at Dutch from where they stood in front of Arthur's tent. The man was looking at the two of them with a smug look before he finally moved away into his tent. She grabbed Arthur's hands in hers, swinging them happily. "I had a great time, Arthur. It was nice," Audrey smiled at him. Arthur finally gave in, giving her a small smile. It wasn't often he smiled but when he did, the whole world stopped. He should smile more often. Audrey leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek lovingly. "Thank you," she thanked him. Arthur nodded. Audrey let go of his hands, ready to leave when he quickly stopped her.

"Are you going to think about it?" Arthur asked her. Audrey turned around back to him. "About your future." Audrey nodded, a smile growing.

"Of course," she answered. He nodded in approval, he wanted the best for her. Audrey continued to walk away, Arthur heading into his tent and sitting in his cot before grabbing his journal.

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