𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

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Audrey awoke the next morning, for a moment she forgot where she was until it all hit her. She was living with the Van Der Linde gang because Colm proved last night that he was looking high and low for her. It won't be long until he discovers she's here with his biggest enemy. She sat up, the sun blinding her as it met her eye level. She squinted, noticing Arthur sitting against a tree across the camp. Even though he told her he couldn't sleep he was fast asleep. She grinned remembering his kind offer but suddenly felt selfish for taking it. She should have put her foot down and told him that she would tough it out.

Audrey pulled herself out of Arthur's cot, brushing out her ruffled skirt before walking out of Arthur's canvas shelter. She was greeted by Dutch's tent to see the leader standing out the front of his tent with a cup of coffee. He smiled at her, realising she was looking at him.

"Sleep well, Miss?" He asked. Honestly, she did sleep well. She felt so safe with the gang and she felt like she could sleep without worrying about getting her throat slit by Colm just because he got bored of her. She nodded at him.

"It was nice," she answered along with her nod. Dutch raised his cup of coffee slightly at her.

"If you need some coffee you can go get some at the fire with the pot of stew," Dutch informed her. Audrey thanked him and walked away, leaving Dutch to drink his coffee in peace and quiet. As Audrey rounded the corner of Dutch's tent she found the camp fire Dutch was talking about. She approached the fire, scanning around for cups. She frowned, pouting slightly as she was clueless to where they were. 

"Here," An older voice of a woman spoke from behind her. Audrey spun around to meet an older woman with a scar on her face along with a streak of grey hair amongst her dark brown locks that were piled up on her head. Audrey accepted the cup she held out to her. "I'm Susan Grimshaw," The lady introduced herself. 

"Thank you, Miss Grimshaw," she thanked politely. She went to fill up her cup before she looked over at Arthur who was still asleep. Maybe she should take a cup over to him. She stood back up straight, turning back to the woman. "Do you think you could get me another one too?" Audrey asked. Susan chuckled but nodded. Audrey watched where the woman walked to, taking notes on where she could get the cups next time. She watched the woman approach a small brown box on a table beside Pearson's wagon, grabbing a copper steel cup that was rusting at the bottom. She joined Audrey, handing it to the woman. Audrey thanked her again, this time filling up the cups with hot coffee. She felt the eyes of Susan watching her. 

"I should let you know in order to stay here you must earn your keep," Susan informed. Audrey frowned, turning around to Susan with her hands full of coffee. "Everyone has to."

"Oh," Audrey muttered, shocked. No one had mentioned this to her. Was it even safe for her to leave the camp? "I wasn't aware."

"This ain't a free ticket ma'am," Susan chuckled. She placed her hands on her waist, looking at the pretty red head. "Even if it's washing the clothes or cleaning the tables," Susan gave her ideas. She could see Audrey was being honest. Audrey nodded at Susan, she knew she could do that. It's what she use to do at home back in Saint Denis. Susan smiled at her before turning away from Audrey and grabbing the pot from over the fire and taking it to Pearson's bench for him. Audrey hurried away towards Arthur, being careful not to spill any of the coffee. Before she knew it she was standing by Arthur's side, the outlaw still asleep.

"Arthur," she called out to him. He didn't stir. Audrey frowned, crouching beside him. She placed the cups away from them before placing a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "Arthur," she tapped his shoulder while saying his name a little louder. Once again he didn't stir. This time she grabbed his shoulder and shook it hard. "Arthur!" She said louder, this time the outlaw stirred. He looked at her with a surprised expression before it faded away like he remembered that she was staying here now. 

"What time is it?" He grunted as he reached for his hat beside him. He placed it on his head. Audrey turned to grab the cups of coffee.

"Morning," she answered, handing him a cup of coffee. 

"Very precise," he scoffed sarcastically. He took the cup from her hands, nodding at her in appreciation. "Thank you," he thanked her before raising it to his lips. 

"It's the least I could do," she muttered before taking a sip. The hot liquid met her lips, warming her and waking her up. "I thought you said you couldn't sleep," she licked her lips after taking a sip.

"Well if I was honest I wouldn't be able to convince you to take the damn bed," Arthur groaned with a smirk on his face. 

"So you chose to sleep in the dirt?" Audrey questioned in surprise. She had never slept in the dirt in her whole lifetime. She always had a bed, even Colm allowed her to sleep on the bed even if she hardly slept. Arthur laughed.

"I've done it before, Miss. It ain't an issue," Arthur informed, Audrey raised her eyebrows in shock. How could someone want to sleep in the dirt? Arthur shook his head as he saw her reaction. "Jesus, where exactly did you come from?"

"Saint Denis," Audrey answered truthfully. Arthur scratched his beard before raising the cup awkwardly to his lips.

"Jesus..." he muttered. Audrey gave his a scolding look and when he caught eye of that look he almost spat his coffee out.

"Is that a problem, Mister Morgan?" Audrey questioned. Arthur chuckled quietly, shaking his head.

"Not at all," she could her the sarcasm in his tone. She continued to frown. "So this must all be very different to your standards."

"I am very grateful for what I get in life, Arthur," Audrey snapped at him. "If you think I am a snob, I am not," Audrey informed before taking another sip from her coffee. 

"I can see that," Arthur agreed, motioning to the coffee she brought over for him. Audrey smiled slightly, touched by his appreciation. "I'm just sayin' this must be different to what you had."

"It is," Audrey answered, feeling bad for assuming he was making assumptions about her. She looked down at her coffee awkwardly. "It's different from living in a big house in a city. But I do love the beauty of the world. Have you been to Saint Denis before?" She asked.

"Not really," Arthur answered curtly. "You won't catch me in cities like that often, intoxicating the world with industrialism," Arthur muttered, he seemed angry. Audrey felt her lips tug into a frown, it was interesting seeing how passionate Arthur was about the world around them. She did agree with him even if she was a resident of Saint Denis. Saint Denis was one of the first big cities, cities would only expand over the country throughout the years and before everyone knows it there may be no more beauty in this world. 

"That's quiet a perspective," Audrey observed while giving him a single nod. His eyes lingered on her for a few moments, taking her in. 

"You and I, we are very different people to each other," Arthur muttered, looking away from her. Audrey frowned, confused about what he was meaning. "Someone as good as you shouldn't associate with men like me." He pushed himself to his feet after taking a final sip from his coffee, finishing the liquid. "That's why as soon as it's safe we will take you home," Arthur informed, his tone stern. Audrey felt a wave of sadness wash over her and a pain in her heart thump with his words. Audrey handed her cup to Arthur as he stretched out a hand, offering to take it from her. She watched as he walked away, her hands resting in her lap. 

𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐔𝐩 ✧ 𝐑𝐃𝐑𝟐Where stories live. Discover now