Chapter 2: Werewolf Class!

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The class was stopped outside of the gym doors, waiting for the teacher to let them in. Travis and Aphmau stood in the back of the crowd to stay out of the teacher’s sight. The entire way there, Aphmau had been telling Travis everything he wanted to know about her.

“Homeschool, huh?” he asked.


“That sounds awesome!”

“Uh, not really. Then again, it kind of depends on how you go about it. I just honestly wanted to be alone and play my online games. I kind of regret doing that because I don’t really have any friends in real life.”

“Real life? What does that mean?”

“Well, I do have this one friend that I met online that I message now and then. We have been friends for a while and they’re really cool!”

“That’s cool. Glad you’re not totally alone.”

“What about you?”

“I have one friend that attends this school. He’s a sophomore and he’s really cool! He dated two girls at one time!”

“Wow. Uh, two girls? You think that’s cool? He sounds like a total player.”
“He is. I mean, I’m girl crazy, but I’m not that girl crazy. I don’t think I’d ever be that confident to approach one girl, let alone ask two on a date.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a lot of effort,” Aphmau jokes.

“For sure. So… When do you think they’re going to let us in?”

As if on cue, the teacher spoke. “Alright, class, it’s our turn to head into the gymnasium. You guys are free to mingle and get to know more about the school clubs and meet your upperclassmen until the bell rings.”

“Sir?” Nicole cut in.

“Yes, Ms. Von Ronsenburg?”

“Once the bell rings, do we head back to homeroom?”

“Ah! Great question. When the bell rings you all will be going to your last class of the day listed on your schedule. Then after that, congratulations! Your first day of high school will be over.”

“Really?” Aphmau quietly said to Travis.

“Wow, that went by fast,” he responded.
“Excuse me, sir, what about our other classes?” Aphmau hollered to the teacher.

“Tomorrow you meet in your homeroom first, then you’ll head to other classes from there, but, for now, into the gymnasium, you go! Don’t worry, the upperclassmen won’t bite. Come on!” He opened the doors to the gym and class filled in. Aphmau and Travis gave each other worried looks before walking in together. 

Once they were in the gym, the loud voices overwhelmed them. There was a large sign that read “Welcome Freshmen”. All the large gym were booths with different colored and themed banners.

“Wow, there are so many clubs,” Travis said. Aphmau let out a dramatic gasp when she saw a booth that interested her.

“They have an anime club!”

“Oh, you’re that kinda nerd huh?”
Travis teased, looking at the Anime Club booth. Aphmau made a giggle type noise.

“You really know how to flatter a girl, don’t ya?” she teased back. 

He laughed playfully. “I’m just joking! I like anime, too.” 

Aphmau smiled at him until a volleyball came hurtling through the crowd and hit Travis in the face, knocking him to the ground. Aphmau let out a concerned squeal and sat next to him. “Travis! Are you okay?” 

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