3: I'm his bad Tiger

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"Everyone put your hands up for Tessa Guhtinh!" the announcer said as he dragged out my last name. I glanced at the mirror quickly before I stepped out into the spotlight and into the ring and smile and waved while everyone cheered for me.

Look at these people, they expect you to win this!

You have to win!

"Tessa you will be going against John Butch!" he said as he dragged out his last name like mine. A boy with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes stared back into my green ones and smirked.

I guess he inherited Alex's eyes but that's not the matter right now but how buff and tall he looks. He had to be at least 6'3 and boy was he buff! No one cheered for him while he came out and he frown instantly and I smirked.

"You're going down Guhtinh!" John practically spat in my face

"Well I guess you're just like your father! Spitting everywhere and talking about everything cockily and also might I say you do have huge muscles. Like your ego, oh boy just saying your ego and cockiness won't get you anywhere!" I sneered and the crowd erupted into roars of laughter and he turned red.

"Look whose talking, you call me cocky? Have you seen yourself? Pathetic!"

"Oh? Do you think I'm cocky?" I said into the crowd while spreading my arms out.

"NO!" the crowd roared again.

"See? Whose cockier?" I said still with my arms out

"JOHN!" the crowd roared louder than before

"You're going down Tessa!" he hissed through his gritted teeth

"Oh we'll see about that, but right now you better shut your mouth before anything nasty slips out from your mouth that you don't want your girlfriend to know!" I smirked and his jaw dropped to the ground. I looked over at Vicky to see her eyes narrowed at his boyfriend.

"Do you want to say something John?" Vicky's high pitched voice perked up

"Um... no?" he said while he laughed while he nervously scratched his neck.

"I will deal with you later but right now? You'll definitely lose to Tessa, seen her fought heaps! She's good, better than you actually! Good luck!" she snapped at him and walked off.

"BURN!" the crowd yelled while they laughed

"Alright! John, you've messed with the wrong girl man!" the announcer said while the crowd hollered in agreement.

"Not if I mess her up tonight then you'll see who's better." he spat again and I rolled my eyes and got into position.

"Game on, Butch!"

"Oh are we on last name terms now?"

"Well duh! Isn't that obvious?"

"Well I guess it's obvious, well get ready to lose Guhtinh!"

"Don't get too cocky, like I said it won't get you anywhere!"

"Oh you know you will lose kitten!"

"Don't call me names!" I demanded and I got back into my fighting stance ready to fight him. He does the same and the bell chimed signalling the start of round 1 lasting 10 minutes. I looked dead straight in his eyes and he glared back in mine and smirked.

"Oh you don't like being called names? Well too bad kitten, now come on I want to see if you can actually beat me." I quirked my eyebrows at him

"Well obviously you haven't seen me fight before then!" I said loud enough for the crowd to hear me and I chuckled and they joined in with me.

I'm his bad TigerWhere stories live. Discover now