Mr.Brock~ pt 2

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Colby set me down in the car and buckled me up. He set a soft kiss on my lips then walked over to the drivers side. He got in and started the car, that's when I noticed how dark it was. I should probably text me mom so she doesn't get worried.

I opened my backpack and grabbed my phone quickly,

I'm staying the night at a friends I don't know when I'll be back. I love you 💕 see you tomorrow♥️♥️

Okay honey, love you too. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ BE SAFE!

Will do.

I felt a hand be placed on my thigh. "Who are you texting?" "My mom, so she doesn't get worried" "good idea" I placed my hand on his and interlocked our fingers.

He looked down at out hands then over at me and smiled. He put his focus back on the road. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. "Go to sleep babygirl. I know your tired" I yawned and let the darkness consume me.

I woke up to Colby picking me up, I groaned and cuddled into his chest. "Shh go back to sleep baby, we have school tomorrow." I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck.

After a few minutes I felt my self be placed on a soft surface. "Baby your going to have to help me so I can change you" I sat up and lifted my arms over my head. Colby pulled my shirt over my head.

He unclipped my bra and removed it from my body before slipping one of his own shirts over me. He helped me get my pants off, then started to leave the room.

"Stay with me?.......please?" He looked down at me and sighed, "Okay" Colby climbed into the bed with me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Only then did I realize that he was only in boxers.

I blushed and buried my face in his chest. I heard him chuckle as he pulled me flush against him. We tangled our legs together.

He moved one of his hands down from my waist to my thigh, making me squirm and cuddle closer to him. He placed a kiss to my head and soon enough we fell asleep in each other's arms.

*in the morning*

"Wake up baby, you have to get dressed" I groaned but sat up. Colby kissed my forehead then quickly left the room. I grabbed my backpack, thank God I always keep spare clothes in here.

I grabbed the hairbrush that was in my backpack and quickly brushed my hair. "Hey Colby is it okay if I use your toothbrush and toothpaste?" I asked sticking my head out of the bedroom.

He looked up from some papers he was filling out and smiled. "Yeah go ahead" I smiled back at him and quickly went to his bathroom to brush my teeth.

I walked back to where Colby was on the couch. "How much longer till we have to leave?" I asked noticing he had finished grading papers. "About 30 minutes, what do you wanna do?"

I sat on his lap, "Can we cuddle until school?" "Now that's something I don't mind" he hugged me to his chest. I lazily wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed and sucked where my shoulder meets my neck.

I moaned, "w-what are yo-you do-ing?" he kissed up my neck to my ear. "Making sure nobody touches what's mine" he bit down on my ear making me moan. Then hide my face in his neck to hide my blushing.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek, "you're adorable, you know that?" This only made me blush harder and hide further into his neck. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"Come on its tome to go now." I huffed out a breath, but still got off Colby's lap and put my shoes on, while grabbing my bag. Colby grabbed his briefcase and walked with me down to his car.

I got into the passenger seat and buckled up waiting for Colby to start driving. He grabbed my hand and I just looked out the window. The car ride to school was in a peaceful silence.

"I'll go in first and you go in a few minutes after me. We don't want people getting suspicious now do we?" He winked at me. I giggled and grabbed his tie. Crushing my lips against his.

He smirked into the kiss and pulled back. He grabbed his briefcase, "I'll see you last period okay?" I nodded. And with that he disappeared into the school.

                                    *last period*

I walked into Mr.Brocks classroom just on time. He looked over at me and winked. I blushed and took my seat in the back of the classroom.

Mr.Brock started handing out worksheets for everyone to do. I got out my pencil and stayed to work. After a few minutes my phone buzzed and I realized it was from Colby.

Koala bear🐨 (A/N: I'm sorry I had too😂):
I'm going to need you to stay after class for a little bit. That outfit is a little too.............revealing.

Oh dealing now Mr.Brock. I quite like my outfit though

Koala bear 🐨:
I'm I going to have to punish you little one?

Oh yes, I've been very bad

Koala bear🐨
Then I guess you better stay after class then baby😉

Maybe I will

Koala bear🐨:
Oh it's not an option

Then I will definitely be there

Koala bear🐨
Then talk soon m'lady

Word count: 941

SMUT NEXT CHAPTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Imma go to bed now hoes byyeeeeeeeee

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