4: I'm his bad Tiger

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I groaned as I slammed my hand down on the off button.

"You little-" I screamed out but mum cut me off before I could finish.

"Watch you mouth young lady!" I rolled my eyes.

"YES MOTHER!" I yelled as I clambered out of bed and thunk down on the ground with my sheets. I kicked around to get the sheets thats tangled around my leg off.

"What's up Tess?" Julia slammed the door opened.

"Oh nothing, the fact that it's Monday then I'm feeling jolly good!" I said sarcastically as I walked into my bathroom.

"Wow I can totally see that you're so into Monday aren't you, just go get ready!" I rolled my eyes at her and closed the door before I took my clothes off and stand under the warm spray.


"Hurry up woman!" Julia screamed while banging on my door.

"YA YA! I'm nearly done!" I said as I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my mid section. I wiped the fog off the mirror and brushed my hair out and quickly brush my teeth. I blow dry my hair before I picked up the clothes on the floor and threw them in the hamper. I opened the door to see Julia texting someone. She snapped her head up and frowned at me.

"Took you long enough." she huffed and resumed to her texting. I walked into my closet and picked up a pair of boyfriend jeans and a band tshirt. I throw my clothes on and underwear and socks. I went into the bathroom and tied my hair up in a high ponytail. I did my makeup quickly and put the pretend glasses on my head. I sighed and walked out and pulled on my worn out converse. I slapped Julia's butt and she winced and turned around.

"Why, look at the nerd!" she teased

"Ha ha funny! Lets go!" I grabbed my bag off the hook and sprayed some perfume and ran downstairs to eat.

"I'm starving!" I cried and plonk down beside a sleepy Luke. Quickly I grab a plate and pile my plate up with some bacon and toast with salmon and cream cheese on it. I rubbed my hands together and licked my lips.

"Hmm....Yum! Can wait to dig into this AMAZEBALLS brekkie made by our amazing chef! Thanks Marie!" I said,
Marie chuckled and pat my back.

"No problem kid, knowing I made you guys happy with food, I'm happy as well!"

Marie is our amazing chef and she's also mum's best friend that's why she moved in with us. Man, I'm happy that she moved with us!

"Thanks, you know us too well!" I said and gave her a kiss to the cheek and walked out to my car.

I pressed on the honk and Luke and Julia rushed out and slid onto the leather seats. I pulled out of my driveway and drive to school, where everything happens for a reason right?

I sighed as I parked my car and quickly pulled my glasses down to the bridge of my nose. I stepped out and grabbed my bag and walked into school where everyone avoided me like a plague. I'm use to this and it's good that nobody had spotted me at the fight yet.

I shut my locker and zipped up my bag and head over to homeroom. Being avoided is sort of a good thing I guess, because then people don't actually know who I really am. Drifting in my own thoughts I start to think about the fight tonight that I will probably have. Suddenly I bumped into someone and fell straight on my butt. I groaned and stood up quickly dusting off my pants. My eyes trailed past the black converse, low hung light washed jeans and the tight black t-shirt.

Finally landing on the face of the person I bumped into I took a sharp intake of breath and take a few steps back.

Blake Haston, the badboy of North Bound High School. He held a smirk on his face and take a step towards me and I took several back. Soon my back hits against the lockers, I wasn't even scared of him at all. I've fought way bigger guy than him but I have to put on my best act to be seen as a 'nerd'. He leaned in close to me and whispered the one thing that I've been trying to keep!

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