𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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A few days had passed since her parents were murdered by Colm. Today, she stood outside of the remains of her house in the front garden where their tombstones had been placed. It's where they would've wanted to be buried, together and at home. Audrey looked over her shoulder to see Bill and Javier waiting respectfully for her, the two giving her as much time as she needed. She would've got Arthur to come with her but he was out doing something for John. Audrey sniffled as she placed flowers on their graves. She had nothing left of them, not even an item. But at least she was able to do this for them. 
Audrey hadn't heard any news of the business her parents had run, she suspected just like they did it disappeared. She felt bad for the people who would have to find new jobs but running a business wasn't what she wanted. She wants to become an author and now that she has people supporting her she is more than excited to try it. 

"I wish I could have done something to stop this," Audrey muttered, staring at their tombstones. Both the writing was similar on both of them, stating they were loved by many and were the caring parents of a daughter. "Thank you," she mumbled, thanking them for the life they gave her. They had done so much for her and she wasn't going to sit back and let that waste away. Arthur opened her eyes and made her see that there is a world waiting for her. 

Even though Bill and Javier were giving her space and being patient, she couldn't help but feel watched. She knew why they were really here. She knew they were here in case Colm is still lurking in Saint Denis. Dutch doesn't want her going alone anywhere just yet, not until he is certain Colm has gotten over this feud with her parents. Now with her parents gone, she felt like this feud was with her and him. She knew Colm wasn't going to give up, he wants the money. He won't stop until he gets paid. Audrey moved up between the tombstones and placed a hand on the top of them, imaging that she was holding their hands. 

"I love you both," she muttered, her eyes stinging with tears that threatened to spill but she contained herself. She finally got herself away from their memorial graves, of course they weren't actually buried because their bodies were lost in the fire. She turned to Bill and Javier, meeting the two of them at the gate. Bill became aware of her approaching and opened the gate for her, allowing her to come out. "Thank you both, for doing this," she thanked them both, motioning to the tombstones. Audrey had gotten them made but Bill and Javier had put them in place. Javier nodded.

"It's no trouble," Bill spoke up for the both of them. He looked at Javier who casted him a glance before looking around again. Audrey could tell the man was agitated with knowing that Colm could be watching them. "But we should get moving," Bill informed. "In case that goddamn bastard is hanging around," he growled, the tempered Bill escaping him again. 

"We hate to rush you, Miss," Javier apologised. Audrey shook her head at him, she understood. The both of them didn't need to apologise to her. Javier looked past her shoulder and down the road behind her, his eyes narrowing as he looked harder. His jaw tightened as his eyes relaxed again. "We have to go, now," Javier warned her. Audrey felt her blood rush as he noticed him tense up. "Now!" Javier said louder as she just stood there. Bill quickly ushered her along, the three of them rushing to their horses.

"What is it?" Audrey asked as they hurried to their horses.

"O'Driscolls," Javier growled as he leapt up onto his horse with ease. "They knew you would come back," he sighed, shaking his head in disgust. Audrey felt herself begin to panic but managed to get herself together. She swung up onto Desert Rose's saddle, grabbing the reins as Bill did so also. 

"I think they've seen us," Bill warned them both. Audrey felt her world stop at the words. She looked down the road at them to see a line of five riders all staring at them. They had defiantly seen them but there was no Colm. "Shit," Bill growled under his breath.

𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐔𝐩 ✧ 𝐑𝐃𝐑𝟐Where stories live. Discover now