𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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┕ This chapter is long, I'm sorry if you don't like long chapters! I just had to include everything as I became inspired to write, so think of this as a gift for my lack of chapters lately! ♡ 


"Come on, let's go!" Dutch's voice rang out across the camp as evening fell over the camp. Audrey threw her hair off of her shoulder after finishing putting a necklace around her neck before heading towards the stagecoachs that were ready for them. She noticed Abigail, Karen, Mary-Beth, Molly and Tilly all waiting in beautiful gowns just like her. They all looked beautiful. She joined her friends, their chatting blocked out as she continued to look around. She saw Arthur, Dutch, Hosea and John gathered around all dressed nicely. Dutch finally broke from the group and held open a door to one which Abigail, Karen and Tilly piled up into. John and Hosea broke away from Arthur and climb up into the driver and passenger seats. "You get going, we won't be far behind," Dutch ordered John who held the reins. John nodded at the man before ordering the horses to move. The stage coach erupted with movement as the horses pulled the coach down the path. Dutch waved the remaining women to follow him before opening the door on the other coach. Audrey allowed Mary-Beth and Molly to climb in first before she followed, sitting beside Molly before the door was shut behind them. 

"Oh I'm so excited!" Mary-Beth jeered happily. Molly nodded in agreement, her red hair piled perfectly on top of her head with loose strands framing her face. "And to get to where this beautiful thing! I feel like a princess!" Mary-Beth continued to express herself as her hands rubbed on the material of the blue dress she wore with white frills and a white bow around her waist. 

"You ladies ready?" Arthur's voice called from outside as the stage coach shifted beneath the weight of Arthur and Dutch climbing into their seats. 

"Always!" Mary-Beth cheered, Audrey smiled at her. Mary-Beth's happiness had to be contagious. With that the coach leapt forward.

"Susan! Make sure everyone behaves themselves!" Dutch called out as the coach rolled down the path. Dutch chuckled before turning to Arthur.

"So this is what we do when we're on the run? We go to a dance?" Arthur joked with a scoff. Dutch chuckled, frowning at the man.

"It's for the women, son! We must keep everyone happy," Dutch raised an eyebrow as he lowered his voice. "Not to mention we'll be robbing folks blind," Arthur chuckled lightly, shaking his head.

"That doesn't surprise me, Dutch," Arthur chuckled.

"It's the perfect opportunity! Hosea and John headed in yesterday and saw a whole lot of wealthy folk lingering around the streets of Valentine, possibly staying in the Hotel across the road as they wait for the dance. So I'm thinking we pick pocket them and rob their rooms," Dutch schemed. 

"Is that the best idea? What if we get caught?" Arthur asked, frowning.

"It's a fifty-fifty chance, my boy. No one will suspect such fine women anyway," Dutch insisted, causing a sigh to irrupt from Arthur. "Everything will be fine. You got your gun, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Arthur began, his voice sounding irritated. "We ain't hurting no one though," Arthur warned. Arthur knew raising hell in Valentine would only cause trouble for the gang. 

"We ain't, it's just a precaution," Dutch ensured. Molly chuckled, shaking her head as the three women eavesdropped on their conversation.

"That's Dutch for ya," her strong accent scoffed. Mary-Beth and Audrey chuckled, catching Dutch's attention.

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