𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.

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Audrey awoke suddenly in the dark of the early morning to the sound of her door. She sat up fearfully, hoping that it was all apart of the dream and she was being silly. She reached over to the side table and lit a match before hovering it into the lantern, the room lighting up slowly. She looked around the room, holding back a scream to see Colm sitting on the large couch beside the bed. She quickly crawled out of the bed and grabbed the gun, aiming it at him. 

"Get out!" Audrey demanded, staring hard at the man. Colm sat on the lounge looking unbothered by her. "Get out now or I'll scream!" She warned him. 

"No you won't," Colm chuckled. "You're too scared of what will happen next if you do," he hissed, challenging her. Colm was right however, Audrey was so terrified of him that she wouldn't do anything foolish to potentially get her hurt. 

"What do you want, Colm?" She asked hastily. He leaned forward in his seat, Audrey's aim following him. 

"My money," he hissed bitterly. "Where is it, Audrey? Just because your parents are dead doesn't mean this is over. When I get paid, it will be over," he reminded, his voice stern. Audrey's jaw tightened fearfully. However, she managed to keep a poker face.

"You'll get it," Audrey insisted calmly. "I would have it but you burnt my house down so I don't exactly have anything anymore," she hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. Colm rose from his seat, Audrey taking a step back as she pointed the gun at him, warning him. He chuckled lightly. 

"You think I don't know what you're doing?" He pointed at her before laughing. He stopped laughing to look at her, shaking his head as he grinned sickly. "You're going to New York," he hissed. Audrey felt her heart stop instantly. How did he know? As her face fell she received the expectant reaction from Colm; a devilish grin. 

"How... How do you know?"Audrey stuttered in shock. It made no sense. Only Arthur and the gang knew, it's not like word had broken out. 

"I have ears everywhere," Colm snarled. Audrey began to think back on yesterday and the day before's events, trying to recall if she saw or heard anything suspicious. That's when it clicked. The butler that served them wine had a green cloth. He was an O'Driscoll in disguise. She should've known, Colm was smart. That man would have heard everything and reported it to Colm himself. She felt her eyes watering with fear, Colm noticing. "You were going to runaway from me," Colm hissed, taking a step towards her. Audrey shook her head quickly.

"N-n-no, I was going to get you the money!" She explained, stuttering as she began to become scared. Her hands began to shake as she held the gun. "I promise!"

"Don't you lie to me, you dirty bitch!" He roared, slapping her hard across the face. Audrey yelped in pain as the gun flew across the room, hitting the wall with a loud thud. She held the side of her face with a hand, the pain burning. She looked over at the gun, she needed it more than ever. "You're a scammer, just like your parents!" He boomed down at her. A tear ran down her cheek as she quickly looked away from the gun, hoping Colm didn't notice her looking at it. "I enjoyed hearing them scream in pain while torturing them. I was satisfied as I watched your home burn down," he hissed. Audrey began to sob, shaking her head. 

"Colm, please listen to me!" Audrey pleaded, looking up at him from where she had fallen down. "I am getting you the money, I've gotten a job in New York and-"

"Bullshit!" He shouted in her face. She winced in horror. Colm chuckled as her face was full of fear. While he was distracted by his own joy, Audrey managed to kick him hard in the knee. He grunted in pain as Audrey quickly crawled towards the gun. She was too slow however as she was met by Colm's boot connecting to the side of her ribs. She fell down on to the ground again, pain erupting from Colm's hard kick. She cried out in agony as he grabbed her by the hair, pulling her to her feet and dragging her to the wall. He lifted her with ease, his hands fastening around her neck tight. He lifted her up, not letting her feet touch the ground. "I said I'll get you one day," he hissed, recalling the night when he attacked her. Tears sprung to her eyes as she struggled to breath. Her legs kicked around, trying to find something to stand out while her hands wrapped tightly around his wrists. She was trying hard to dig her nails into his skin but his anger was so strong that the pain he was feeling was overpowered. "This is it."

𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐔𝐩 ✧ 𝐑𝐃𝐑𝟐Where stories live. Discover now