Im Prego and you dont know pt.3

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"He falls asleep fast" I look at Colby and smile. "Yes, yes he does" I look out the window and hear him sigh. "Look, I-l'm sorry" "for what Colbs?" "Breaking up with you"

I look back over at him. "You don't have to apologize for not loving me anymore" "but that's the thing Y/N, I didn't stop loving you. I don't even know why I broke up with you"

I look unit his eyes. "I want to start over Y/N. Please. Will you go on a date with me this weekend?" I think for a moment.

"Sure. Text me the details" A smile forms on his face. "Thank you! See you soon! Bye" "bye Colbs"

~~~~~~~~~~~~Date Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Thank you for coming Dev" "of course I came, now let's get you dressed for this date"



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(With black lipstick)

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(With black lipstick)

"Thank you Dev" "It's really no problem Y/N, now go! Colby's here!" I take a deep breath and walk out side of the house.

I see Colby leaning on his car. He spots me and I see him look me up and down. Colby smiles and walks over to me.

He takes my hand and walked me back to the car. Colby opens the door for me. "M'lady" I giggle and get in.

He goes to the drivers side. "So? Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" "Hmmmmm nope" "ughhh you know I hate surprises" he looks at me in the corner of his eye.

"Trust me you'll love this one" "I'll trust you on this one" he smiles and intertwined his hand with mine. I look down at our hands and smile then look out the window.

The car pulls to a stop. "We're here" I look up and see the restaurant that we went to for our first date. I look back at Colby, "you remember?" "Of course I do"

I giant smile breaks out on my face. He get out of the car and comes and opens my door. Colby helps me out and grab a my hand, leading us inside the building.

Colby walks up to a person and starts talking. He stays quite so I can't hear him. The person nods and walks away. Colby grabs my hand and starts leading me down some halls and ups some stairs.

"Colby! Where are we going?" "You'll see!" He opens a door and it leads to a balcony. The balcony is lined with fairy lights, and candles. There's red and white rose petals leading to a table.

I turn to look at Colby, "this is beautiful" he smiles at me, "Come on the food's already on the table" he grabs my hand again and leads me to the table.

Colby pulls the chair out for me then goes to his.

~~~I don't know what to put here soooooo~~~

"Where are we going now Colby?" He just smiles and continues to drive. "Can you pleaseeeee tell meeee" "nope" "hmph fine" I cross my arms over my chest and Colby just chuckles.

He drives a little more before he stops the car. I look around trying to see where me are but I can't because it's too dark out. "Take off your shoes and tie this around your eyes"

I narrow my eyes at his but obligate. I can hear him get out of the car and come around to my side. I hear the door open beside me, "give me your hands." I hold my hands out.

I feel his hands tenderly wrap around mine, and pull me out of the car. He walked me a little further and I feel something soft unfolded my feet.

I feel Colby let go of my hands and come behind me. He whispers in my ear, "guess where we are" it clicks in my head.

A smile springs into my face. "We're at the beach, aren't we?" The bandana is pulled from my face and reveals the majestic ocean in front of me.

"Want to go swimming?" "But Colby, we don't have any swimming suits" "that's never stopped us before" he starts to take of his shirt, then his pants leaving him in boxers.

I laugh and take off my dress. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" I start running before I finish talking. "HEY THATS NOT FAIR!"

I stop running once I'm waist deep in the water. I feel Colby's arms wrap around my waist. I look up at him. "It's beautiful out tonight" he looks down at me and smiles, "it is, isn't it?"

"I have a question" "okay shoot" "Will you be my girlfriend?" I stare into his eyes. I turn around in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck. I stand on my toes and touch my forehead to his.

"Sure" he smiles. And I place my lips on his.


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