Chapter 3: Cat Fight!

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"Bye, Mom, I'm heading off to school," Aphmau yelled to her mom as she finished her breakfast.

"Alright, sweetheart! Take care!" 

Aphmau grabbed her backpack and left. Her mom always offered to take her to school, but Aphmau preferred to walk. She daydreamed about playing with FC when she got home. But about halfway through the neighborhood, the girl with the nasal voice from the day before was standing on the sidewalk in front of her, surrounded by two other girls.

"Well, if it isn't Ms. McDroolyPants!" she said, her voice sounding like she drank too much dairy.

"Me?" Aphmau replied.

"Who else would I be talking to? You're the only freshman who slobbered like a dog over Garroth yesterday at the club social!"

"You were watching me?"

"Of course! I don't like it when other girls get all over my man. I mean, I know it's hard because he's such a dreamboat after all."

"Are you dating him?" 

"Of course I am! He just doesn't know it yet."

"So, he's actually up for grabs is what you're saying?"

"Hey! Watch it, freshman!"

"No, no, no! I didn't mean it like that! I didn't-- no not at all! I was just implying that you were crazy!" Aphmau immediately regretted the words that came out of her mouth. She already knew this girl was going to beat her to a pulp.


"Oh, no! That came out wrong!"

"I don't like her tone, Ivy," one of her friends said. 

"I don't either," Ivy agreed. "Her voice is so high-pitched and squeaky! Plus, she looks like a short potato. I don't see how Garroth would be interested in her." All three of the girls started laughing. 

Aphmau thought hard for a comeback but only came up with, "But, potatoes are delicious..." 

Ivy growled in anger that the small girl in front of her had the guts to talk back. "What is with you? Listen up! If you think about getting close to Garroth Ro'Meave, you're in for a world of hurt! He's mine, so stay away!" Her voice wasn't as loud when she turned to talk to her friends. "Lily, Alex, let's go."

"Later loser!" one of the other girls called back. All three girls laughed as they left.

They were joking, right?

Aphmau became anxious about school, unlike how she felt earlier in the morning. The rest of her walk consisted of fear of what Ivy would do to her. The courtyard was crowded, per usual. 
Aphmau pushed her way through the crowd to her homeroom, ready to tell Travis everything that had happened. She sat in her seat and noticed Travis wasn't in his seat. She examined the room and realized he wasn't there at all. Who was she supposed to tell now? It hit her hard once she discerned it. FC.

hey... u there?

Yeah, I'm here. wats up?

Some girls just bullied me... I think?


They called me a short potato...

...Well, I've never seen what you look like so...
How do I know I haven't been talking to an actual potato
this whole time?

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