Chapter 14: Operation: Slumber Party!

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"And that's why you should always be sure to mark your territory," said the werewolf teacher. Right as he finished his lesson, the bell rang. "Alright, students! We'll pick up on this lesson next time. Be sure to leave your homework on my desk if you haven't already." He broke the window and climbed onto the shelf under it. "And have a great weekend," he said, climbing out of the window.

The class cleared out of the room, Aphmau and Aaron being last. Aaron stopped Aphmau to ask her a question.

"Uh... did you... do your homework... for today...?"

"What the? First thing you say to me in forever much? Why do you even care?" Kawaii~Chan came around the corner but hid when she saw the situation, watching closely.

"Just wondering. Uh... I might have wanted to copy it..."

"It's not my fault you didn't do you stupid homework!"

"Loser says what?" he said quickly and quietly.


Aaron laughed smugly at her as he walked away. She growled at him. How did he manage to always be such a jerk?

Seeing that Aaron had left, Kawaii~Chan walked over to Aphmau. "Excuse me, are you Aphmau?" she asked nervously.

"Huh? Oh, yes I am." Aphmau paused to examine her. "Hey! You're that Meif'wa girl in my homeroom. Uh, Kawaii~Chan, right?" Aphmau admired her pink hair and yellow eyes.

"Yup! That's me! Kawaii~Chan is really sorry to bother you but Kawaii~Chan was wondering... Is this invitation for Kawaii~Chan? She found it on her desk." She pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket.

"Wait, that was your desk? I meant to put it on Nicole's!"

"B-Kawaii~Chan just wanted to say th-thank you so much for inviting Kawaii~Chan to a slumber party! B-Kawaii~Chan has never ever been to one!"

"Really?" Aphmau said, feeling guilty.

"Really! Oh, this is so exciting! Kawaii~Chan didn't think that Aphmau~Chan noticed her. Kawaii~Chan doesn't really have many friends, so she's excited that someone invited her to something! What kind of sweets should Kawaii~Chan bring?"

"W-Well, Kawaii~Chan, that invite wasn't meant for... Um, you know what, I am a big fan of cake!"

"Really? That's Kawaii~Chan's specialty! What flavor of cake?"

"Um, red velvet is fine."

"Perfect! Kawaii~Chan will be there with a great friendship cake! See you tonight!" Kawaii~Chan walked away, talking to herself excitedly about how much fun she was going to have so much fun with making new friends.

"See you then!" Aphmau nervously laughed and sighed after Kawaii~Chan was out of hearing range. "Oh man, Katelyn is going kill me! That invite was meant for Nicole... Oh well. Maybe Kawaii~Chan will turn out to be a cool friend to have!" Aphmau checked her watch and panicked. "I gotta get home to set things up!"

Aphmau made her way home to get everything ready for her first ever sleepover. She was more than happy that her mom let her host one. It made her a bit nervous, though, since she had never had one before, let alone host one.

Later that night, Aphmau stood in her pajamas in the kitchen with Sylvanna. Sylvanna screamed with excitement.

"My mija's first sleepover! Oh, girl! I got tons of games that you and your girlfriends can-"

"Mom? I know this was your idea to let me have a sleepover, but remember this is my first sleepover."

"I know, I know! But there's this one song by Beyonce that's sure to-"

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